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Not sure if this is the right place to post but here goes nothing...

I have been using PST fairly regularly for about two years now. It has gotten to be my DOC...when the seeds are good. And lately they haven't been which has been causing some problems for me.

I had total crap seeds for about two months which forced me into a long, long, LONG withdrawal. I used high potency kratom to help with it but still had awful night sweats, stomach issues, depression etc., etc. The kratom is expensive and had it's own set of dependency issues. Finally got a decent bag of seeds and all was good for a few weeks (my usual dose is 1 cup a day, rinsed twice).

I got my second usual 5 lb bag from same vendor but something is really wrong. The quality is for crap again but what's concerning me more is the new side effects.

I am having terrible stomach issues. Not just diarrhea but crazy heartburn, nausea, and vomiting as well. I got some of the kratom i usually get (which usually has me feeling great) and i haven't felt it at all. Other symptoms are: waking up in tge middle of the night (even on ambien and clonopin), weird, disturbing dreams, depression, and of course, lack of motivation and depression. I have quite a bit of MS Contin 15 and some Embeda 20 and taking that doesn't seem to do anything. (Actually, it probably is helping as I've certainly had worse withdrawals.)

My questions are, 1. after months of low potency seeds my tolerance (fairly high) went down. Would that one good 5lb bag have upped my tolerance so much to have these withdrawals? It just doesn't seem right that two weeks of barely decent seeds would have my tolerance up so high again. 2. How much MS Contin do I need to combat these withdrawals? I'm crushing and soaking them and then either drinking or plugging about three pills every eight hours or so on top of taking three Embeda every day. 3. Why do these withdrawals feel so different? I've gone through WD from all types of opiates but these stomach/dream/heartburn symptoms are kind of different. 4. Why isn't the kratom helping at all? I don't know if I can list brands, but this is the head shop stuff that comes in a gold package with two capsules. I am not feeling the kratom AT ALL. 5. Sleep is really weird. I fall into an incredibly heavy sleep for only a few hours at a time with vivid, unpleasant dreams and wake up unrested, body aching, mouth open, breath like death, and CONSTANTLY dehydrated. I'm taking ambien and clonopin. Should i be taking something else? Finally, 6. Could this batch of seeds just be no good? I mean, not just low potency, but have some weird stuff in it? I've had a hard time locating any decent seeds for tge past few months. My regular, usually great, vendor has become very unreliable.

I have been taking all the other usual stuff like lope and other OTC stuff. I know the drill. This just feels soooo different.

Sorry for the long post. Any help is greatly appreciated! Btw...anyone know why the seeds suck this year? Since around 11/16, everything I've tried has been worthless.
I've the heard the same about bad seeds as of late, but I dont know about those symptoms from that batch of seeds sorry.

And Hey guys, how long are the withdrawals from a 4-month heroin habit?
^It took me about three weeks before the physical symptoms subsided, and three months until I felt well simply being sober.

That was after a 4-6 month binge.
If I have an extremely high tolerance, is it dangerous to inject pure naloxone in an attempt to decrease said tolerance?
If I have an extremely high tolerance, is it dangerous to inject pure naloxone in an attempt to decrease said tolerance?

The Precipitated withdrawals would be pure hell. Some claim that Antagonists can help reset your tolerance quicker but only after a few weeks of being clean First.
Hey, new here, have a question. I am on day 6 of quitting opiates. It has been very hard. I started with tramadol for the first few days, worked amazing, until I ran out. After 3 days of Tramadol, the fourth day my withdrawls were still there, but were definitely reduced. On day four, my friend who is helping me gave me 1 10mg hydro, which worked well, and by day 5 I woke up (still in withdrawl) but again, significantly reduced. Day 5 my friend gave me 5 mg hydro, worked fine, then same thing. Woke up day 6, still withdrawls but significantly better.

Through all of this, I had EMBEDA (30 mg Morphine ER) in my cabinet the entire time and had no idea until it fell out earlier. As you can imagine, I was both pissed and over joyed.

I still want to continue my detox / taper. How much should I take to take away withdrawl symptoms? Or I guess rather what is the comparison from the XR 20 Morph vs 30mg IR Oxy//
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Hey, new here, have a question. I am on day 6 of quitting opiates. It has been very hard. I started with tramadol for the first few days, worked amazing, until I ran out. After 3 days of Tramadol, the fourth day my withdrawls were still there, but were definitely reduced. On day four, my friend who is helping me gave me 1 10mg hydro, which worked well, and by day 5 I woke up (still in withdrawl) but again, significantly reduced. Day 5 my friend gave me 5 mg hydro, worked fine, then same thing. Woke up day 6, still withdrawls but significantly better.

Through all of this, I had EMBEDA (30 mg Morphine ER) in my cabinet the entire time and had no idea until it fell out earlier. As you can imagine, I was both pissed and over joyed.

I still want to continue my detox / taper. How much should I take to take away withdrawl symptoms? Or I guess rather what is the comparison from the XR 20 Morph vs 30mg IR Oxy//

If you are serious about quitting don't take anything at all. You should be finished with acute withdrawals already but you keep taking shit. Just stop. You're almost done.
If you are serious about quitting don't take anything at all. You should be finished with acute withdrawals already but you keep taking shit. Just stop. You're almost done.

This. If you keep taking opioids you're just gonna prolong the withdrawl process. The only exception to this is a slow taper, but that's not what you're doing, and even then people can still experience withdrawals.
^ yeah isn't that basically resetting his withdrawals every time he takes a tramadol or morph?
Didn't really know where else to turn honestly need a little encouragement. I'm 2 days clean from perks I went a whole week last week without them I felt great I slipped up and popped a 30 thus weekend with a buddy and I feel like shit now is this gonna be a mild withdraw or am I I'm for another hell week ?
And i just take them to get high once in awhile for almost a year now not even everyday but the days I didn't have them were hell I just wanna know if I have a mild case and when will this torture end I'm not used to it
i'm trying to quit a .25-.5 g a day heroin habit. i've got 5 sub strips, 10 2mg klonopin, and a shitload of tramadol. i just used the last of my h. any advice on the best way to get past acute WDs painlessly? i'm thinking use klon until 24 hrs pass and then start tapering using the subs, starting at 4 mg daily. then popping the occasional tram/klon to help with PAWS. what do you think ?
Agartha - congrats on your decision and i wish you luck. Regarding your plan, all sounds well except the tramadol is extraneous - if you take subs they'll block the tramadol. Which is all well and good anyways because the subs are the only opioid you should take since any will set you back/restart the w/d clock.

About a month ago I kicked the same level habit with a single sub strip and some other non-opioid meds and made a thread about it. Feel free to check it out.
And i just take them to get high once in awhile for almost a year now not even everyday but the days I didn't have them were hell I just wanna know if I have a mild case and when will this torture end I'm not used to it

1 30mg oxy isn't going to put you in withdrawals. Just not going to happen.
Even with taking them for months and months and only being 6 days clean your saying that couldn't restart my withdraws ?
i'm trying to quit a .25-.5 g a day heroin habit. i've got 5 sub strips, 10 2mg klonopin, and a shitload of tramadol. i just used the last of my h. any advice on the best way to get past acute WDs painlessly? i'm thinking use klon until 24 hrs pass and then start tapering using the subs, starting at 4 mg daily. then popping the occasional tram/klon to help with PAWS. what do you think ?

Definitely waiting AT LEAST the 24 hours is the best thing you can do. Don't give in any earlier if you can help it or you may be in a world of pain :(