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Harm Reduction The Pain Management Megathread (Chronic and Acute Pain Discussion) v6

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I usually take 5/325 perks and my dosage is two three times a day. I ran out of it and don't get my refill until next week so a friend gave me some 1 mg dilaudid and I took a few orally which did nothing so then I tried snorting three of them and again nothing. How many of these is safe ? I NEED the pain relief so bad so if anyone has any info that could help me, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks ?
^lol, that's what I used to do, (as one of my alternative methods), 4-600mg codeine would have me itching like a mofo ;)

As I've said previously buddy, I'm absofuckinglutely amazed you've made it this long & far w/out serious wds. I need contacts like u have.. Then again, it's better I don't :D

Are you sick though? Is the codeine holding you? I know when I used to wd regularly, the cravings & lack of mojo were my main issues,- until about 72hrs in... Then I'd become physically ill!

I'd almost rude it out & ta da, new script! Wish you well mate, are you still able to supplement although I gather from PMs it'll be a few more days?

In my heart & thoughts, take care, talk soon

Rtp ?❤️
Hey Chris, I've no experience dillys but apparently they are used IV by some folks who swear it's the best rush/high......but in the spirit of Harm Reduction I recommend not shooting up pills.

If it's good via IV then I hazard a guess that "plugging" may be the way to go if ur not getting what you need by taking them orally.

Can the dilly folks here add to this please? Is plugging a dissolved dilly good, effective, or not?
I usually take 5/325 perks and my dosage is two three times a day. I ran out of it and don't get my refill until next week so a friend gave me some 1 mg dilaudid and I took a few orally which did nothing so then I tried snorting three of them and again nothing. How many of these is safe ? I NEED the pain relief so bad so if anyone has any info that could help me, I'd really appreciate it. Thanks ?

So, usually you take 10mgs oxycodone three times a day?

Dilaudid works on different receptors,- I know from previous experience that if oxycodone works for you then hydromorph likely won't.

I had the two mg tablets for a while and they did jack! Hydromorphone meant to be much stronger, but all they did for me was hold off wds & relax me slightly.

Again, I don't recommend it, but banging seems to be the only way to get much value from dilaudid.

Iirc two mg dilaudid is around ten of oxycodone.

Just be thankful to avoid wds,

Has anyone tried loading up on supplements? Magnesium seems especially promising to me, since it has supposed muscle relaxant effects, anti-anxiety, even anti-constipation for us opiate users. I'm talking high quality ones with good bioavailability. So I'm loading up on iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and a B complex even though I already have a very healthy diet just to see if bombarding my brain with minerals and vitamins will do me any good. It could just be a deficiency in something that I'm experiencing (chronic spine pain, extreme panic attacks, chronic fatigue, inability to concentrate), but I haven't done any tests.
Hey all-
Wow, I'm just twisted from stop-go benzo use, and the legit pain it was originally 'srpted for. Just sitting here staring at the screen...Like, sorry I can't respond to anything...
I got some CBD/CBDa tincture on the way.
See what that does.
I been on high dose CBD's for the last week, and truly believe it is the only way I find sleep, and it helps stop the siezures.
I been usung CBD e-liquid...high quality. It works, helps with sleep, calms nerves. It can gunk up your coil, so be prepared, vape at low watts.
That should be available in all states. Except the lame ones...Like the Bible Belt...Just like, order it online.
Oh, my tinctures here...Will report back.
Hello all, I lurk a bunch and I don't know if I've ever posted, but I have a question -

Have any of you not been able to hold a Pain Management appointment for financial reasons? I lose my insurance this week, and my appointment is next week (ugh), I don't think I'll be able to afford it. Because of this as you probably know, I wouldn't be able to pick up my prescription, I think.

Have any of you ever asked or been able to pick up a prescription from the office without having an actual appointment? Like, is that even legal/do doctors do that? I figured I'd ask here first, because I still have a week of trying to find some self-employed work to scratch up the cash.

Hope everyones doing okay too, weather changing and all :)
^ depends on your r'ship with your doctor & office staff IME. I often saw my PM dr two to three times per month for a cpl of years. Once I asked if they could post the account out, as it was the day before my pay day & visits are quite exxy.

