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Harm Reduction The Pain Management Megathread (Chronic and Acute Pain Discussion) v6

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Hi Dixie I'm so sorry to hear of your continued suffering it makes one feel helpless. I read your posts and I realize some people have it much worse then me. I'm sure you've tried everything and this will seem rather naïve but when my medicine bcks me up(which it does regularly I take a colace chased with 12 once cup of coffee mixed with powdered cappacino. The high caffeine levels along with the coloace clear me right out. Again I'm sure your GI issues are on a whole nother level and don't want to sound life the doctors by giving my 2 cents and then being dismissive. It makes one want to ring a doctors neck when they can be patronizing and show no empathy or understanding towards their patients.

It must be a lonely and boring existence for them being right all the time!
Hey nam...Thanks, but you're right, my GI issues pre-date my enrollment in "pain non-management". The trauma of surgery to eradicate disease forever changed the "landscape" that is my intestines. I have a TWIST or KINK in my upper left colon.

The following is not Walgreen's Laxative inventory. It's what I've taken since Friday. KEEP IN MIND...Miralax and Senna are EVERY DAY anyway, for the rest of my life. I switch up routinely to confuse the cr-r-r-ap out of me. :|

Lactulose---Repeated Miralax in coffee and juice---Senna (up to 6 tabs per dose)---Dulcolax (4 per dose)---Ducosate (4 per dose)---Biscodyl (4 per dose)---Magnesium Citrate liquid (entire bottle)---Massive amounts of Aloe Water---Enemas (32 oz. warm water/mineral oil)---Enemas are hospital grade gear, not OTC bottles.<<<REPEAT OVER & OVER AGAIN

I've eaten nothing more than hot broth (clear) and juiced pumpkin for 4 days now. The fucking doctor should have put me in the hospital for IV fluids, piggy-backed with Rocephin antibiotic PUSH, added Toradol and Linzess or Movantik, but no-o-o-o-o. In the process of re-hydration IV/antibiotics, I should have been rushed into scoping procedure. They could have attempted to "un-twist" my colon, but n-o-o-o-o!

Believe me, colonoscopy prep for me is 6 Dulcolax + 1 Bottle MC liquid. I'm passing brain matter with that combo. So...I knew I was in dire straits. I knew it was a waste of time and money. I'm totally DIY after years of BM issues. Yet, occasionally, the disease gets the upper hand, causing inflammation of all abdominal organs, suppressing function of bowels and bladder. It's life threatening.

The doctor's neck is not what I'd like to twist (like my colon). I'd like to rip off his head and shit down his throat, but GR-R-r-r...I can't complete the second maneuver.

I wish I could say this doctor's ignorance and apathy is the exception and not the rule, but NO-O-O-O-O!!! Our fucking veterinarian is FAR MORE thorough that most of the "human" doctors I've dealt with over decades of this shit! (pun intended) Goddamn these idiots...It's not rocket science. I'm thinking dynamite...
Hello All! I have an appointment tomorrow and I need advice on how to handle it properly. I suffer from ridiculous headaches daily. It has been going for about 3 years. I started on 120 10x325 Percocet, then moved to Exalgo. I was not doing well on these and began to overtake them and was moved to Suboxone. A year later, I weaned off Suboxone and took nothing for 3 months. But still had the ridiculous headaches. So my GP has resigned himself to the fact I need Perc, but only gave 60 per month. I really need more. I run through the 60 in 12-15 days, (taking as prescribed because he puts Take 1 per every 6 hours as needed) but he doesn't want me to take more than 2 per day. How can I explain to him I need more than that without running the risk of him taking them away from me all together? We have a good relationship and he is a really caring doctor, but I am worried about my history. I don't want to push it. I am actually holding down a job and functioning somewhat.

Any advice would be so appreciated.
Indeed. CVS here and my small intestine has a disorder with pushing up against my pancreas, secreting too much lipase and manifests white blood cell counts high. I feel you, brother. Thanks for filling me in. When did SWIM stop?????
Dear dixi as someone who listens to your story about your "painstruggle" I can empathize with you completely especially when it comes to abdominal pain and other gut issues. I feel that you sometimes get neglected like most of us cpp at e.r visits ect. You mentioned once that your doctors had advised you that perhaps you should get a colostomy bag? Would this help your overall pain management? I mean if your gut issues are more sorted and your not constipated or backed up 90% of the time wouldn't it then allow for you to drink opioids and better manage your pain? Im so sorry no one takes you seriously when you tell them about your gi issues good luck there in the heart of dixie ..
Hey stef...Just seeing this, as I spent most of yesterday traveling to see my doctor. She listened to my tummy and said my bowels "sound" active. Yep, like a clogged pipe not fully responding to Draino...still MUCH pain in left quadrant. She scripted Linzess, as my PM doctor has been hesitant to do. I just feel weak, tired and defeated.

