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The singles thread - Do what ya wanna do yeaahh

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vanth said:
You know mushi mushi, whoever you are, you're more likely to get a response if you say who you are or something. I mean all your post contains is that you are a Brisbane male (presumably) and starved for female attention.

+avatar pinch.

An' I only got 40%...

vanth said:
I saw a picture of your penis once
well that might be true
tho i might never have seeing you or your vag for that matter

btw if you do remember me and P ill take that as a compliment...
so your single uhn? ;)
Ninjadanslabretbar, I remember that.. your penis is pink? And I think you have long hair. Or something. Also you really shouldn't have passed up such a good opportunity to use the howyoudoin.gif

UnS, I only got 62% geek in that test, so I think its broken. I am at least 70% geek.
I got 59% which is impressive since I never used a computer from primary school through until I graduated university 10yr ago.

What pushed me up is using Shimbashi number and golden proportions ( gotta love aesthetics :D ) every day at work and the fact that I have played video games since Frogga...;)
OK I did that geek test and I am 31% geek lol... I didn't know very many of the questions on their....

Ok so I am 20 years old today, have olive skin brown hair and brown eyes!

I can't really get out much because I work full-time and study 4 night's a week, so don't really have anytime to go out clubbing and find myself a girl. Most of my free time is spent running around dropping shit off, studying and doing assignments.

I did a table up of my usual week with W in it for work, S in it for sleep and P in it for play, I did this for every hour of every day for a week and it came up with apx 5 hours a week of play which I usually read a book or smoke some green... So as you could see don't have any time really to go out and find myself a girl.

I'm not ugly, in fact I always get compliments on how attractive I am and how well I look after myself. Sometimes I think I give off a gay kind of feeling because I have been asked by way to many people if I am gay, I'm not ok just metro.....
Not gay? I bet you just need some encouragement. PM sent. See you in my dreams alfalfa boy.
57%, though it seems to be based more on geek-culture trivia rather than professional geekdom. I would have pwned it otherwise.

Mushi, I once tried to chase a girl with a similar schedule and attitude to yours. I lost interest because she never had time for me. If you're wondering why you're single, you answered your own question.
gher said:
57%, though it seems to be based more on geek-culture trivia rather than professional geekdom. I would have pwned it otherwise.
^TOTALLY agree. What a rip-off quiz. I want to make my own. :p
mushi mushi 88 said:
Is there any Brisbane girls in this forum? I have been single for about 15 months now and would really like to get to know some new people, if there is any girls out there who would like to do the same post on here or PM me.

Also I don't mind other chicks from anywhere else to PM me just to have a chat about anything...

haha thats awesome. Do you work in advertising or something?
I got about 1010101, but i still pick up, honest!

I just smile like i intend to do something wicked... which i do
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mushi mushi 88 said:
OK I did that geek test and I am 31% geek lol... I didn't know very many of the questions on their....

Ok so I am 20 years old today, have olive skin brown hair and brown eyes!

I can't really get out much because I work full-time and study 4 night's a week, so don't really have anytime to go out clubbing and find myself a girl. Most of my free time is spent running around dropping shit off, studying and doing assignments.

I did a table up of my usual week with W in it for work, S in it for sleep and P in it for play, I did this for every hour of every day for a week and it came up with apx 5 hours a week of play which I usually read a book or smoke some green... So as you could see don't have any time really to go out and find myself a girl.

I'm not ugly, in fact I always get compliments on how attractive I am and how well I look after myself. Sometimes I think I give off a gay kind of feeling because I have been asked by way to many people if I am gay, I'm not ok just metro.....

If you have so little spare time what do you want a gf for? You should probably look for someone who enjoys neglect.
Yeah I work in marketing/sales/customer service/purchasing/accounts...

Yeah the quiz is based mainly on facts so it wouldn't really be that good.
Bought a kick arse 2mp webcam today. I'm going to use it to chat up some hot bluelighters. ooooooohhh yeeeeaah.

I'll have to wait 6 weeks though :( , I don't have broadband yet.
Still single...although there is this cute girl in my History lecture whose number I got yesterday. Probably meeting for coffee Thursday! Weee!
IWillHostIt said:
Bought a kick arse 2mp webcam today. I'm going to use it to chat up some hot bluelighters. ooooooohhh yeeeeaah.

I'll have to wait 6 weeks though :( , I don't have broadband yet.

Awwwww... But I want to be chatted up NOW! :(
^ I was just helping out NickyJ in his a time of crisis, but sure, if you have a willing mouth, whatever
Now that this thread is nice an active again, an update. A while ago I met this girl at a party that I really liked but didn't manage to get her number before she left. I saw her on Anzac Day and remembered this time. I called her up and asked her out and quite plainly got rejected. And I feel great about it - not because she said no but because she didn't jerk me around and ignore me hoping I'd get the idea.
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