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The singles thread - Do what ya wanna do yeaahh

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Pillthrill said:
I don't like being single and lonely...

You'd better be careful with that sort of talk in here...Haven't you read the RSVP bashing?

What happen to the AJ?


*Slowly enters thread, music stops suddenly, looks around at misery*

Fucken high tails it out of here..........into the sunset
Busty St Clare said:
*Slowly enters thread, music stops suddenly, looks around at misery*

Fucken high tails it out of here..........into the sunset
Misery? I see no misery here

I find it telling that not only do all my single friends have more sex than my married ones, they also have better sex... and they party a lot more, meet more people, do more new things and generally have interesting lives

hmm... granted there is more restlessness and discontent among my single friends but also greater highs and more passion. I guess it depends if you measure the value of your life by having a connection, by stability and predictability or by hunger and having new experiences
Is Busty St Clare suggesting that he's no longer single?! :D

I wish I was having more sex than my married friends :\
me and my grrrl (the hotline chick) are gonna go sail away, down by the bay, eat some hay, something something about clay
From Belle De Jour's Facebook, is there anything she can't do?:

On Being a Slag, and this weekend...
10:34pm Friday, Apr 4
Hey, I'm not offended by what Jon wrote on my Wall. It's lovely that some people are quick to come to my defence, but it's nothing, really. Thing is, if you want to call me a slag I'll agree. I'm a slag. And I don't see the problem with it.

In fact everyone should be a slag! Why this shame about sex? It is what we're built to do. In fact, as regards this, I had a though last night before falling asleep:

It was Philip Larkin who that life is first boredom, then fear.

If you are at some point bored this weekend (if anything like me, around 3pm Sunday), take a moment to consider the things you're afraid of, and how that affects the sex life you have.

When you don't go up and talk to someone who catches your eye, because of fear of what the reaction would be... when you don't pick up the phone to talk to someone because you don't want to break "rules" about how many days between meeting someone and saying hello... when you stop yourself having sex with someone simply on the grounds of what other people might think, or because you're afraid of what someone in a hypothetical future might think about your "number"... why be frightened of attraction, of flirting, of sex?

Men: Every time you don't flirt, don't phone, you pave the road for those who do - and then, no doubt, you whinge later on about why girls don't fall for a "nice guy" like you.

Women: When you play games, play hard to get, you pave the way for all the nice guys out there to think twice about approaching you or calling.

Non-heteronormative individuals: just fucking CALL someone and do it already.

In short, it's an infinite feedback loop of people not getting what they want because they're too scared to ask for it.

And it's bollocks, you know it is. They don't hand out Olympic medals to people who only went down the ski jump once in their lives. They don't give awards to the ones who turned up in a load of expensive gear but didn't fancy getting it dirty. What, exactly, are you saving yourself for? Love? Love is love regardless of whether you've slept with one person or one thousand. Love, and I'm sure this is just what Paul wrote to the Corinthians, don't give a shit. So stop equating purity with ability to love and be loved. I'm not going to get to the end of my life and think 'If I could do it all over again, I'd sleep with fewer people.' And if I wouldn't, why should you?

If you're reading this and relate to what I'm describing, make this the weekend. Go to a bar. Chat someone up. Get a number, and call it. Or if you have called, see that person. Tell him you think he's sexy, and you know you are, and that's that. Take him to bed and do it right. If you're already in a relationship, take your partner's face in your hands and say 'I am going to fuck you until both of us can't walk, because you're mine, and I'm yours, and that's the way it is.' (Yes, BH, I'm talking to you.) Because the only thing between us and the yawning abyss is the warm, wet, willing bodies we meet on the way.

You know what they say - an awkward morning beats a boring night.
NickyJ said:
Is Busty St Clare suggesting that he's no longer single?! :D

I wish I was having more sex than my married friends :\

Rule # 1 of divorce law: No girlfriends

Rule #2: No girlfriends....:p
leftwing said:
me and my grrrl (the hotline chick) are gonna go sail away, down by the bay, eat some hay, something something about clay

Shooter McGavin: Just stay out of my way or you'll pay, listen to what I say.

Happy Gilmore: Hey, why don't I just go and eat some hay. I can lay by the bay, make things out of clay, I just may, what'd ya say?

Gold :D
Klue said:
Or you could always text "DATE" to 191322


I sms'd DATE to that number and they sent back 2nd April 2008

Fucking false advertising man ;)
NickyJ: After reading that blog post, I feel like going out tonight.
^ Go get em tiger! :D

Good for you, BSC! Keep it real, son! :D
Well I ended up going out on both Friday and Saturday nights and while I didn't pick up, I did meet a few interesting people who turned out to be friends of my friends. Not that I like the idea of going out to pick up - I just can't do it anymore.

Anyway, I haven't been in crisis mode since I moved back to Sydney, but one of my friends is going into it now.
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That blog post is awesome it makes me want to push my blow-up girlfriend against the wall and deflate her in the dirtiest possible way.
Any Brisbane Girls..

Is there any Brisbane girls in this forum? I have been single for about 15 months now and would really like to get to know some new people, if there is any girls out there who would like to do the same post on here or PM me.

Also I don't mind other chicks from anywhere else to PM me just to have a chat about anything...
You know mushi mushi, whoever you are, you're more likely to get a response if you say who you are or something. I mean all your post contains is that you are a Brisbane male (presumably) and starved for female attention.
Mushi, Vanth has a point.

But unlike that unhelpful emo, I will give you some advise.

Earth girls are easy. Especially in Brisbane. Just. Get. Out. There.

Have an interesting opening line... " Thank god it's winter in Brisbane... clear skies are perfect for star gazing", google 1 or 2 constellations and drag that sorry bitch onto the balcony of a club like the Empire or roof top, then spin some shit. Doesn't work? Lower your standards and try again.

If that doesn't work, try deoderant.... better yet schmooze the Myer perfume department, find nice girl who works there and spend 2 hrs trying on aftershave with her. Practice lines on her... it's her job to pretend to be interested. If she is impressed with how it smells on you, you might have a chance in the real world.

Computer screens only hide freaks.... most girls know that.
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