As for the colostomy...NO, it's never been recommended. I am required to have colonoscopy every 2 years due to disease. MY GI tells me that I have a redundant colon, long and loopy. Her only insistence is to keep my bowels soft and moving. That's a monumental task. I have a surgically altered tract and massive amounts of adhesions. It's MY FEAR that the ultimate resolution will be resection/removal of colon w/colostomy. And yea, my gut issues do NEED to be sorted IMO. I do all I can, and then some.

I know you can relate, as you suffer with your pancreas pain. I'm sorry for you and for all of us who seek relief, which seems elusive. :\
Hello all. I've been away from thread for a bit. Does anyone have some experience with Opana ER? My doc recently raised my morphine ER dosage to 30mg, twice daily. I could of went to 5mg Opana ER, twice daily to start, but I didn't have enough medicine to cover the waiting period for Opana, which would have been at least 24 hours for a prior authorization and however long it would take to have pharmacy order drug. Not one pharmacy including main hospital, stocks Opana. I guess they can all order it.
I had sampled Opana ER twice before. I don't know the mg, but it was under 10mg.
I felt it was very strong for me. It was very deep pain relief that truly lasted what had to be close to 12 hours. It beat morphine ER by a mile.
Can anyone comment or give personal view on this. Feel better all.

Speed King
SK - I'm on 40 mg twice a day (Opana ER). I have found that outside of the old OxyContins, this is the best pain relieving med I've taken. I realize everyone is different but you may want to give it a try. However, please be sure you are getting the equivalent dosage comparing to what you're currently taking. For instance, I don't think a 5 mg Opana ER (I didn't even realize they made them that small?) is the equivalent dose compared to 30 mg of Morphine ER (MS-Contin, I think it is). I do know that when I got switched over from when I was taking OxyContin, they prescribed one half of the Opanas mg. Knowing that fact, you may be able to work out what you'd need to be at.

Also, I was given an Opana ER discount type of card from my doctor when I started on it and on the back of the card was a toll-free number called the Opana Locator line. It seems that your problem with finding the medicine was found to be very common, so they started this phone line to assist folks in finding a pharmacy in their area that has the medicine in stock. What you'd do it give them your personal info, what you're prescribed, your zip code (I think that's what they use) and finally a phone number you can be reached at in the next hour. Usually they'd call me back inside a half hour and I'd be set to go. I believe I still have the number if you need it down the road. Just send me a PM.

Best of Luck to you!
Much thanks BeachBun4u. I'll PM you soon. I have a month to make these 30mg ER's work. When the script runs out, I will go to at least 5mg Opana ER's. My doctor likes to start low. I will show her the Opana website. I believe they say that 60mg morphine over 24 hrs= 20mg Opana ER over 24hrs, which equals 10mg Opana ER, twice a day.
I agree with you as far as best medicine. When I took it, it took away all pain. I considered it very strong. Thanks again.
Hello all. I've been away from thread for a bit. Does anyone have some experience with Opana ER? My doc recently raised my morphine ER dosage to 30mg, twice daily. I could of went to 5mg Opana ER, twice daily to start, but I didn't have enough medicine to cover the waiting period for Opana, which would have been at least 24 hours for a prior authorization and however long it would take to have pharmacy order drug. Not one pharmacy including main hospital, stocks Opana. I guess they can all order it.
I had sampled Opana ER twice before. I don't know the mg, but it was under 10mg.
I felt it was very strong for me. It was very deep pain relief that truly lasted what had to be close to 12 hours. It beat morphine ER by a mile.
Can anyone comment or give personal view on this. Feel better all.

Speed King

Hey SK,

I agree with BB4u; I was on 30 Mg of morphine previously and take 10mg of Opana 3x day. They have the generic now; costs me $5 a script. They did have to order it the first time, and now keep it in stock for me.

One note; people have stated previously that it jacks up your tolerance, and I have to agree. It took me a little while to realize why I was waking up at 6:40 every single morning. (Still do, and if I take more than scheduled, which this is the only drug I've ever done that with, I wake up multiple times a night.)

I am back to taking it orally, with fatty food and antacid.

Drugs and hugs everyone. Hope everyone is well.
You bet ya Anna - we need hugs 'n' drugs!

Hope you're all well today and having a less pain day!
Happy weekend everybody. First off, I lift up the BL Pain Management thread in my prayers. God didn't create us to be in pain. I believe he will help us out where we need it.
Somewhere on the last page, I noticed how people said the abuse proof oxys were garbage. I took one and thought it was light weight, but it just seemed to work without the rush. My opinion.
I think I'm on my 6th day of 30mg morphine, twice a day. So far, it works pretty good.
My deepest joint/pelvic/hip pain has been under control, very well. This dose is just taking care of it, so we will see at the end of the month.
Take care all.

