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Yes gmlifer I get the analogy. It's like that. I'm not a big fan of opiates, but I still have hard time to say "I need to never take them anymore". I mean, this is SO easy to buy OTC codein just for spending some time... And I'm well known by deal in my town, they try to push something on myself every other days (the big things being methadone atm).

So at the end I experienced "relapse" for you (only 300mg codeine at 12 days in WD, didn't continue intake after day 12 to today) and this is not something you wan't to do. My pain was somewhat back for 3 days after. I'm feel better only today (day 16).

I hope being 90% this week end.
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Idk if this is helpful but to anyone who has a mild addiction that's bad enough you know you'll have some WDs but nothing serious enough for methadone or subs, I recommend codeine. I had a mild oxycodone habit, of about 40mg once or twice a day for a few weeks (I get addicted to opiates REALLY quick) and when I quit I stated having really bad panic attacks and some very mild physical WD symptoms and I started taking codeine for about a week (only like 40-50mg) and I was fine after that.
Aight so no oxy at all yesterday and so far today I didn't take my morning dose. Pretty much just sucks. Need the detox though. Sad part is that I don't think I will detox long enough for it to make a huge difference. A five month break didn't do much of anything, within a few days I was back to my normal dose. Anywho, for those who are out there getting up and going to work like I am, good luck! Makes for a long and unproductive day.

EDIT: work may not have been the best idea! After a 30 minute drive to get here I was in straight up defcon 1 MOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY status. Hopefully the lope will kick in soon lol.
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Aight so no oxy at all yesterday and so far today I didn't take my morning dose. Pretty much just sucks. Need the detox though. Sad part is that I don't think I will detox long enough for it to make a huge difference. A five month break didn't do much of anything, within a few days I was back to my normal dose. Anywho, for those who are out there getting up and going to work like I am, good luck! Makes for a long and unproductive day.

EDIT: work may not have been the best idea! After a 30 minute drive to get here I was in straight up defcon 5 MOVE BITCH GET OUT THE WAY status. Hopefully the lope will kick in soon lol.

Man, I can't believe that a five month break didn't bring your tolerance down! I've been planning on decreasing and taking a med break, but I take them for back pain (last three discs are fusing on their own; too young for fusion surgery), and I'm allergic to NSAIDS. I was hoping a two week break would bring my tolerance down. But 5 months! That sucks. Hope your days get better!
Sorry to hear you were at Defcon 5 GM (defcon 5 is actually peacetime and DC 1 means Nukes are headed in from over the north pole). Something about oscillating through the monthly vicious cycle tends to make tolerance stick around. Almost like your brain doesn't quite trust you enough to reset fully back to baseline. Although H addicts fresh out of rehab prove this wrong sometimes.
Sorry to hear you were at Defcon 5 GM (defcon 5 is actually peacetime and DC 1 means Nukes are headed in from over the north pole). Something about oscillating through the monthly vicious cycle tends to make tolerance stick around. Almost like your brain doesn't quite trust you enough to reset fully back to baseline. Although H addicts fresh out of rehab prove this wrong sometimes.

Lmao! I edited my post. In my mind defcon 5 seemed way worse but it's changed, ty!

Well it's day 3 I have managed to stay away from the oxy again so far. Not sure I will make the whole day as the ibuprofen doesn't do much other than take the edge off. Oddly enough I didn't wake up sick this morning. I'm tired and don't want to do shit but that's it. You guys have a good day and I hope everyone can hover at DEFCON 5!
I don't know how you all are making it when it come to working + opiates WD

4mg of loperamide, 800mg ibuprofen and 4 teaspoons of kratom and I'm ok. Used to I took way more kratom but I found that my tolerance actually stayed the same or went up so now it's only a few days of kratom then I'm good. Truth is, mentally I feel much better off of the oxy. My hand speed and reflexes are a million times better. My thinking is faster and my memory actually works lol. The problem with all of that is A) I'm not high and B) I'm in a lot of pain.

