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I love the scientific method, but let´s say that currently science has get somehow perverted, bureocratized and dogmatized science to produce the actual scientificism

Let´s say that if you try to apply the real, dogma free scientific method in "forbidden" areas -lets say, paranormal, telepathy, spirits, psychedelics, chakras, subtle energies, etc- they tag you as nuts. You rapidly lose reputation and you get dry of founds. You can check the works of Rupert Sheldrake, as a good example.

Of course, all this areas are full of BS too, new age, scammers and what not, and you need to apply some discrimination to separate the BS from the real thing

Spirit attachment is as real as you can get. When you take a psych/disso, you get closer and more accesible to the subtle realms, for the positive and negative entities to interact with your subtler fields/energies

If you are in a weak, paranoid or unwise phase of your life, taking this drugs is like open a door to negative entities to parasite you. The opposite is also true. If you are grounded, strong and serene, psychs/dissos can work as a "portal" or technique to unlock positive feedback loops to gain clarity, vision, empathy, love, etc

So, in my book, OPs circunstances would require a grounding personal work and stop taking drugs for a while

I was going to come in here and mention grounding.

A book whose content I think should be more discussed on forums like this is the psychedelic experience by Timothy LEarty, Richard Alpert and Ralph Metzer.

They pave a way for a framework for the discussion of these kinds of experiences that the insights into reality, psychology, the human mind, religion and spirituality that go along with it.

Getting back on the topic of entities for example, I very much agree with the insights some of you have already expressed. One way to look at entities is to see them as aspects of yourself (or of Reality, since ultimately we are Reality) that lie outside your current identity and self understanding. Its also possible to see them as eternal to oneself in the same way you see your neighbor as external.

That is the point that should be understood, especially when you run into people who are skeptics of entities and try to push a materialist agenda or claim exclusive rights to what is "rational". They need to be gently reminded that your nextdoor neighbor is also an "entity".

Just because you see your next door neighbor when you knock on his door does not make him any more or less real than the entities you see when you smoke DMT (ei, knock on their door). In both cases the entity is seen/experienced in the province of the mind, in both cases the entity is formed from your own conscious awareness. It's up to you to decide how you want to define your reality, not some guy in a lab coat telling you what you're allowed to think or what you can consider real/unreal and what is off limits. The authority to define reality that was once given to religious authorities, priests, kings, noblemen etc has now been given over to scientists and so called experts. just like having this much power corrupted a lot bishops and church officials in the past, it has corrupted the arena of science today.

people naive believe in science

I agree that its beneficial , often times necessary to maintiain a connection with consensus reality. You need this in order to function in the world and trick people into thinking youre sane. This is what is often called grounding.

But beyond that, you are free to define your reality however you want to. Of course throwing off all the ways which society has conditioned you to think and see things is no simple task, so dont be surprised when you find yourself caught in your old psychological traps again and again.

In terms of religion, a lot of people who explore these nether regions of the human consciousnesss are calling themselves spiritual but not religious and that's fine, i its not necessary to bring religion into it. however in my case i found these kinds of experiences immensely helpful in understanding where religion was coming from in the sorts of things it was saying and the claims it was making. I fear that religion is terribly misunderstood in this day and age and i want to point out that many fo the great prophets and religion founders like the Buddha for example, had great insight into human consciousness and that is what they drew on in order to create their religions.

as religion is adapted for the masses, it tends to get dumbed down a bit or over simplified. Sometimes this is done out of necessity with the general public not being ready to understand the deeper spiritual truths and other times it is done with the intention of controlling people by keeping them ignorant obedient and in fear.

for example, this is why Christianity became so focused on sin, hell and the devil. by instillingfear into a society that was highly religious and obsessed with God and changing the focus away from a message of spiritual freedom, the religious authorities were able to gain great political influence and power.

However I want to point out that despite the abuses and misunderstandings about religion, there is actually a lot of spiritual knowledge and wisdom in it if you can understand what its saying. For example I recently have been learning kabbalah. A lot of the ideas discussed in this thread, the nature entities, grounding, how to work with energy and perform healing or acts of magick, was already known about it/is discussed in kabbalah.

studying kabbalah has helped me to better integrate some of my psychedelic experiences. The tree of life povides a map of human consciousness. Another good map is the 8 circuit model of consciousness by Tim Leary and Robert Anton Wilson.

