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?? ? THE SOCIAL CLUB v. Come Say Hi! ? ??

How on earth did she fit it up there?????

Cold Weapon Extraction. And yeah, I do recall hearing about that incident, but admittedly I never looked into it too deeply. Seems they're both off their nut, but even if Cormac was proven to be totally in the wrong, I can separate the individual from the art, to some extent.

Maybe he was frustrated over only finally pulling some major awards and recognition for The Road, which isn't bad when compared to many, but is by far his shittiest novel.
Huh, no significant difference between amphetamine snorting and meth snorting, in terms of abuse potential.

Surely that can't be, our precious schoolchildren smashing their medicine and shooting it up their nose like some common toothless tweaker with a stolen baby carriage running across the freeway under the light of a full moon. So he can mod the OD forum.

Clearly that peer-reviewed study is biased, and there is tremendous difference between the two drugs.

ETA: Oh, yes, I found it. You see, the children don't use amphetamines, they use dextroamphetamine, that's a whole different drug entirely.

(Except for the ones who get the racemic version, but they're a little too Catholic for our pre-Ivy here.)
Lmao, scrof you kill me man. Of course we all know good Christian children never abuse thier medication.
Well at least the dose equivalence studies were done on monkeys l; likely those same pissed off nicotine monkeys ��

IDK, Morphine and Heroin, administered via slow IV at equivalent doses, were apperantly indistinguishable; of course, they have likely have never slammed good, pure Diamorphine hcl at a Mickey D's
True, something about the McDonald's at the top of Haight in San Francisco, right before the park--that bathroom must maintain some invisible-to-me aura of welcoming to all in possession of needle and H. Perhaps the mud all over the floor and the barefoot woman on the floor quivering in front of the stall.

It makes no sense to me, because a gigantic park is literally across the street, one easy duck under a sprawling tree away from no one who would bother you any way.

But be careful Lorne, you spread the idea that most opioids feel exactly like every other opioid--most indistinguishable even to a seasoned junkie, we might start to think that about benzos too.
Wait, are you suggesting benzos are good for more than just sleep?

Man, recovering your energy after a multi-day meth binge is hard. The hunger won't go away.
Some in this forum would tell you there's a benzo for every ailment that could plague you.

As for post-meth hunger, I always found it's less hunger and more obsessive shoving everything vaguely organic in your mouth. Oh look, a nearly empty bag of very stale tortilla chips, only crumbs left, sounds good.

The energy will not come back. Even Jesus slept for three days before he came out. So I don't feel bad when I don't.

(He was awake without eating, having conversations with the devil, alone in the desert for forty straight days . . . . Sounds like a hell of a session.)
Wait, are you suggesting benzos are good for more than just sleep?

Man, recovering your energy after a multi-day meth binge is hard. The hunger won't go away.

I think the whole entire experience is the tits, the munchies don't have shit on the tweaker hungries
they've all felt basically the same to me. Theres not really enough different receptors that they work on to create more than a placebo difference. The opioid system has mu, kappa, delta, and also some effects on dopamine receptors, so different binding strengths to each one will give different effects to each one, plus stuff like morphine causing histamine reactions and such.
Wait, your telling me that plugging Loperamide is different than injecting dihydroheroin?

No way

And that park is being torn down-the citizens can't figure out who claims the Golden State Warriors, and with the Raiders gone, we have only the athletics...

And everyone is convinced that moneyball was a reality show, so that is not going very well...
they've all felt basically the same to me. Theres not really enough different receptors that they work on to create more than a placebo difference. The opioid system has mu, kappa, delta, and also some effects on dopamine receptors, so different binding strengths to each one will give different effects to each one, plus stuff like morphine causing histamine reactions and such.

Uh, sorry, try giving temazepam to an epileptic, or simply compare nordazepam(Tranxene is a prodrug for it, and nordazepam is primary metabolite of Valium and Librium, and a partial agonist) to the effects of clonazolam, or even flubromazolam...

Not to mention Rohynpnol and overall nitrobenzonweirdness

And the thienodiazepine, eitizolam, may possibly be more effective long term with less problems with tolerance

Thiugh yes, you can get likely stupified or passed by eating enough if most benzodiazepines (ok, done for now, sorry)
Some in this forum would tell you there's a benzo for every ailment that could plague you.

As for post-meth hunger, I always found it's less hunger and more obsessive shoving everything vaguely organic in your mouth. Oh look, a nearly empty bag of very stale tortilla chips, only crumbs left, sounds good.

The energy will not come back. Even Jesus slept for three days before he came out. So I don't feel bad when I don't.

(He was awake without eating, having conversations with the devil, alone in the desert for forty straight days . . . . Sounds like a hell of a session.)

I doubt any would make you less irreverent, or stop your random beatings of slave-children
Scrof man, you're not supposed to beat em. You're supposed to teach them organic chemistry and give them lab equipment, then lock the basement door and crack a window.
GABA is the primary inhibitory neurotransmitter of the brain, basically all you can get from activating it is more inhibition or less. There are a few subtypes in the system, so if one subtype is overstimulated then a benzo targeting just that would produce different results than one that activates all the subtypes, but that's something more situationally-specific (like with epileptics, as you mentioned).

I have heard that rohypnol can produce euphoria from a few people, but you've also got to keep in mind that all drugs affect everyone differently - shit, i dont even get euphoria from opiates myself.
^ He can't be reasoned with. In some states, there are child slave labor laws-it is only a ticket, still, keep the fuzz off you