If it weren't for the pain my life would be much better without the addiction.
Hey jekyl, just wanted to let u know that today is day 15!!! I'm feeling better everyday and lowering the gabapentin 300 mg every 3 days! I really appreciate all ur advice!!! JT
^Nice. Glad to hear it as I'm trying to feel out a decent taper myself as my supply of Gabapentin is dwindling and I don't want to be hung out to dry. GorillaBoy is another BL'er who had similar Gabapentin w/d's and is making his way down as well. Hopefully we can be rid of this soon and only use it in spurts which makes it more effective anyways. Keep Up the good work!
I noticed this as well. Mostly on bedsheets from sweat during the night. I'd have to wash them every day.
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Can someone explain this: the only time I can go to bathroom is when in mild WD or took less dosage for day.....Normally that plus a cigarette does the trick.

But today, I was in WD with runny nose, water eyes, and I tried to smoke a cigarette but my cough reflux was so bad due to WD, I couldn't even smoke it without nearly puking from the harsh coughing, and phlem/mucus building up all from WD. Yet I couldn't go to bathroom =| My body really wanted to, I could barely walk without wanting to sit on the toliet, but it was impossible...

Only difference is today is took maybe half my doses subginual. Does that maybe make it attach to the receptors in the GI more and therefore is the cause of the problem? It's odd, and one of the reasons I'm getting off opiates.
CB90, opioids do effect your colon i spent many years with having trouble going, the easiest way to go normal is too supplement magnesium oxide pills and chia seeds work good also at drawing water into colon. I use to grind up chia seeds in my coffee grinder. The best thing you can do is quit opiates you will shit your brains out for a little while i did, crazy its the only time in my life i needed loperdime i actually had to take it on and off for a couple weeks after wds.
Basically day 3 of a cold turkey from 120mg oxy a day. So far no physical withdrawals and the only real mental issues are cravings when I'm not busy.

My morning cocktail
4mg loperamide
4 teaspoons of meang da kratom
800mg ibuprofen

I will take 4 more teaspoons of kratom in a couple hours and 2-4mg of loperamide tonight about 8pm.

Good luck to all the folks dealing with this self inflicted/ semi-self inflicted hell. Hope you all are able to find a way to cope through the withdrawals and maybe even find the strength to walk away from this super pain in the ass addiction.

Also for sleep I either take .5 Xanax or NyQuil
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ok so here is how I quit oxy:

using 10 mgs of Hydrocodone every 4 hours
+ 25 mg's of trazadone every 6 hours +
150 mg's of Tramadol every 4 hours
for about 21 days then

Just addicted to tramadol which at least is cheaper and I can sleep and feel more normal.

Problem is now I am addicted to tramadol!
Tramadol withdrawals can be especially bad. The general consensus around here is that tramadol withdrawals include both opioid and SNRI withdrawals combined. Tramadol withdrawals, in my experience, were especially nasty especially when withdrawing from numerous daily doses (like every 4 hours, as in your case)

But, like you said, atleast (for you) it's a cheaper alternative and it sounds like your sleep is better, so there's that.
I had a conversation with a R.N. and she is convinced tramadol won't reset suboxone withdrawals. I called BS at first but seeing that tramadol doesn't hit the MU(kappa iirc) receptor is it possible that low dose tramadol can be taken during the first few days of sub w/ds without restarting them? I'm thinking it hitting the kappa receptor is why tramadol isn't affected by bupe like other opiates/iods. I may be remembering wrong but if not would that fact the K receptor is it's only mechinisim of action as far as opiate effects go keep it from resetting yourself?
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I have been smoking 1/2 gram daily of mid grade heroin for about a month, And I have to withdrawal while I'm at work. I can't miss anymore days and I have to, and badly want to quit starting in the next couple of days. How bad should I expect the detox to be? Have one 8mg suboxone strip just in case.