Another time I cracked it with my PM & told him to bulk bill me, still no prob with my scripts.

Perhaps you cld call in advance & explain your situation.


I've certainly just picked up scripts without a prior appt. But I have developed a relationship of trust over time.

Hey RTP, your inbox was full the other day, hoping you've made some space!
Well, the CBD's have been very helpful. I have had to up my methadone intake by 5mg...But, I did not really expect CBD's to really take the place of 4x a day benzos.
The 1st 3 days were tough, after that, twitchy, but bearable.
I think the CBD/CBDa tincture (oral) has made the most noticeable improvement. Really though, I have needed the full-on assault: high CBD buds and CBD e-liquid, CBD massage cream directly for joints/tendons/muscles, and the oral tincture for sleep and deep spasms and seizures.
Has anyone tried loading up on supplements? Magnesium seems especially promising to me, since it has supposed muscle relaxant effects, anti-anxiety, even anti-constipation for us opiate users. I'm talking high quality ones with good bioavailability. So I'm loading up on iron, magnesium, calcium, potassium, and a B complex even though I already have a very healthy diet just to see if bombarding my brain with minerals and vitamins will do me any good. It could just be a deficiency in something that I'm experiencing (chronic spine pain, extreme panic attacks, chronic fatigue, inability to concentrate), but I haven't done any tests.

I have....
Tried the high quality supplements mentioned, for approx. 3yrs+ now, and specifically when in w/drawl from opioids and benzos. I still use them daily.
I really believe it has helped me recover faster, recover more of my mental coordination and faculties, and most importantly, got my digestion moving South, and help me sleep.
None of these things ever feel like drugs though, and a strict regime and sticking to a long term plan are imperative.

As far as "tests" go...I've had many blood and urine tests in the last months, as well as scans and other tests. All my blood work looks great, and it really helps narrow down a diagnosis when dealing w/ severe pain, as they usually try to pin it on low vitamins or minerals (which can be a huge factor in back/joint/bone pain), or some other dysfunction.
I really think my diet and supplement intake are what has kept me safe during major detox from opioids and benzos. The kind of w/drawl that I should have been in treatment for, medically supervised. I do believe I have some brain damage from the worst of it, but the vitamins and minerals created a safety net most simply don't have in the reserve at that point.
So, ya, it's worth the invested time(finding Good supplements), and $$$.
Oh ya-
For cramps, try drinking pickle juice:\
I find the high quality pickles from Trader Joe's work best...But they all do the trick.
It works, for me, fast.

Magnesium is more of a long term thang.
Hello RTP , SKR and the rest of you.
Just wanted to post that my pain levels have gone down 30-40% since my last doctor visit. Someone needs to tell me if I'm violating here by saying this, but my pm doctor is switching me for a fact to Opana ER . Last visit she scripted me Opana 5mg and I didn't realize it had to be ordered because nobody, including the hospital carried it.
This month I'm on morphine ER 60mg a day. It helps more of my pain, but could be better.
The Opana website says if I'm on 60mg morphine, then I take 10mg Opana ER twice a day. That sounds much stronger then where I'm at. I really hope it's how I remember, it was strong and worked 12 hours. I really want to get this right, so I don't have to focus on meds much. Any thoughts?

I hope everyone is doing better today. I also apologize for missing the forum.
Speed King.
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SK, maybe don't worry so much about mgs of different pain meds,- go with what your dr knows.

You never know, she may have your best interests at heart.

Rtp ❤️
Well, the CBD's have been very helpful. I have had to up my methadone intake by 5mg...But, I did not really expect CBD's to really take the place of 4x a day benzos.
The 1st 3 days were tough, after that, twitchy, but bearable.
I think the CBD/CBDa tincture (oral) has made the most noticeable improvement. Really though, I have needed the full-on assault: high CBD buds and CBD e-liquid, CBD massage cream directly for joints/tendons/muscles, and the oral tincture for sleep and deep spasms and seizures.