But the real point I am getting at here is that this spiritual knowledge/understanding of the human condition and whats possible not possible/real which psychedelics can unveil is not something new but it is something that ancient people had varying degrees of awareness of and this knowedge was passed down through mythology, religious stories, parables and occult practices.

If you go around the world and speak with shaman/healers from different traditions who had no cross contact, they will invariably all have some sort of spiritual element to their ideas about health and sickness, in some cases what they have to say is remarkably similar. and of course this includes plato (see the alloeory of the cave) aristotle, socrates and many great poets, phisosophers, scientists like einstein etc.

our culture does not have a place for these ideas any more because we've bought into the materialist consumerist paradigm, but it still exists within our subconcious. That is part of why religion is so powerful and can actually make soemwhat inteliigent people believe things like the earth is only 6,000 year old. Its because deep down in their hearts, these people know something is lacking in the materialist reductiionist "scientiific" explanation of life and they sense their is truth in the religious myths. matarialism doesnt satisfy the soul's yearling. But mainstream religion also, struggles to satisfy the soul because it has become rigid and dogmatic, like an imposter church that looks nice on the outside but lacks the sword of real spiritual truth. So people grow up with twbpointd ogo opposing mainstream science vs mainstream religion. psychedelics can help to disengage this programming and show people how they have been mislead and lied to by society their whole life.

But its difficult and painful to see this and many would rather rather remain ignorant whether that means believing in scientism or some outdated religious idea.
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That is a false dichotomy: there is a materialist view at the foundation of science, but the reason for that is that as time goes by we can detect virtually anything that can interact with matter and in doing so detect absence of what is left that can't interact significantly / with any consequence.

It is not that science a priori closes its eyes for whatever is mysterious, it is instead critical of separating what this tells us it can mean or cannot mean.

Also it is not reasonable to think that magical forces can influence us or anything else if they spontaneously disappear when we test them. I don't see how believing that such forces choose to avoid detecting is anything but low-grade superstition.

Some things that are mysterious do evade our tests because they are not sophisticated enough, however we are aware of that grossly. So here it is true that magic cannot be separated from science that has yet to be refined. However I must reiterate: this does not mean that just anything is possible that appeals to your thoughts, some things become increasingly unlikely as our scientific experiments grant us acuity / accuracy.

What is usually misconceived, is that science pretends a LOT - sometimes conclusions overextend a bit but this is ignoring the value the method actually brings us.

Also it is indeed a method, whereas "alternative" beliefs are uncontrolled ideas: there is no proper method separating what ideas like the infamous "spaghetti monster" would be more or less valid than other theories. You need a method to actually test this, and actually if fair this does allow rooms for incredible things, but the poor ideas about it are separated from the bad ideas.

Many placebo/suggestion-like effects do show us that we are easy to be impressed but harder to be corrected, but the inverse of that cannot really be argued. If you come up with a phenomenon that science cannot (yet) explain then it will admit it cannot, as the method is basically meritocratic which makes it fair, which in turn makes it superior to adopting esoteric ideas AT RANDOM. The whole point is that you can't really argue that you use a decent method to choose what esoteric / alternative ideas you adopt.

The completion of the standard model actually does something that was not true before: it allows us to set limits on what we know the electromagnetic energies that comprise all, to do... closing the door on vague and esoteric ideas about things happening outside this model. Again: because we have started to realize quite well what can and cannot influence energy or these forces. This actually limits the possibilities of some of our ancient ideas about spirits etc.

For these reasons we should start out open minded about our initial conceptions, and then with due skepticism filter them using the scientific method. This does not mean we become closed-minded (this is a mistake I used to make as well), but rather we are realistic so that we can look at the credibility.

To throw you an example by the way: consciousness is something science has a hard time dealing with and whose implications remain intact, but a lot of unseen paranormal forces became precluded by the standard model. So spirituality can still be regarded as being related to altered state consciousness experiences in good accordance with science but the same cannot be said about any random idea about immortal spirits flying all over the place that exist independent of our consciousness[es].
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Yes man spiritual world is very real. The duality of good and evil. Psychedelics throw you into the spirit world.

