• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

The SO Piercing Questions & Discussion Mega-Thread

alasdairm said:
it would depend entirely on the nature of the business, the expectations of my customers, health and safety factors and numerous other variables...


my answer exactly. not getting a job because you have piercings is nothing against you, its based on the nature of the business.
A friend of mine has her labret pierced and she is a registered nurse. I thought for sure that her supervisors as professional healthcare workers would oppose, but from what I understand, she has never had an issue or any repercussions. I don’t think that the intense stigma concerning visible piercings is as present as it was only a few years ago. However, it’s really dependent on how lenient your superior is, the nature of a job, and where you are located in the world.

I also think it is completely ridiculous to refuse to remove your piercings for a job that prohibits them. Perhaps when you become the president of your own company, you can fully enforce that decision, yet as a subordinate it is part of your job duty to adhere to the required dress code. This should be a brainless internal debate, pay your bills or leave an extra hole in your face. This isn’t rocket surgery.
FuturePig said:
A friend of mine has her labret pierced and she is a registered nurse. I thought for sure that her supervisors as professional healthcare workers would oppose, but from what I understand, she has never had an issue or any repercussions. I don’t think that the intense stigma concerning visible piercings is as present as it was only a few years ago. However, it’s really dependent on how lenient your superior is, the nature of a job, and where you are located in the world.

I also think it is completely ridiculous to refuse to remove your piercings for a job that prohibits them. Perhaps when you become the president of your own company, you can fully enforce that decision, yet as a subordinate it is part of your job duty to adhere to the required dress code. This should be a brainless internal debate, pay your bills or leave an extra hole in your face. This isn’t rocket surgery.

isnt it rocket science???

i have to take out my tongue bar wqhenever i go anywhere near my works headoffice, and only reason i do that is to help in getting a transfer.... other than that it stays in for work :)
Zonee said:
isnt it rocket science???

No hun, you're thinking of brain science. 8(

I'm the RN future pig is referring to. If my boss had a problem with pierced lips, I wouldn't have gotten it, even though I wanted it so bad for a really long time. The prior job I had said "no way," but lucky for me they ended up shutting down, forcing me to find a new job. I love my job, and if I had to choose between a piece of steel in my lip or a job position that allows me to pay my mortgage and support 3 (or 4, depending on how you look at things) people, it would be hard, but I'd choose the job.
eh i have holes in my ears from back in the day that never closed so that kinda pisses me off. other than that theyre ok. lip piercings on girls are neat. as for the job thing it really depends, do you want to work at borders or be an insurance salesmen?
body jewelry question

Is there an easy way to determine what gauge my tongue piercing and labret post are? Besides taking them in somewhere? I want to order some new jewelry online, and I don't want to get the wrong size.
your tongue was probably pierced with a 12, labret with a 14. here's another measurement guide.
nose piercings

So I finally decided to get my nose pierced tomorrow, but I'm a pussy and am terrified of how much it's going to hurt. I was thinking of maybe taking something beforehand to reduce the pain but I'm not sure if what I have will help at all. If I took some Vicodin or maybe some ibuprofen, would that do anything? Or should I just stop being such a baby and let them pierce my nose drug-free?
Since your nose probably won't bleed all that much when you get it pierced, I'd say you might be fine to take some Ibuprofen or something.

But why would you want to get a piercing and not experience it sober?

I used to have 00 gauges in my lobes, and I never took anything to ease the pain. I have my tongue pierced, and I used to have a cartilage piercing in one ear, and I never, ever got a piercing or gauged my ears (which I always did myself) when I was fucked up.

The experience of being pierced itself is intoxicating enough.

No need for painkillers at all! nose is one of the least painful ones and the pain only lasts a second! Just make sure they use a needle and not a gun!
Yeah just get it done and deal with the pain. All my piercings have been added sans-pain relief and it's not bad.
It doesnt hurt really, just shocks you a bit. No more then an ear piercing, but i'd probably take the vicodin anyway.
Go drug free! The best thing about a piercing is the experience. If you're afraid, close your eyes..the pain will just hit you and then it's gone.

Digressing a little, what is the purpose of getting a tattoo whilst being hypnotized?!?!:X
Haha aw fuck, I just really like how it looks but I've heard so many stories about how much it hurts that I'm all freaked out now. I've only ever had my lobes and cartilage pierced and those were painless, but I thought nose was supposed to be one of the worst. I probably will end up going drug-free though so I can fully experience it. Thanks guys!
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Okay I just had it and people are crazy. It didn't hurt at all, probably less than my ear cartilage! Stupid youtube kids..
^yeah, my nose piercing was the least painful piercing i've ever had done...just made me a little light-headed.

did you get it pierced with a hoop? and what were the care instructions they gave you...it's best to just leave it alone (no saline solution or cleaning it with anything) and let it do it's own natural healing :)
No I just went with a stud 'cause I'm not sure if I would suit a hoop or not. I mentioned that I would like to eventually change it to a ring though so he said he'd fit me for that. The instructions were basically to use some kind of cleanser.. I think he recommended Spectra-Gel or something.. rinse the piercing, put the cleanser on, let it soak for about a minute, rinse it off, and dry. Do it twice everyday for the next month or two. He also said to do one of those sea salt soaks but they recommend that with every piercing and I never did it with my cartilage and I definitely didn't change my pillowcase every night and it turned out fine.

Do you really think it is better just to leave it? Last night, I cleaned it using regular soap and a Q-tip and the stud kept rising/the screw was moving up and down so much I thought it would fall out!