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?? ? THE SOCIAL CLUB v. Come Say Hi! ? ??

I was a minimum of a half ounce a week for 2 years. Teeth are pretty decent considering, had to force myself to avoid the energy drinks, but my ex loved them, so when I was with her it was bad. Drank a shit ton of coffee too.
Not interested in pointing any fingers, though rest assured, any and every one of these kid tested, once mother's removed phuckinlanges (count 'em ten), aren't afraid to set themselves, and indeed those in need of correction, so straight, so fast, if the mofos were sprinting in an ultramodern, fully digitized Olympics, may as well call 'em Jackie Jointer Curse-- I'll show myself out.
Well Im leaving you fuckers. Been a good ride but need to take care of myself and most days BL isnt my priority and makes me feel worse. Keep up the fight though guys. Ill be around.
Have a good day, and trust that in your absence, I shall take up and proudly carry that furry feline fire, showing one and all that if we fits, ya know damn well we gon sits.
Good to know. However, I meant Im demodding myself and kittycat in my name is actually an Italian greyhound. :p

Well, I still hope you have a good day, despite my ignorance of all this causing my sprinkles of levity to fall flat for Kitty cat :(
Good day Rexeh. Tell me something about the Netherlands. Anything is good but perhaps a lesser known fact.
Well... Perhaps that the Zeeland Western Scheldt estuarium is one of the biggest and most precious habitats for animals, plants and sealife, even is a protected WNF place in Northwestern Europe. :)

Will post some more when I have the time. :p

-- Peace o/
How is the trip so far, Mr. Mobius?

Not to mention, how do we handle office parties here? For departures? I still haven't found the fridge yet.
The fridge got vandalized after the pro bowl, Scrofula; they are also exited that Brady shall break the record for having broken the most records

Serioulsy, though net connection is iffy, though am trying to get enough for an update, and figure out how to make Burger King application; wait it is some type off application, who knows

Slow Mobious, speed up time so it is completed; in this reality you can that, right?
Scr- almost said it again, we don't want a disaster

Anyway he gave the cram to Jekly,(supposedly) who now is passed out somewhere, on morphine and laced crack cocaine, "working"
Was wondering where Jekyll went, is it at least a shady alleyway?

Sorry, bothers me. My vanity has nothing to do with my dope.
Do you keep your dope in your vanity? Maybe the sandy panty drawer?
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I gave my dope to the satyr in the magical world inside the wardrobe. Little bastard never came back, had to go on a nighttime infiltration, a shiny object almost compromised the mission, but I got my dope back, and have a goatman rug.