The evil Will eventually be cast into the lake of fire and destroyed. So no worries , it's really trippy stuff.

lsd is magnificent, I picked up on people's vibes and energies when i was taking it 4 times a week , with doses higher then a conventional micro dose.

I eventually stopped because shit was getting to trippy , I was having micro realizations. I realized the impact of words , symbols , etc.

I'm quite interested in the part where you said your soul was being constructed , go further in depth.

anyways I only dabble with lsd because I'm protected by jesus christ the son of god who defeated this world and the flesh and gave us the opportunity of eternal life. Without him I'd fucking flip my lid from the spiritual world.

He is my anchor and basically my sheperd. I've been taught countless lessons through him , with and without psychedelics.

God is good :)
It is astounding how many people I've encountered in my life who took too much acid for too long without taking time to rationalize and integrate their Psychedelic experiences and ended up just converting to their own weird personal version of Christianity.
Super Weird.
It is astounding how many people I've encountered in my life who took too much acid for too long without taking time to rationalize and integrate their Psychedelic experiences and ended up just converting to their own weird personal version of Christianity.
Super Weird.

I was thinking exactly the same thing when I read your post ...
Im all in in spirituality but I give zero credit to all 4290 religions in this world. Zero. They are just control systems for the masses. I like tao and zen philosophies, thought, without subscribing everything they say ;)
I've got what might be an interesting take on this discussion of consensus reality vs. (an individual's) spirit-world or psychedelic experience.

Background: 60 year old male. I used a lot of LSD, PCP, MDMA, etc. in my teens, but have only used psilocybin 3-4 X a year since my 20s and semi-regular use of pot and booze.

I began intentionally inducing schizophrenia in myself about 35 years ago using spontaneous ritual (ie. total immersion in hours long repetitious tasks like stacking stones as if my life depended on it). Previous to that I was not schizophrenic (except the normal degree when psychedelicised.

A prime ingredient, I'm sure, was having rigorously followed the practices outlined in C. Castaneda's don Juan series of books (dangerously powerful, IMNSHO) since my early teens as well as Zen Satori.

I've certainly experienced verifiable external evidence (and still do) of manipulating consensus reality (sometimes on a vast scale, such as jumping from one multi-verse (proposed by Erwin Schrödinger in 1952) to another (where something, like the painting of the Mona Lisa or the invention or Velcro, that we take for granted in this one never happened), seeing and learning things that I would have had no previous access to (other than Jung's collective consciousness, perhaps) and meetings with beings (not hard tell the difference between these and self created characters) in lucid dreaming or non-drug altered (visionary) states.
I know quite a few 'normal' schizophrenics who suffer from the malady and I find they generally have either/both low intelligence or virtually no degree of healthy skepticism (scientific method, ie. 'What makes you think you are so important that the government is spending thousands of dollars a day to position guys way up in redwood trees with listening and recording devices just for you?'. Maybe another way of looking at it is they aren't 'grounded' LOL. Thank the godz they don't have the ability to create! That takes a lot of inner fortification, there are a lot of enlightened people tied up in madhouses.

I suppose because I don't have an 'organic' cause for schizophrenia I rarely had the paranoia or the 'messiah complex' issues that most schizophrenics suffer from, although I did/do enjoy some of the benefits of being able to manipulate reality without ego-tripping on it. I'm of the 'we're all chips of the same source' philosophy and I look forward to discussing this with you all over a cup of tea in The Flying Spagheti Monster's Bar and Grill at the end of the Universes.

Many shamans describe what they do as traveling to the spirit world where their experiences don't correlate to this world and can't be described with words. In my experience there is magic and power there and if a person is strong enough this can be brought back and used here. An example would be a shaman transporting a belief (ie. you have no cancer) he has created and empowered (from the spirit world) into the mind of a patient strongly enough that it sticks and becomes reality.

Time is just a perception that gives us the illusion that we are going somewhere
M8 what you are seeing is "real" if there is such thing, welcome to the god realms . the "evil Spirits" a lot of time its really just your "Primal Animal mind connected to flight/fight response, most psyche medicines, pretty much emulate the last few breathes of a living body, but extended periods of "time"/cell cycles etc. your animal mind is going woo woo woo im dying woah F*** im dying get a doctor, get me the F*** outa here.

