• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

The SO Piercing Questions & Discussion Mega-Thread

anna! said:
It definitely isn't unquestionably accepted. It's rarely even performed in Australia - I haven't met a single circumcised man in whole life. And my opinions about circumcision are basically the same as this, and any other form of mutilation or invasion (except for vaccinations, but that's a whole other thread).

I have strong feelings on this issue also, I'm not circumcised and have never *met* anyone that has been in my group of friends.

I do believe piercings and circumcisions are a form of personal invasions, especially considering the extremely young age of the children.
My personal feelings on the subject are that until i know my child is mature enough to get her ears pierced she wouldn't. It is her choice and her body but i don't feel that six or seven is even old enough.
I got mine pierced after being talked into it by my mother for my sixth birthday. I remember not taking good care of them and getting an infected ear too.

However, the decision is not mine alone but my husbands as well and this is one of those few things we disagree on. He doesn't want our children wearing any jewelry at all until they are out of our house. Mr. Beaner despises makeup and jewelry and such on children and believes they should be wholesome kids . *sighs* This is probably why it was in our cards to have four sons. We'll never have a daughter and our sons (so far) have not even considered a piercing of any type. If they were though then they would have to wait until they were in their late teens at least. His beliefs about not piercing and adorning children at all are spiritual.

~~ on the off topic subject of circumcision none of my sons are. I have always told them that if they wanted to do it when they were older they could but when they were babies i wasn't going to risk their health and put them through the pain, nor was it my part of their body to decide what to do with. If it was a health risk then it would be my decision as their mother to decide the best treatment for them. But that was certainly not the case. I told them that if as an adult they felt they wanted to be cut they should feel more then free to. They looked at me pretty horrified that people would even do this to their babies.
if i have a daughter, i will have her ears pierced when she is about a year old. kinda like a birthday present. and i will waint her fingernails and toenails and i will put sparkley gloss on her lips and i will treat her like a little princess. if she grows up and hates it, then fine--- but at that point she'll be my little girl and i'll treat her like my little girl!

to each their own :)

why not just get a barbie?

i dress myself up plenty. i get highlights, i give myself manicures and pedicures, as well. but, i wouldn't do that to my kid. i don't think i would even paint my nails in the same my child was in. i can't imagine the noxious fumes of butyl acetate, toluene, ethyl acetate, toluenesulfonamide/formaldehyde resin (yummy!), and benzophenone benefitting a child (heh...had to check out a bottle of OPI).
if a parent is already messing with them that much...where do they parent draw the line? highlight a toddler's hair? pierce their eyebrows? chin implant? yeesh...don't forget to bind her feet (yes, i'm aware of the slippery slope fallacy). but didn't anyone watch "stage moms"?!
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oh yeah, i'll highlight my daughters hair... when she has enough.

and for the record, i dont see how the fumes of butyl acetate, toluene, ethyl acetate, toluenesulfonamide/formaldehyde resin and benzophenone can benefit ANYONE --- its two drops of polish! its not like you're BATHING your child in the stuff.

and, just like i do with myself, i would use organic products or products for sensitive skin.

what about those horribly tacky stick on earrings? ugh! and all of those cheapy plastic hair clips... how dare any mother put her child through that!

and this is off topic, but parents smoke around their children: how's cigarette smoke compared to nail polish? think about it...
Re: yikes

poopie said:
...where do they parent draw the line? highlight a toddler's hair? pierce their eyebrows? chin implant? yeesh...don't forget to bind her feet (yes, i'm aware of the slippery slope fallacy). but didn't anyone watch "stage moms"?!

