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Opioids **The Oxycontin Mega Thread.** - Can't find your thread? Its in here.

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well I found out no drug test, so of course I couldn't resist the 20 40mg oxy's I have. so after 5 days clean I popped one. I'm high as hell. just like the good old days
so I've been taking Oxycontin and Vicodin for a few months now, took a drug test and came back positive for Hydrocodone and Hydromorphone. no Oxycodone. and I had taken Oxycontin the day before and day of the test.

anyone have any idea how that is possible?

Oxycontin does not metabolize to Hydromorphone does it??
^^ you posted 2 hours before that/this post and said u didnt get tested.

Do u know what kind of drug test you took? i guess its possible that the test only had a hydrocodone (and metabolites) panel

however i assume if hydrocodone was on the test the why wouldnt oxycodone (n its metabolites)

Oxycodone does not metabolize into hydromorphone (i am pretty sure) it does metabolize into Oxymorphone (amongst other things)
I would pay someone a thousand dollars to get 3 days to wait until withdrawals start.

I sniff...but i mean eating or whatever, that is awesome if thats true that it takes 3 days for you. Me and everyone I know is startin to hurt at the 8 hour mark and in fuckin PAIN at the 12-14 mark unless they have a low tolerance or took a break recently...even then everyhone seems to die at the 24 hour mark lol

hmm everyone is different, maybe it was bc I was always smoking pot. But even when I had the habit of snorting 3 80's they never kicked in until the 3rd day really.

But yeah I know what you mean about the aches and chills horrible stuff, and keep tramadol around it can help
lookin for some help with w/d it is not by choice if you get what im sayin so if you are around lanc. pa area lemme know whats up. The damn chills for hours and i work i mad physical job so this shit is gettin old quick. Into viks oxy thats about it. I had some old abg 10's that i got from a friend so seein as how they were mad old they were gone in 4 hours. You know that mad exciting feelin you get wen youve been wd-ing and you finally get ahold of some and you cant wait for that 15 minutes of time for the shit to kick.......i want that feeling lol. I know no one here really cares but atleast you all understand unlike the rest of the people i am around who just dont understand it. If anyone can help please let me know. I have recently lost a great connect :( lookin to reconect. have fat paychecks but no one to give it too.
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well I found out no drug test, so of course I couldn't resist the 20 40mg oxy's I have. so after 5 days clean I popped one. I'm high as hell. just like the good old days

OMFG i wish i was in your position i have been tryin to find for like 10 days got the fuckin chills and pain and shit. How are people able to get ahold of so many big ones ive only ever been able to get the 5mg oxycodone and 10mg, 20mg contins.
I did a search and didn't see anything about this. Its fairly new (Oct. 09)

Has anybody seen the documentary called "Oxycontin Express"? Its on youtube. It's interesting. It explains a lot about where this stuff comes from in the U.S. and things of that sort. Definitely worth checking out. I'd post a link but since I'm kind of new i'm not sure if thats against the rules but its pretty easy to find.
I did a search and didn't see anything about this. Its fairly new (Oct. 09)

Has anybody seen the documentary called "Oxycontin Express"? Its on youtube. It's interesting. It explains a lot about where this stuff comes from in the U.S. and things of that sort. Definitely worth checking out. I'd post a link but since I'm kind of new i'm not sure if thats against the rules but its pretty easy to find.

I've seen it, good documentary.
There's also a high quality copy on hulu.com
Dunno where you live but opiates of all kinds flood new jersey baddd..aint no problem gettin whatever you want here./

OMFG i wish i was in your position i have been tryin to find for like 10 days got the fuckin chills and pain and shit. How are people able to get ahold of so many big ones ive only ever been able to get the 5mg oxycodone and 10mg, 20mg contins.
How similar are oxy and heroin?

My friend finally gave up oxy, because of his first experiences with the comedown. He said he was feeling like shit for five days.

I was talking with him and said that oxy and heroin are very similar in effect to eachother.

My buddy's girlfriend disagreed, and said that people on heroin are much more "sluggish" and "out of it" than people who are on oxy. But i dont think this is true, i saw them both on oxy and they both were barely coherent, and definitely looked "sluggish" lol..

Also, i may add that, the people who had this "sluggish" appearance on heroin were also people who were shooting up the drug, as opposed to my friends who were snorting the oxy.

My question is, how similar are the effects, and chemical structures of oxy and heroin? Or is this just a silly question, like asking "how similar is hash oil and buds"?

I closed a thread just like this.

Let's move this to the OC mega thread.

BTW you can nod on heroin or oxy. PLUS heroin can ALSO be rather stimulating! I was a rather productive, amped up, active person on heroin. Not everyone sits there and drools on themselves.

If you know something to be true don't let someone tell you otherwise unless they have facts and not just opinions.
For the record, I think combining a pharmaceutical opiate with opium or even poppy tea is amazing. Only a low dose of the pharm is required to send the raw poppy experience to a new level. Be careful when trying this, of course.

I once combined a nice dose of poppy tea with a tiny line of Opana (2-3mg tops), and wound up nodding like William S. Burroughs. I actually wound up dragging myself to a party and sitting in a corner all night because I was afraid that if I stayed home alone I might wind up sleeping the Big Sleep. So I'd agree that you will get really, really high but as you said, caution is advisable.
^ i know you didnt start a thread but what you asked is whats known as a dick sizing question around these parts.

maybe it'll be allowed cuz its the megathread but i suspect not

if so i'll let ya'll get a gander at my Penis ;)
not trying to sound cool what so ever cause god knows i wish i had a smaller tolerance, but i do like 4-6 80s a day, if i only have one i will still be sick and not be able to sleep that night, and i snort them by the way wont shoot so dont even suggest it
man i don't know how you guys need so much. a year and a half in and i'm still jammed off 40 milligrams, and feeling nice off 20. guess i'm lucky. oh yea, and i do em every day.
been outta the opiate scene for a few years now (on suboxone) but I'm curious..

how prevalent are brand name 80s, 40s, etc... ? Do people still get those prescribed? Are they still on the street like they were earlier in the decade? I would think that not too many people are getting brand name OxyContin prescribed anymore, compared to the generics or other things with better time releases mechanisms. Just curious...

edit - i haven't had any desire to go back but this thread is making me nostalgic to say the least!
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