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?? ? THE SOCIAL CLUB v. Come Say Hi! ? ??

What's up Mr. Intermittent bringer of fluorinated cathinone news? Edit: and Meth Cat

We have a contentious social today. Everyone has suffered a minor slight: tweakers, junkies, benzo-proponents, the intricacies of subunits in the GABAA receptor, San Francisco, Brad Pitt, fast food franchisees, Utah and their liberal stance on child slavery, even the Lord herself.

And let's not forget Mr. Scootin', the one who so indelicately brought up the whole children-working-for-free and the utility of tethers. That happen to be made of iron chains. It conducts heat away from the reaction chamber better than elastic, and when it sizzles, you know you've been exposed to the HCl vapor.


tathra said:
GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain,

[pointless bad analogy]

Different benzo subunits are expressed in different parts of the brain, so a selective benzo will cause inhibition in different ways.

Except we don't have any real selective ones yet, except maybe the Z-drugs.
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Different benzo subunits are expressed in different parts of the brain, so a selective benzo will cause inhibition in different ways.

You're correct. I'm still all foggy from wd and cracked out, and haven't actively studied in this area for years. Itd be interesting to be able to use gaba agonists to do sonething like inhibit the temporal lobe alone to induce the kind of "oneness with the universe" effect you can get from meditation.
Honestly, it's kind of what you said already. I'm over-rebounding after over-rebounding from the last session, from fourteen hours sleep a day to four. But, at least that usually makes me happier.

Happier being very relative.

Anyway, I had a friend who absolutely did rohypnol recreationally. Seemed to be a pretty big fan. If he shared details of the high, I don't remember though. Ironic.

And can't they shut down brain lobes (or, mildly suppress) with special magnetic fields? TMA I think it's called. Can make you temporarily better at math, or be convinced there's someone standing behind you.

Oneness with the universe might be a go fund me for the TMA crew.
I am on 1p-LSD, it's very nice and gives me a warm feeling when mixed with Mephedrone (the real 4-MMC) from my druggie stash, anyone input on how long it lasts? (been tripping for over 4 hours now and don't expect it to get any less luckily :))

-- Peace o/
I posted this in what used to be called ADD but thought that OD would appreciate this article just as much. How the benzos affect the gut is very interesting to me so i did quite a bit of research and found this. It might be helpful for someone with IBS like me and noticed benzos have helped greatly!


Btw hello OD BLr's!
Well thank you. Lorne, what say you about dextofisopam?

I haven't heard you even mention cytokines or neuroimmunomodulatory differences between the benzos and how that helps when you have the shits.
Dentist troubles

When my dentist butchered my face trying to get my wisdom teeth out (novocaine only), the bastard had the nerve to prescribe Tyco #3.

He might as well have handed me a pack of Tic-tacs. If a coworker hadn't been one of those angelic "I don't like painkillers so i don't take them, here's 30 percocet," I would be doing time right now.

You're lucky mate...over here dentists don't prescribe ANY painkillers...just tell you to take 2 paracetamol when you get home.

I had 2 wisdom teeth out at once....one of which required slicing the gum open with a scalpal and drilling into the jaw bone because he couldn't get the tooth out due to the way it angled around the jaw...he pulled so hard that he literally crushed it and it smashed in his plyers...hence the cutting of the jaw and drilling into the bone so he could get purchase on what was left of the tooth...this was all with novacaine only.....and he didn't give any painkillers at all...

That's not uncommon here either....dentists over here just don't prescribe opiates for post dental work pain. I'm always staggered when I hear of people in the US being given a bottle of oxy's following a filling or extraction .
People over here also like their "oral surgeons", preferring full anesthesia for a cavity filling.

When I told people a regular dentist was going to pull my teeth, coworkers were horrified. Told me to go get gassed with a surgeon. Not being manly or defiant in the face of pain (that would come later), I said I didn't want to wake up with a boot print on my chest. If you're awake, maybe they won't tear you apart.