Try n Communicate with the gods . self expression none of the "im a good person blah blah blah" . convert those words etc etc to vibe and upload it, in form of dance, moving your hand like a wand, a skyrim style chant or w/e .

In my experience it is much more easy to attract evil spirits than good ones. Perhaps it is dependent on the own karma (cumulative from current and previous existences).

I recently had 2 1/2 encounters with demons (in my view), which were not drug induced.

First one when I took a nap in the afternoon I was half asleep then I realized, that something entered my bed (my bed creaks a lot and I felt the additional weight). Moreover I heard weird breathing sounds, which were similar to those from gnomes/cobolds in Diablo 2. When I opened my eyes (or I thought I had opened them) I saw monochrome (dark brown) paintings of (stickman) children on my wall, that changed every 0.5 seconds. I don't remember what exactly was on them. They switched too fast for my comprehension. I guess it has been a warning or a threat (but I don't have children nore nephews/nieces, so that would not make sense).

Second one was an appearance of a sign, that only had the number 23 on it. It was shown in my shelf. I looked it up and in satanic doctrine it means "Skidoo!", which can be translated into "Leave before they make you leave". Again I don't know, whether it is a warning or a threat.

Third one was just, that I woke up to a loud bang and my bed creaking. All those happened in the last two weeks. I am somewhat afraid, that my ex girlfriend could have died and this is her spirit warning or haunting me. Did not contact her for a long time.

The first two have been pretty unique. I never had an encounter with a light entity, that unequivocally intended to help me. On drugs I only feel I'm surrounded by dark spirits sometimes but most of the time I don't experience any supernatural phenomenons. I am - if anything - into buddhism (sit rather regularly) and don't pay attention to entities. I am more interested in concepts. But I want to study more about demons, because those encounters were pretty interesting.
I could not find any hint for demonic signs on that site (did not search thoroughly), but thanks. Anyways I do not really give a fuck about those demonic spirits, if they are vicious. If they really existed, they would have delivered their message clearly and not create some half-assed riddles. If they want to play, I am not the right person to try that with.
I have kinda noticed the people ive met/know that have had contact with bad entities etc, are people who believe it without realistic questioning, and they are usually at an unstable stage in life.

The only times ive dealt with evil/ evil entities ive noticed massive correlations between their messages and negatives that have happened in my life whether they were my fault or not.

I dont know what i believe about this though, because i do art and the shapes and images i have seen on DMT are not of this earth, they arent shapes a human can comprehend or recreate. Like yes its happening in your brain. But im talking shapes so complex and foreign i think you could spend 40 years trying to recreate the shapes in your own art and you couldnt.
I have had entites actually show me shapes and things which makes me question if they arent me. But i can say without a doubt. The things these entities have showed me are not anything i have ever seen or even came close to comprehending.
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I've been having extremely spiritual experiences lately that point strongly to the presence of God and his adversaries. The micro realizations, the points lining up. It's like i've developed a sixth sense of a parallel dimension that facilitates an advanced understanding of reality which leads to a very strong sense of increased hope and ambition. I have spirituality for the first time in my life and it's bringing me such great therapeutic effects. Seems to be restoring hope to great extents for someone who has been completely hopeless for so long. Mainly been using DXE, 3-meo-pcp, LSD, and 4-aco-dmt.

I'm not sure about the long term physical effects this is going to have, but it seems much more productive to have a sense of God in my life than to be utterly opposed of the idea at all. It just provides a much more fulfilling membership in society.
^ I suggest you spend a little time writing down some of the things you are experiencing for yourself if you aren't already. Articulating that which seems inexpressible is an important exercise if you ask me. The awakening of spiritual contact can be both wonderful and very challenging time for many. There is a tendency for a part of us to reject it strongly after it happens. In my case, for example, I became deeply depressed and eventually tried to convince myself it was mental illness I had experienced. A couple years of unsuccessful treatment convinced me otherwise. None of that has to apply to you, but just sharing my experience.