Hi ScuicidalNod, Happy they are working for you.! Are you using Indica or Sativa Cannabis Tincture.? I know Indica tends to be more sedating and relaxing with full body effects, while Sativa tends to be uplifting and creative with cerebrally-focused effects.
Just curious witch one you are using, and if you can tell the difference.? Thanks 8|
Welp, I called the office and explained the situation. Billing told me payment was up front. I called his office and the lady said I can't pickup scripts because it's a controlled substance. Seems like everyone else can, I've got a good reputation with the doctor too :/

Going to try to tackle more freelance work within a weeks period, not sure I'll be able to get enough cash but it's worth a shot.
Hey SK, that's a great result man 30-40% decrease in pain, to a cpp that's like being cured! When ur in heaps of pain and you have enough opiates to make a good dent in the pain, I notice that instead of getting a buzz I'll get pain relief, but assuming my tolerance is about the same and I take the same dose but pain wasn't as bad then I'll get a lil buzz/relaxed mood. Pain absorbs the buzz.

How is everyone else today? Hope ya'll are having a less pain day!

Anyone heard from DIXI or hubby?
Hi ScuicidalNod, Happy they are working for you.! Are you using Indica or Sativa Cannabis Tincture.? I know Indica tends to be more sedating and relaxing with full body effects, while Sativa tends to be uplifting and creative with cerebrally-focused effects.
Just curious witch one you are using, and if you can tell the difference.? Thanks 8|

Heya OpiumKing-
The tincture I'm using is just straight CBD/CBDa, an isolate tincture that does not specify what the buds were. Also a topical cream, CBD/CBDa only, really creamy, rich oils...great on tendons, nerves, joints, arthritis.
As far as that goes though, I believe all CBD rich plants are a sativa or hybrid, or even hemp hybrids.
The flowers I been burning are Cannatonic, and the dispensary just labels them as "CBD"...Though I would classify it as a sativa.
I do have an indica variety right now, and it works great too, but is used mostly for sleep, as the effects are flat out stupefying.
Very easy to tell the difference.
After sativa I can function for hours in social settings w/ moderate pain relief.
After indica I can't even speak and have to lay down.
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Hey all-
I been on high dose CBD's for the last week, and truly believe it is the only way I find sleep, and it helps stop the siezures.
I been usung CBD e-liquid...high quality. It works, helps with sleep, calms nerves. It can gunk up your coil, so be prepared, vape at low watts.
That should be available in all states. Except the lame ones...Like the Bible Belt...Just like, order it online.

Just wanted to correct myself here. I am fortunate enough to live in a MMJ legal state, that is decriminalizing all other marijuana rapidly. The CBD products I have available here might not be legal in your state, or could be of very low quality. It seems that CBD extracted from hemp paste has been used in many products, and is inferior to those extracted from CBD rich quality grown cannabis.
So, be sure to do your research before you just order something from the the ol' innerwebs.
Welp, I called the office and explained the situation. Billing told me payment was up front. I called his office and the lady said I can't pickup scripts because it's a controlled substance. Seems like everyone else can, I've got a good reputation with the doctor too :/

Going to try to tackle more freelance work within a weeks period, not sure I'll be able to get enough cash but it's worth a shot.

That's poor form. Especially as you day you have a good reputation with your PM. I gather that means you're a "compliant" patient.

I don't know much about this insurance biz as I'm in another country, but did you lose it due to losing a job?

If you're taking a controlled substance you need to keep calling or even ask for the doc to give you a call as they'd (hopefully) understand that you can't suddenly stop taking an S8, or the eqiv in the states.

You could try to offer part payment & ongoing installments, or request that your PM arrange a script through another more affordable dr. Or enough to tide you over from your local ED.

Legally, as long as your not trying to get your script early,- these doctors cannot put you on a drug of dependence & not work out a plan when times get tough.

Keep on at them and insist you cannot just stop your medication because you unfortunately lost your insurance.

I hate it when offices staff pull this shit! Remind them, it's between you & your doctor. Try to speak with him or email him directly if possible, he'd have to be a hard bastard to reject your needs & allow you to withdraw from whatever you're taking!!

Surely there must be an emergency contingency?

All the best,

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