Well, I still agree with the novocaine, just not that bastard who fucked me over otherwise in additionally.

What was this thread about? Codeine. It doesn't work for anyone.
You're lucky mate...over here dentists don't prescribe ANY painkillers...just tell you to take 2 paracetamol when you get home.

I had 2 wisdom teeth out at once....one of which required slicing the gum open with a scalpal and drilling into the jaw bone because he couldn't get the tooth out due to the way it angled around the jaw...he pulled so hard that he literally crushed it and it smashed in his plyers...hence the cutting of the jaw and drilling into the bone so he could get purchase on what was left of the tooth...this was all with novacaine only.....and he didn't give any painkillers at all...

That's not uncommon here either....dentists over here just don't prescribe opiates for post dental work pain. I'm always staggered when I hear of people in the US being given a bottle of oxy's following a filling or extraction .

I had a similar experience. I had 4 impacted wisdom teeth removed with just Novocaine, and while I was prescribed hydro/Advil, I swallowed so much blood during the procedure that I couldn't eat or drink for two days... Which meant no pain medication of any kind. Dry socket soon followed.

What a lovely day for a pity party ;)
My dentist is going to rip me a new one when I finally go back, what with the meth and all. Not to mention the partially impacted wisdom teeth.
Right plus I'm on my phone so the two must've both been in my new post list, relatively close. Was a perfect storm I guess.
People over here also like their "oral surgeons", preferring full anesthesia for a cavity filling.

When I told people a regular dentist was going to pull my teeth, coworkers were horrified. Told me to go get gassed with a surgeon. Not being manly or defiant in the face of pain (that would come later), I said I didn't want to wake up with a boot print on my chest. If you're awake, maybe they won't tear you apart.

Well, I still agree with the novocaine, just not that bastard who fucked me over otherwise in additionally.

What was this thread about? Codeine. It doesn't work for anyone.

Yeah same, I had two wisdom teeth pulled with nothing but novocaine. he was gonna prescribe me T3s afterwards when but I asked for the ones without caffeine, I think he checked my medical history and saw my previous opiate abuse and ended up giving me naproxen...
Well thank you. Lorne, what say you about dextofisopam?

I haven't heard you even mention cytokines or neuroimmunomodulatory differences between the benzos and how that helps when you have the shits.

Mention cytokines now and again, though who pays attention?

And legally, am bound by a recent agreement to only discuss the ?classical? 1,4 or 1,5 benzodiazepines;

Turns out all my talk about Valium has gotten me into some trouble with some serious people...

Also, Jonah Hill?s agent has called, and threatened a cease and desist;

We gotta watch out man! Good news? Gov shutdown ends with temporary lift on child labour law as in the blue states; the purple states are still stuck in the vasoline, :)

A benzo that inhibits other benzos, and relaxes a heavy user while they convulse, and also fixes stomach problems

The next breakthrough in medicine- like Tylenol, only safe for the liver
I had all of my teeth pulled out by a Doctorandus Emeritus "oral surgeon" under full narcose, which involved strangely to say: Ketamine? WTF :/ I needed to get all of my teeth out because I was also heavy on meth + energy drinks all the way... :(

-- Peace o/
Those two do go hand in hand, don't they? I ingested more caffeine on meth than I ever have sober.
Those two do go hand in hand, don't they? I ingested more caffeine on meth than I ever have sober.

Indeed, now my teeth were already FUBAR since I was a young child because of Antibiotics which screwed up my teeth and that couple with a tray (24 pieces) of energy drink and all the Methamphetamine you could smoke... (I would have an eightball - 3.5 grams - a day on my heaviest binges but gradually got off the train after beginning to IV the shit, now I buy an eightball and it lasts me a month). I mostly IV my meth and now and then I will dose it orally by parachuting it in a folded up rizla rolling paper, nowadays an eightball lasts me a month. I will buy one every month and when it's all gone, wait until next month. :)

(Might IV a point - 0.1 gram - now seeing as it has already been 6 AM ROFL :D)

-- Peace o/