Are you talking about that documentary of mums entering their five year olds into beauty pagents? making them wake up at 4am , caking them in makeup, teaching them how to batt their eyelashes at judges and be "ladies" and basically showing them that beauty has so much significance in their self worth? if so then yep. I think it's disgusting that parents do this :X
smoking around children is disgusting IMO, I don't even know how anyone can do that to their children.

but comparing cigarettes to nail polish is still in the same ball park - would you give a cigarette to a 1 year old?.... having a smoke would be just as "spiritual" for some as having a piercing would be...
I read it as being applying nail polish to the child.

giving a child a haircut is a health thing, thus it's the mothers PRIORITY to do what is best for her child in regards to health issues.

ear-piercing and nail-painting however isn't going to prevent harm to the child and thus serves no purpose other than the mother or fathers enjoyment. [re: get a barbie doll instead]
There is the child's enjoyment too...that's why you have play-makeup kits and stick on earrings and feather boas that they play dress-up with. I had play makeup when I was little, but they put different things in it, the nail polish is more like a non-toxic paint, the makeup washes off easily with soap and water when playtime is over, etc. It's one of those things where young girls often want to do things they see mom doing, and dressing up is just one other way to do that.
i think most little girls enjoy playing dress-up..and some little boys too.

but, i don't know if too many infants would enjoy it. for all those whose maternal (paternal) don't include knowledge of organic/sensitive-skin products, painting a babies nails might not be the best idea. 90% of the time babies are jamming something into their mouth...usually their fists.

and formaldehyde is a known carcinogen. so...if we all agree that smoking around your kids is wrong (ooh, especially those moms with the grocery-getters who the keep the windows up while carting around half the soccer team! ick!), then wouldn't something like nailpolish...not to mention nail polish remover be considered harmful? i wouldn't be cleaning my bathroom with comet and clorox clean-up if my baby was in there either.

here it is- isn't a parent's duties to take care of their child...do everything they can to benefit their child? playing dress-up fosters the imagination of a child. letting your 7 year old get his/her ears pierced fosters responsibilty in that child.

here's another question-

i realize a lot of posters said they wouldn't let their kid get their ears pierced until they were "old enough" (or whatever). well, what if your 10 year-old didn't want their ears pierced...they wanted their lip pierced. how would you respond to that? especially, if you're like me and have had your body pierced 9 or so times...

I say no on that one, because the chances of infection and resulting problems from infection are greater than ears. However, I would consider it if they were 16 or something along that age, and I knew they were responsible enough to properly take care of it.
poopie said:
i realize a lot of posters said they wouldn't let their kid get their ears pierced until they were "old enough" (or whatever). well, what if your 10 year-old didn't want their ears pierced...they wanted their lip pierced. how would you respond to that? especially, if you're like me and have had your body pierced 9 or so times...

Resounding 'no' from me, and not only because of the higher risk of infection. I just feel that it looks inappropriate. In the same way that I think earrings look tacky on a toddler, I think body piercings look tacky on pre-teens. I think those sorts of piercings should occur when they're adults. I wouldn't tattoo my child either, unless it was for tribal reasons. And I have been pierced 15 times, in various places (including my lip, twice).
Lip piercing

I was thinking about getting my lip pierced but I wanted some opinions on where to do it.... On the side, in the middle...

What do you think about the way they look? Is it better looking if it's in the middle or on the side?

Spill it! =D
I had mine done in the middle, so I could switch between a ring and a standard labret stud. I liked it.. kept it in for years. Eventually it will wear on your teeth & gums, though. It was probably the least painful of any work Ive had done.
def the middle, but i dont know if i would do it if i were you... you're fucking gorgeous as it is and it would suck if something bad happened
I used to want mine pierced in the middle, and my piercer suggested a vertical labret piercing with a hoop instead of a cureved barbell. That way you get the look of a centered lip piercing, without ruining your teeth (common side effect of a centered lip piercing).

so you're saying that with a labret piercing you are less likely to have teeth damage? or is it pretty much the same?
Depends on what type of jewelerly you use, and what you mouth stucture is like. You can buy fishtail labret studs, but they feel funny. A ring would cause less gum damage, but likely more tooth wear. Acrylic jewerely would help trememdously, but most of it looks increadibly stupid (IMHO).

Its just not a permanent piercing, unless you don't care about having gum reconstruction or tooth replacement done somewhere down the road (could be 10 years, but it happens).

Just use a good piercer, and make sure they place it right. A side ring will cause a little less of this problem. I like the symmetry of the ones in the middle though.

check out BME
ive had a center lip piercing for years and my dentist did not remark about any tooth wear, nor have i noticed any. the assistant only noticed because of the hole in my lip.

a labret piercing will cause more gum damage i'd imagine.