• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

The SO Piercing Questions & Discussion Mega-Thread

Hell yeah ouchie, But for a minute of pain, it's looks great. If only I had a better pic of it. :\
A few years ago I had mine pierced in the middle. It ended up receding my gum line quite a bit and my dentist told me that if I didn't remove it then my teeth would eventually fall out. I tried to switch to a ring instead of a stud, but I didnt like the way it looked and felt so I finally took it out after a year or so. Now I have a little scar where it was, but I have a little goatee to cover it up.
I did a centered labret with a silver hoop.
Not the greatest pics:

biter! ;):D

it looks awesome!!! hopefully we wont get stuck together the next time... i mean, uhm, nevermind ;) *rawr* :D
nice, makes me want to get it done as well. i used to have a labret, but during a stay at the arrowhead medical center's psyche ward i was forced to remove all of my piercings and i've only been able to afford getting my lip and eyebrow repierced. and then my fucking eyebrow piercing got caught on a t-shirt i was taking off... fuck that. never getting an eyebrow piercing again. they're too dangerous.
MzFluffy said:
But in the real professional world facial/body piercings are looked down upon. I can understand why. I know it's not the most professional thing, but I thought it was a good thing to be an individual.

How exactly are you being an invidual by doing something that millions and millions of people do?

In reality, piercings give people the illusion of individuality.
I loooove piercings. and I have a *few* of my own. I think this thread will be moved, though.

and in response to some questions raised...
I tend to think that, seeing as how it's 2005, and body mods are kind of a part of life these days (or at least an increasingly common fad)... all the huss over piercings is outdated. but then, if you're going into the corporate world, expect more rigidity than if you're going to be a motorcycle painter. that's just part of the package, and you should already be aware of that when you go into it.

denying someone a job because they are gay would be discrimination, punishable by law based on numerous constitutional amendments, bills, policies, acts, what have yous and what have you nots. which is why gay people get jobs!! omg they're just people!!! being gay is not a removable decoration.
so if they outright deny you a job, it's probably NOT because you have your eyebrow pierced or whatever. if they wanted you they'd tell you to take it out. that's that.
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Regarding the difference between you and the gay guy, there is a huge fucking difference between a sexual preferance and a fashion statement. People will be offended by anything, somewhere someone will be offended by anything you can think of. Thing is, the guy may be gay, or black, or poor, but its a difference on the magnitude of oppression based on uncontrolable factors/preferences that don't change the equality of people. It may be fucking stupid that you can't get the job based on your piercings, but thats dress code not fuck rules. Same deal as casual fridays at offices I don't work at.
while you said that yourself and the gay gentleman who got the job both express individuality openly.

however, your place of employement has restricted piercings on its employeers and probably visible tatts as well. in this modern capitalist machine named US it is socially unacceptable for employees to express themselves by body modification.

its starting to become the norm at all occupations now, it seems
MzFluffy said:
If you were hiring someone to work for you. Would you let their piercings make a difference in your descision? If so why?
it would depend entirely on the nature of the business, the expectations of my customers, health and safety factors and numerous other variables...

what does a little piece of metal have to do with your personality?

seriously, what's more important: job or piercing?

I have a few piercings, used to have a lot more, the only one visible at the moment is my nose and my earring.

These have never affected job prospects, mostly because the jobs I've worked seem to realise that they can be removed during work-hours. I have no idea how it'll sit when I go get my first 'proper' job, but I'm guessing there won't be a problem.
i have piercings and i think its fucking retarded that people would discriminate against u just because u have a little metal going through a few extra holes.

to be honest with you, i would NEVER take out a piercing for a job..
In answer to your questions: Yes, I do have more than one piercing. I currently have my lip, anti-eyebrow, and vertical and horizontal nipple piercings. I used to have a five barbell star between my shoulder blades as well as my tongue. You might well guess that I'm very intrigued by body modifications. However, I find offense in calling ears, belly, tongue piercings trendy mods that don't count. Here you post complaining about workplaces basically stereotyping pierced individuals as unprofessional, but yet you stereotype people who've got those piercings as trendy sheep, eh?

It seems as though you need to stop being hypocritical before you start pointing fingers.

Anyhow, I think businesses are totally justified in not hiring someone based on piercings. They are businesses catering to their customers. So of course, if you are a fine, fancy restaurant whose customers frown upon piercings further than ear lobes...you are not going to hire someone with a lip ring waggling around her mouth. Just like, if you were to walk into Hot Topic wearing a business suit and carrying an attache case and request an application, it's not likely you'd be taken seriously.

Work is work. It's not mandated to be the fun place where you get to express yourself creatively in your appearance. And if you want that ability in your workplace, it's your responsibility to find a job that offers that freedom. I agree that it's frustrating, but if you're that creative, you'll find a way around the problem (and I don't mean by just donning a clear retainer in the piercing while you're at work). Plus, I think it's more fun to challenge people's preconceptions. They see you in full out business attire at the office and marvel at your work ethic and intelligence...so forth and so on. And then they're just blown away when you tell them who you are or what you do or how you dress outside of work.