The stuff I wrote during that time helped me not to forget, not explain it away, keep working on myself and inviting that awareness into my life. Enjoy the journey man!
Interesting you point that out because one thing that I've learned it to write down EVERYTHING. I've got notepads everywhere now, and I realize that I have to write all my thoughts down purely for the fact that I forget almost everything in the first place. Schizophrenia runs in my family, but to me it's not schizophrenia if I'm able to pick apart the positive and negative influences without acting on impulse. Seems like mental illness are just misunderstood aspects of the brain which in my case could possibly be very useful. It's very hard to talk about these things with anybody though, the response typically involves a very minimal capacity of understanding followed by surface opposition.

It's frustrating, but at the same time I realize it's not something many people will understand right away. Anyway, I've waxed and waned in and out of extreme depression my whole life and typically turned to heroin, meth, and other such substances. Really proud to say that for once in my life, these entheogenic substances have seriously turned me around.

I feel like these substances are the pinnacle of modern human technology at the moment and need to be considered much more seriously in medical and social settings. I view drugs as technology, as tools, they all have very specific uses that can be have more powerful therapeutic effects than any other form of intervention I've encountered.
I've certainly experienced verifiable external evidence

Those are some bold claims, what is this evidence you speak of? I'm quite curious. :)

And how exactly do you suppose you know an entity is not what you call a self-created character?

First one when I took a nap in the afternoon I was half asleep then I realized, that something entered my bed (my bed creaks a lot and I felt the additional weight). Moreover I heard weird breathing sounds, which were similar to those from gnomes/cobolds in Diablo 2. When I opened my eyes (or I thought I had opened them) I saw monochrome (dark brown) paintings of (stickman) children on my wall, that changed every 0.5 seconds. I don't remember what exactly was on them. They switched too fast for my comprehension. I guess it has been a warning or a threat (but I don't have children nore nephews/nieces, so that would not make sense).

Hypnogogic and hypnopompic hallucinations are relatively common and are among many possible (very weird) phenomena that can occur when one is partially in a dream-mode and partially awake. Some of the phenomena have typical correlates / content such as sleep paralysis commonly involving an encounter with a succubus / incubus.
I don't know why that is, but I think there is too much about such hallucinations that can be led back to neurology and psychology to get carried away.

I appreciate beliefs being diverse, that's absolutely fine. What I resent a bit though (not @ you ziirp) is the apparent notion that being skeptical means you are a soulless reductionist person and that this should have to affect experience of personal spirituality. I strongly agree with Hexagon Sun in that I give religion very little credit apart for perhaps support and moral guidance - but I say nothing good about the 'revelations', about people who think some things are taboo or wrong because it is written and casually take away liberties of other people with their dogma.
But taoism and non-orthodox zen practice are beautiful, and in trips experiencing my most native sense of self, unbridled, has been very valuable to me.

I applaud if people find sense of meaning or purpose in spirituality, but I want to warn that it is a mistake to think that this necessarily has to come with beliefs in supernatural things. Apparently for a lot of people it is too abstract to take away the supernatural and still be left with a sense of spirituality in your perspective of the world and self.

Sure, sometimes things happen to me that I find highly curious - but I'm convinced that once you start being sensitive to interpreting and accrediting unusual experiences like strange coincidences, associations, seeing something in your imagination / mind's eye etc... it is easy for your mind to keep messing with you. And you have no idea how suggestible people can be if you stay open to interpretation of anything extraordinary. I have no issues stopping such thought dead in its tracks when all it does is stimulate my imagination. Does that mean I am not a spiritual person? You believe I am blind?

I've experienced wild enough things like DMT elves and being cradled with 'cosmic' consolation when my beloved niece died. I treasure that experience. But it would be mistake that out of pure impression and appreciation I would claim that it must have been entities that exist independently of me, why because it was important or because we are totally used to 2 parties being involved with consolation? I actually think the open-minded perspective is to consider that in fact there can be a schism in the mind that lets it interact with itself in profound ways. It interacts with itself in less profound ways all the time.

Also: pretty sure this belongs in the P&S forum - this hardly has to do with psychedelics at this point. Entity contact and specifically in religious context is not exclusive to tripping.
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Just another twist on... who are we or are becoming. Why are we here... Do we all really share the same reality... There ae so many layers to being/becoming a multidimensional human..

