The productions thread - Part III!

^ the composition is good. just needs to be cleaned up and with fatter sounds/synth it would be a nice track.

dnb is the one genre even tho i fell in love with it early on i could never make anything at that tempo/style.
yeah, making a proper track probably would take a bit of work...things tend to get a bit bogged down when you start worrying about details, i tried my hand at making a Trance track last year and just sequencing beats took a while...I watched a Computer Music video of Mr. Scruff sampling live sounds so I might go that route and not use any VSTs for sounds.
^ interesting approach. i wanna use field recordings in future productions. but that is just for added ambiance.

i tried something faster 160 bpm

continuing the thread of thought i started in windhorse, keeping things kind of simple, enjoyed doing the atmospheric clanking sounds, was kinda surreal because i just cranked the comps mic with saturator drive and reverb and was hearing housemates distorted movements in the kitchen that i couldn't observe in that perspective naturally.

lets meet at..

btw joe truly impressed with ur output i g2 take some time to catch up eventually ;p
thanks. we all on our own timeline lol no need to catch up.

this is beautiful, that clanking is straight up eargasmic.... sounds like something sharp you hear echoing in a cavern... i dunno i get glacial vibes as well when that synth gently comes in and brightens it up. white noisey high hats add a nice sprinkle of mist throughout... this is nice man.

just caught a reverb voice i think... the rain is clearing up so this is like the perfect soundtrack to bright sky and wet pavement.
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man, i just love you are out there delivering pizza... singin some gnarly experimental shit... i'll turn up to my beats in the car... i wonder how many other people do the same. well probably everyone that does music .. so that is a lot heh

this is next level impressive, sounds like it would fit right in a film score/scene.

a decent feeling of completion , from scratch. always satisfying cause sometimes you think man... how did i do that previously ? i think that is where "the magic" happens like you don't know how but just come up with something...

btw loving the recent activity here .

Bach, who obsessively copied out other composers’ scores, became an absolute master of his art by never ceasing to be a student of it.
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okay so i read this quote
"When God, who is absolute fullness, brought creatures into existence, it was not done to fulfill any need, but so that his creatures should be happy to share his likeness, and so that he himself might rejoice in the joy of his creatures, as they draw inexhaustibly on the Inexhaustible."
kinda relates to bach "Religious music was at the centre of Bach's output for much of his life. The hundreds of sacred works he created are usually seen as manifesting not just his craft but a truly devout relationship with God."

tis a blessing to be able to create something in this world with endless possibilities... for eternity.

so ye that inspired this, was fun...

instead of smoking i made this... trying to get in the habit of switching it up like that...
