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Opioids **The Oxycontin Mega Thread.** - Can't find your thread? Its in here.

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i'd say they do (all Opes IMO synchronize well to some degree, some Ope combos are better then other but for the most part as long as the combined equivalent dose isnt higher then the dose your used to then everything should be fine)

i have snorted a small-mod amount of oxy after smoking a small-mod amount of opium

only had opium the one time

but i have also mixed morphine pills and oxy and that was nice aswell

they combination feels fine, the problems with the combo lie in your tolerance

if you know you arent too Oped up then id say go for it with the oxy

best to start small n slow though just in case
I can't find oxy 80s anymore and they used to be so easy to get! Can't find e. Tar. nothing. Everybody that I know in LA is dry. I know that can't be right. I know there has GOT to be an 80 somewhere. I'll just keep looking.
I can't find oxy 80s anymore and they used to be so easy to get! Can't find e. Tar. nothing. Everybody that I know in LA is dry. I know that can't be right. I know there has GOT to be an 80 somewhere. I'll just keep looking.

become a celebrity and get plastic surgery. i hear that works to score painkos.
Word. The celebs seem to have full access to the oxycontin. Jerks.
For the record, I think combining a pharmaceutical opiate with opium or even poppy tea is amazing. Only a low dose of the pharm is required to send the raw poppy experience to a new level. Be careful when trying this, of course.
Joy of all joys. My guy came through. I got a dozen oxy20s. It has been a number of weeks since I've been able to get high and it feels like golden shiny rainbows of sunshine and sweetness filling up my head and lightening my heart. It feels so good to be high after such a long time that I guess I'm glad I had to wait. The euphoria is sweeping my off my feet.
^^ right now they're easy to IV

Supposedly fairly soon the Purdues will be Manufactures to Gel up

did u get ahold of some Oxy to try Oli?
I've tried doing some searching but haven't found anything about this.

So i'm on suboxone and want to give the ol' oxy another go for old times sake. Now my question is in the name of harm reduction not because i want to know how to get high, i just don't want to OD doing it.

Back when i was doing OC i would do bumps of 80mg's, now i'm on 8mg suboxone. My plan is to taper for the next couple days to 4 mg's then go off the subs for 3-4 days then try the OC. Should i start with 20mg's and go from there? Won't doing 20, waiting a half hour, doing 20 more and so on ruin the high? Will this sort of plan work? My main concern is safety but i also don't want to waste my money or have a bad experience.
I've tried doing some searching but haven't found anything about this.

So i'm on suboxone and want to give the ol' oxy another go for old times sake. Now my question is in the name of harm reduction not because i want to know how to get high, i just don't want to OD doing it.

Back when i was doing OC i would do bumps of 80mg's, now i'm on 8mg suboxone. My plan is to taper for the next couple days to 4 mg's then go off the subs for 3-4 days then try the OC. Should i start with 20mg's and go from there? Won't doing 20, waiting a half hour, doing 20 more and so on ruin the high? Will this sort of plan work? My main concern is safety but i also don't want to waste my money or have a bad experience.
I doubt you will be able to go 3-4 days without your suboxone. What I would do is get myself down to 4mg, which shouldn't be too hard, take your 4mg 32 hours before your going to do your oxy. That way by the time you do your oxy you'll have a little bit more than 2mg's of suboxone still in your system. So you won't be feeling to shitty. I would probably try 40mgs at first but you'll probably need about 80-100mg to get high and breakthrough the suboxone.
yeah I would say the same thing, it will be much easier to do more oc after the 24 hours mark then it will be to get completely off the subs, subs have a long half-life and pretty rough withdraws. AND you can do subs then oxy, the trick part is the subs after the oxy. you don't want precipitated withdraws
I'm on day 3 of oxycontin withdrawals. absolute hell. today is 10 times better than yesterday though. I could actually get up and walk today.
do you iv the oxy, because everyone is differently but my withdraws from oc nothing really bad happens the first or second day without them besides sleep and pain in my elbow that I need a surgery on, the 3 day is really starts going. only when I was shooting up would withdraws hit me any fast that the normal 2-3 days, that was always just mental
^Everyone's different. The size of the dose is going to be at play as well, as people using lower doses will clear the opiates out of their system pretty quickly.
Thanks for the replies about my previous post. Still have questions like, does dosing at small increments ruin the high? And I know this is impossible to answer but can anyone speculate where my oxy tolerance is at? 8mg's suboxone daily for 3 months. I bumped 40mgs once a little over a month ago and not sure if it had any effect because i had the subs in my system. And thats been the extent of my use for the past three months. I think i'll be able to stay off the subs for 2, MAYBE three days with the prospect of some OC, so i don't plan on having any in my system when i take it. Like i said before not looking for advice on how to get high just want to play it safe. My concern is that i'll do too much somehow and OD even if i take it slow, probably because its been a while. Thanks.
^There really is no way to tell how much you'll need without experimenting a bit at a time. 8mg of bupe is a pretty large dose of opiates though, so don't be surprised if you have to go a bit higher than you anticipated.
do you iv the oxy, because everyone is differently but my withdraws from oc nothing really bad happens the first or second day without them besides sleep and pain in my elbow that I need a surgery on, the 3 day is really starts going. only when I was shooting up would withdraws hit me any fast that the normal 2-3 days, that was always just mental

nope, I was just swallowing the Oxy, but I was taking 3-4 40's/day

and just to answer, going from hour 24-40 were the absolute worst. I could't stop yawning, dry heaving, no sleep at all. water was pouring from my eyes. nothing helped the aches and pains.

today a lot of that has subsided, but now my body just aches. almost like I had a great workout. I still get a passing chill but nothing like before. I feel world's better than I did even 12 hours ago.
hmm everyone is different, maybe it was bc I was always smoking pot. But even when I had the habit of snorting 3 80's they never kicked in until the 3rd day really.

But yeah I know what you mean about the aches and chills horrible stuff, and keep tramadol around it can help
wanted to do it cold turkey. got a drug test coming up for my dream job, and I just was sick of that life.
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