Greetings Dear Ones, I wish to assist the collective consciousness in breaking down belief systems most of Humanity has put in place. You are all integrating much light within your Being. However, the purging or release process is still ongoing as there can be no dense energies to anchor in your higher selves. The information that I will provide may rock the foundations of what your think you know and what is Truth about the Mind and Heart. The realm of illusion has shrouded much of the truth of The Ascension of Humanity and it’s in depth evolutionary process. This includes what some call, the “Universal Mind”. Let us delve into the differences of The Universal Mind and the Universal Heart as well as Your Mission on Planet Gaia=Heart.

Keep in your Hearts, there are no Belief Systems in Heaven. These beliefs that you hold on to, hinders your spiritual growth and must be released. The realm of illusion is the realm of the mind. This was not the original state of Being within 3D frequencies nor the blueprint for Humanity. Gaia is a planet where Love would Mirror Love. This means Humanity was originally a Heart based race. A race that felt, experienced and gained knowledge and wisdom through various experiences. There was no mind as it never existed in all of Creation. Now, you maybe asking yourselves, “What Happened to Humanity? How can there be no mind?”

During the Downfall of Atlantis, Malevolent entities came to the Planet and convinced Humanity that they were their gods. Humanity was at a primitive state, and had little understanding of The Planet, the Universe and God. These entities collaborated with The Atlanteans, to subjugate and imprison the Planet and Humanity. They needed a food source of energy since they decided to disconnect from Source, The Holy Spirit, Mother of All Creation. (Our Mother is Source and Provides for All.) Since they cut themselves from Prime Creator, they needed an energy source to sustain themselves. Humanity was chosen as their primary source of energy. The wars, media, religion, fear mongering, mind control, draining of Gaia’s resources and so much more are proponents of their doing to drain energy from Humanity and the Planet.

Evolution occurs all throughout Creation. Humanity is no exception. These malevolent entities knew this truth, and devised a way to prevent and stop the evolutionary process of Humanity. This is where the Mind=Ego was born. The mind originated in Atlantis, which is a reflection of the Atlanteans themselves. To further create separation, they disconnected the right and left brain function from Humanity (This connection is restored as you dissolve the ego and anchor in more light, such is the magic and miracle of Creation). This in turn, would disconnect Humanity from Source. In addition, they overthrew the Feminine from their place of power and so began The Patriarchal Age.

The mind was created as a food source of energy through Humanity’s negative thoughts. Everything is energy, even thoughts. These Beings also implemented various negative thoughts for Humanity to play out throughout their lifetimes.

The old controllers created a fantasy about the mind and convinced Humanity that they are a race based on thoughts. YOU are NOT your Thoughts. You are ALL HEART. An intuitive race of FEELING. The mind rationalizes, thinks, reasons and creates machinations of past and future events to keep you away from The Present Moment of NOW. It is the Present Moment of NOW that your connection with GOD and all your Brothers and Sisters from Stars and Inner Earth exist. The access point is within your HEART.

Here are the Traits of those functioning within The Universal Mind:

Intimidator: Steals Energy From Others Using Threat

Interrogator: Steals Energy By Judging and Questioning

Aloofness: Steals Energy By Playing Coy

Poor Me Consciousness: Steals Energy By Making Other Feel Responsible and Guilty for Taking Care of Them

Many of the Lightworkers will be conflict with this information, since the old controllers made the Mind a needed part of Humanity’s existence. This is A Grand Illusion. If the mind is so grand, then I ask you to take a look at the current state of the planet… the masculine… and the feminine… Look into the state of societies, cultures, governments and religions throughout Human HIStory. It is after all, based mostly on HIS-STORY. As long as you are choosing to be in the mind, you will ALWAYS Be Food Source for the Old Controllers. Giving your Power away…

In all of Creation, We are All connected to All That Is… Source, Prime Creator, Mother of All Creation… for We Are All ONE. We are all connected with Our Hearts and The Universal Heart. We Feel… We Know… We LOVE… WE ARE YOU. Your Brother and Sisters in the Upper Dimensions share in your experiences. It is through the Heart that they communicate with you. Also your Divine Gifts and Abilities are accessed. You gain access to the Universal Heart, which is Infinite Knowledge and Wisdom beyond the comprehension of the mind. It is the Heart you Feel, Experience and gain knowledge which turns to wisdom within 3D and beyond. Therefore, the mind lacks wisdom and knowledge as it can never go beyond 4th dimensional frequencies and knowledge.

