The productions thread - Part III!

when google mutes copyrighted vocals =/ damn let me get my shine on faaawk! dig the piano composition, felt like mozart for a min puffin on a fat cone. yo, how ill would it be if mozart had some bomb ass kush LOL skrrrt

hope this shit slaps in the car... too tired to test it out rn. excited to hear it in the morning

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Hi there

Just joined to get a different perspective on what's happening in the world of electronic music. Try project number 2 at for something a little different. Any comments/criticisms in any shape or form most welcome.
vortech, those are some ill fucking tracks. especially the two free ones. "timefly" is my fav. crazy ass drums, those pads n' stuff... nailed it. clean ass productions.
key alert. check it in the morning drive, after a good night's rest.

so much better, wouldn't you agree ?

i got this feelin.... and i just can't turn it looooooooose

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i use fl studio, but don't have any hidden video tutorial videos =/ everything you want to learn is widely available. it's pretty simple once you get familiar with it, just give it time.

pass me the motherfucking lighter

Bleurgh, I make banging sounds, get 128 bars in and get fucking stuck. It's like some kind of progression anxiety, as if holding it off indefinitely is better than it turning out average-.