Site Feedback The server is too busy at the moment. Please try again later. - Mega/Merged

I just need to bitch, nothing personal to anyone, or BL, i am just so frustrated..not only am i getting this message 90 percent of the time, but the few times i do get on, and i type out a long reply and hit submit.....I GET BOOTED!
until the issue is resolved, i would suggest highlighting your post and copying what you wrote (alt-a then alt-c in windows) to avoid losing a message. hopefully this will be resolved shortly tho.
What does it mean when it says "Auto-Saving post" or whatever while you're typing then?

Could it be DDoS?
the auto saving has been around since the up grade a few months back. it is not related.
Don't be saying that with a bunch of paranoid druggys on here haha
I'm one of them lol it is is it?...ya right...but maybe.....nawww....i dunno man im freakin out here!
Relax!! Take some valium and chill man. The man isn't coming to get us. What use are we to the man? Were just a bunch of junkies...
Yeah, if law enforcement wanted to monitor the site they wouldnt make it more difficult to use/post.

I am still having this problem but only about 10% of the time now btw.
It went away for a while for me, hasn't happened all day, now in the past hour it won't fuck off...
note to everyone: this site is run completely by volunteers who get no compensation for the time and effort they put in. and many staff members have real life commitments that affect the amount of time they can spend dedicated to BL. so please be patient, the admins and engineers are working to resolve to this problem.

i understand that this it is frustrating to want to log on and be met with a server too busy error. but try to imagine it from our perspective... fixing the issue is not as simple as pushing a button. it needs to be investigated and then the troubleshooting/fixing can begin. the admins and engineers are trying to fit this unexpected workload into their already busy schedules.

please be patient. the issue is being worked on and we all want it resolved as much as you do.
I've noticed that I've been getting this message more and more frequently since last night. I spoke to a few other people and they've been experiencing the same problem. I will get that message several times in an hour, and the server will be "too busy" for several minutes at a time (maybe even longer?). I was wondering if this issue has been looked at yet. It appears to be getting worse.

Some people spend too much time on the site refreshing pages, etc.

Hi guys,

Thanks for being patient with us about this. I wouldn't be posting in here if we had nothing to report.

First of all, our engineer has been informed and has been assessing the situation over the last few days. I'm sure you'll understand that one cannot fix a problem if you haven't had time to understand and diagnose it.

Secondly, the talk about hacking, attacks, DEA snooping has to stop. Seriously. We're pretty sure we're not under attack.

Thirdly, we suspect this has more to do with our popularity (see, it's your fault). It isn't necessarily the time to go into detail about this, but the site is growing... quite a lot. And has been growing quite rapidly over the last 3-5 months. We may well share some figures at some point but, for now, please bear with us.

Our engineer has been working to give the site a little more breathing room, but a long-term solution may take... ummm.... a bit longer.