The old controllers tried many methods to mimic Source as they are always in need of energy to exist. They knew of The Universal Heart and wanted to create something similar. This is where the Universal Mind was born. The Universal Mind is based on the power of thought from the mind. While there is power in thought, it is NOTHING compared to the Power of the Heart. The Heart is God, which the mind can never obtain. The Universal Mind was created to steal and take energy from anyone connected to it. Those that are connected to this construct would eventually develop robotic like patterns, behavior and thinking. It assimilates within the Being and continue the 3D way of existing, thinking that they are spiritual. Similar to the ways of Humanity’s religions, which We All Know how that turns out.

Many of you have gone through intense transformations. Many wonder what energies are you transforming that the experiences are so intense. This is the process of the dissolvement of the Mind=Ego… All the conditionings you acquired throughout this lifetime and many others. Yet, there are those who still choose to hold on to the mind and make their experiences even more painful. Surrender, Embrace, Transform and Let Go Dear Ones… You can choose the easy way or the hard way. As the Energies Intensify, it will put increase pressure on the ego mind. The mind can not function in these energies. It was never meant to. The more you release, the more Light you can anchor and resonate within 5D frequencies and beyond. The more light you anchor in, the grander the experience. This journey is about Feeling, not Thinking. Those thinking or promoting the mind (this includes channelers as many do not follow or practice the knowledge given to them), simply do not understand the journey and process of Ascension as they are choosing not to Feel into their own dense energies. Those of you who are experiencing the change, know it comes within and all the transformation work that goes along with it. No one can do this work for you. It is choice.

In order to Sever this connection to the Universal Mind, do the Following;

Envision a Golden Rainbow Sword,

Set forth your intention and power,

Call Out your Angels,

Say: “I Cut All Energetic Cords with the Universal Mind”

Envision cutting those cords,

Bring back all your energies within your Heart.

True Spirituality requires no belief system and certainly NO mind. It is who You Are. It is Being within the Heart… Being Unconditional LOVE. You acknowledge that all is within you and feel God=LOVE… Not think your God. The mind wants to be greater than the Heart. Even the old controllers thought this in their absolute ignorance and arrogance. This is impossible. Creation cannot be controlled. The Mind can never Be Love, let alone comprehend it. LOVE is Here! Mother, The Holy Spirit is Here in the Physical and has made Her commands to the atoms for “Right Action”. Get into Alignment. Your on Mission. Whatever does not Serve Life for the Greater Good of ALL must Dissolve, which includes the Program Ego Mind. There are NO more energies to support the Old Paradigm, say for what Humanity is choosing to support. The Heart is frequency specific to resonate within The Kingdom of Heaven. All that is not frequency specific with the Kingdom of Heaven cannot Exist. As it is Above, so Below…

We Are All One and The Same… Connected with All. Unique like the snowflakes in winter, yet equal in existence and power. You are a Spiritual Being of LOVE, having a Human Experience, on mission to transform all of the darkness and end duality forever. To Bring Unity to the Multi-verse. That is the mission at hand. That is the Divine Plan. This about the Planet, the Universe and All of Creation. Humanity is simply along for the ride, if they so choose... Be Grateful and Honored to be of Service here in these moments, for an untold number of Love Beings wished to be part of what is unfolding.

Dear Ones… I leave you with these words…

“CHOOSE! Choose the Heart or the Mind… LOVE or FEAR… Only ONE May Enter the Kingdom of Heaven. To Choose LOVE, is to choose to embrace the Holy Spirit, Our Mother. To Choose FEAR, is to Deny Her, which is the same as Denying YOURSELVES, as you are Mirrors of Mother & Father of All Creation.”

Choose Wisely Dear Ones…

I AM Archangel Michael and I AM amongst You. Always of Service to The Universe, to Creation, to LOVE, to Our Mother & Father of All Creation. Love Fearlessly, and Always Unconditionally…

Your Loving Brother,

Archangel Michael
