The Suicide support thread

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Well, I know it's optimistic and while I hate the over-optimistic hype I have been force-fed by others at times, the thing is: without sensible optimism there indeed is no point living. I hoped to have given you some hope and that is the difference between us that I have faith one can change and make a change, and you seem to not. Because it's all up to you, not the others.

Anecdotal evidence, of course but when you have years and years of experience you start valuing it no less than what you can read in books. Furthermore, dry statistics only scratch the surface. What you actually experienced you know throughout, it becomes a part of yourself. To not take it seriously just because it's anecdotal would be denial of reality. And I love reality, I love the truth, no matter how difficult and painful it would be, the last thing I'd do is to fool myself or someone else just to "spare" them. So in no way I was giving you my anecdotal evidence to infest you with some false hope, I was just merely pointing out that I don't know anyone at that age who would still be as lost and depressed as they were back then, and most of them were because I have always been around severely fucked up people. And I mean not 10 but perhaps more than 100 of people across several countries as I have been travelling a lot and staying in different cities around Europe. Not only the ratio of those who had commited suicide or died from other unnatural causes to those who got through it is huge, I can also assure that there haven't been any suicides among my mature friends whatsoever. I think researching the suicide statistics would help.. I bet there is a spike among teens and twenties, and then perhaps fifties as these are deemed to be the hardest times in human's life simply because of our biology and psychology. So my point was to show you that you are going through one of the most difficult times of your life and there is a big chance you will get through it as long as you don't give up on yourself.

What you said about introversion -- exactly, analysis makes human relationships difficult, I totally know what you mean and been having lots of trouble because of this. In fact in some regards I am still disadvantaged and struggle, but like you said, it's ingrained within and can't be changed. And I won't change it if I could. I just try to organize me and the world around me so that I can make the best out of it.

As about online dating, try OKCupid. It's free and there is this interesting matching algorithm, which might work and might not, but at least it narrows down your search considerably. The best part of it is you don't have to be too anxious in front of your computer, and you can choose to meet somebody only after you feel comfortable about the idea. I am not saying meeting a stranger will ever be stressless but you can surely get to know a person through online correspondence to a certain extent, and you may just as well be open about your own insecurities. If that scares them off, fuck them. If it doesn't then it should make you less worried about your anxious behaviour once you meet up.
i'm in so much pain running out out of pain pills and dealing with the pain of the car crash it makes me wanna kill myself
BTW, I never really used any of those prescription pills I have seen advised.

For social silliness I use alcohol.
For creativity and optimism I smoke weed.
For empathy and connecting I take MDMA.
For focus and stamina I use amphetamine.
For insights and understanding I take LSD.

Except speed and weed which I use alternately almost every day and been doing so for a decade, I only take the rest like a few times per year.

Oh, and of course music and film really had given me something nothing else could.
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It seems I was indeed wrong about the suicide rate. According to USA statistics it goes up from 15 to 55 steady, although the ratios are quite varied across last 10 years, so it perhaps reflects the socioeconomic reality more than anything. My friends must fit a certain profile I guess, but then you seem to could have fit that profile as much as I have gathered :)

I still believe in what I said, I think intelligent people get themselves through it, and they are less likely to do a straight emotional suicide had something gone terrible wrong later in the life.

Also, I found out that I come from a country which is #4 in suicide rates in the world.
intelligence has nothing to so with no committing suicide i've known 2 very smart people who've committed suicide and i'm very intelligent and i've tried to kill myself at least 5 times i think intelligence makes you see too much bad in life leading to seeing death as the only way out
Weird, intelligence has always been what kept me from suicidal tendencies and helped to transform my depressive nature into something worthwhile enough to stick around. Maybe I am not using the right word for what it is. Maybe it's just the fighting spirit :D
Intelligence has absolutely NOTHING to do w/ suicide @ least not in North America..I can speak for other countries and what not but the idea is silly. Suicide occurs when pain( not necessary physical either) overrides coping, maybe not best word choice but ya'll get my drift..

Anyhow, flower u feeling any better? Any permanent damage from the accident? U pm me anytime deary..

@66~ that's really good that ur able to take ur depression and turn it around. The world would be a happier place if we all could do that. I know when I'm depressed nothing/ noone is able to get me out of it. I just can't help it. .
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sconnie are you a woman cause if you aren't then calling me deary is a little weird but that you for the support and no the injurys are healing and the only thing that will be permanent is the neck and back pain which i already had it's just worse now

Shouldn't be much different across the countries, at least not within the limits of Western culture. I can't really argue with statistics, so apparently I was wrong with some of my assumptions, e.g. the suicide rate correlation with age, and perhaps the intelligence factor -- now, when I think of it again, I can clearly see how a pronounced intelligence can ultimately destroy an individual. However it's hard for me to imagine where would I been now with all my darkness if it wasn't for intelligence. It enabled me to reason myself into less destructive mental states and guided to acceptance of myself and the others, basically it is my only tool to re-program myself as I'm pretty immune from the outside help. But then again, one might argue that intelligence was what made me depressive in the first place..
i'm in so much pain running out out of pain pills and dealing with the pain of the car crash it makes me wanna kill myself
surely there's a pain management doctor you can see to get your meds? Even if it's a little early, you can probably find one to give you something like norco 10's or something
i'm on pain meds and on an other note sconnie is hot i haven't seen her but she's so nice and thats hot
i'm on pain meds and on an other note sconnie is hot i haven't seen her but she's so nice and thats hot
i haven't read the whole thread and excuse me if im being blunt but was your car accident that u mentioned a suicide attempt?
<3.. Aww ur so nice.

@66.. I can't argue stats eithr, nor would I want to..not trying to fight. Just saying I've known plenty of intelligent people who have taken their lives.. I agree with a lot of ur point, intelligence can make one go either way.. regardless..
I'm just glad ur feeling better.. :)
Sconnie IS me, I know ;-)
She doesn't think so, but the things I get to look at on a daily basis confirms this. A beautiful person inside and out.
Off topic, I know...sorry

You're all beautiful, though.
We all are.
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like 97% of the people i know mostly friends and some more than half of my family could give a shit less if i killed myself i wish i had good friends who gave a shit about me it seems like most the people on BL seem to like and care about me i wish people i know and meet IRL felt the same
Think about all of the good things to come in the future. Don't give up on yourself because of what you are going through. You are going through this for a reason, and you will be a stronger soul once all is said and done.
Just one of those days..
I'm just sick of this loneliness.
I'm disjointed and disconnected and lacking and I just don't know how much longer this can go on..
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