Speed King
ABOUT DIXICHIK: I'm her husband. She was admitted through ER on 10/15 just after midnight for acute pain in left quadrant. She remains hospitalized as of today, Sunday 10/18, receiving IV fluids and Toradol. She is undergoing multiple series of testing, including CT abdominal scans. She's going through HELL, with NO answers yet.

We've been told she had a "colon full of stool and a bladder full of bacteria". According to CT w/contrast barium on Saturday, the partial obstruction of ascending colon has been successfully cleared. Her severe pain in left side continues, even though she remains on clear liquids only.

She asked me to touch base @ BL PM thread to check on her fellow "peeps in pain" and update her condition. Hope all is well as can be for each of you. She'll be back...Just not sure WHEN.
Oh my, pls tell her (& yourself) that I, as one who personally "adopted dear Dixi" in an effort to make her life less of a struggle, or at least less of an alone time to struggle with such pain & disregard from drs that I so wish her well!!

To be thinking of us at such a time proves her generous, giving & loving spirit.

Fingers crossed, but just maybe something can be sorted out this time to help your dear wife to live a more pain free life.

I'm sorry for you also that the previous years have been difficult.

Let's hope this hospital does more & truly & deeply looks into your wife's other issues.

Tell her from me in OZ, that if that's not happening to "make like a sheep & get the flock outta there".

When she's well enough of course,- but I think I can speak for us all on this board, & say dear Dixi needs a specialist who knows what he's doing !!!

Pass on my kisses xxxx

Get well soon DIXI, I really worried about more complications with her condition, I hope that Dr's and/or surgeons are able to deliver a better life to Dixichik, at least a life with some pain relief that doesn't ultimately worsen her pain and exacerbate her issues. Wishing you all the best and thank you for sharing this update.
I received my MMJ package today, and am making a small batch of cannamilk right now. So glad to finally have this. Will report in the morning.
If you're going to cook, please use the ghee method.
I'm sure made your choice after careful considerations.
Ghee can bee made in to just about any recipe, or eaten, used topically alone.
I'll do some quick recipes in the next post.

How was it? Did it work for pain? was it easy on the stash, in in general to make?
Well, just horrid about Dixi...
Hopefully she can get some underlying issues dealt w. in the hospital

Small batch recipe for ghee:
you will need- 1/4-1/2oz marijuana buds/flowers, or 1-1.5oz of sugar leaf (trim, or busted/small goodies) must be processed down from sticks, made fluffy etc..
-2 sticks of butter, or coconut oil, crisco works if that's yer style...
-A pot to boil it in (Not Aluminum)
-4 Water. Enough to cover the herb and let it roll around as in boils.<--simmers
-5 Add herb, water, and oil t o pot. Let simmer for 25~60min, adding H2o if needed.
-Take pan off the burner, and let cool. When cool enough, I place it in the refrigerator, covered, overnight.
-Cut around the edges of the pan carefully, and remove the congealed majik infussed oil.

The leaves that do stick to it peel off easy, and the ball of oil is MJ particle free. It can bee used in any baking recipe, or simply spread on toast, and warmed up.
Though w/ coconut oil, it might be able to be directly rubbed in to sore areas
The Ghee must still be heated to 300+ f. to decaroboxalize, and form psychoactive components, but degrade others like CBDA, CBDN, etc.. So it could be great eaten as it, or for joint/muscle pain.

Just use the butter/CoCoil in you cookie, or brownie recipe

{I always go heavier on the MJ, but have superpower strength to eating oral MJ. All the flowers/etc can be doubled...fo me tho)
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I picked up some Cannatonic over the weeken~ 12.2% CBN, and 5.6% THC...3 hits lulled me to sleep in the war sunshine and chirping birds of the afternoon. When I was awaken, so my cryptically white skin didn't briol like a lobster. I felt as if I had just stepped out of a jaccuzzi, and retired for another 2hr nap.
This is not like me, I'm in so much pain I can't sleep more that 2hrs even when heavily drugged and exhausted. Cannatonic=the goods

Aslo grabbed some Louis XIII~ 26.4% THC, .1%CBN...Straight knocks me down, which was what I wanted. Not functional herb, a couch-lock time warp. Xxxacly what I need for sleepless nights.

$$$ permitting, I'll be trying tincture and topicals of my own design. Expect at least a couple months.
Aaargh, it finally happened - I ran very short of oxy over the last 2 weeks. My last dose was 5:00am yesterday morning so I've tried to survive on CWE codeine in the evenings last few nights to help with WD but with a 200-240mg oxy dose per day 300mgs of codeine taken this morning just wont cut it as those in the know will surely know. My pain is faaarked! 3hrs till Dr appt, add an hour to get boxes from pharmacy and for my dose to kick in. There better not be any fuck ups or I'll die! Such a baby, haven't gone this long without oxy for 18months so I'm a little unwell. Hope ya'll are faring better than me.

Get well Dixi!
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