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The ones you wont/wont do again

SpunkySkunk347 said:
I'd never do:

Street meth,
Street Heroin,
IV Coke,
Household Inhalants (glue, air duster, and all that other dumb shit),

Enjoy your "street pot." Thanks for saving the good stuff for us.
Street pot is usually made out of green fiberglass.
would never do smack, it's too addictive and the drug really doesn't appeal to me (gouging out in a corner for the night ain't really my cup of tea). i am a complete hypocrite though cos i do like the odd crack pipe now and again, and was a massive coke head for a year. fuck glue and all that hist, not doing that is just common fucking sense.

drugs i'd never do again; pretty much everything including weed, apart from LSD (mate has got some gorgous liquid made from white crystals, am testing it this week), mushies, DMT and pretty much all psychadelics and rc's. and ether. and booze.
-opiates more potent then opium/codeine
-crack, coke
-meth(knowingly, and i do my best to stay away from pills w/ them in it)
-any inhalant
The only thing that really scares me is heroin.
These kinds of discussions always have me surprised on how ignorant even drug users are about drugs. For example, saying you'd never do an opiate harder than "opium/codeine" is pretty much like saying "I'd never do a psychedelic stronger than DMT/weed."

staypuft said:
wow...so many people hating on pcp =\

I noticed this too. Is this another "It'll fuck me up for life" thing?
PCP is pretty bening...unless you have previous mental problems or you do SO much that you pass out/go into automatic fucked up mode...

and yea...i'd never do any opiate weaker than opium...just a waste of time at that point
Gog said:
These kinds of discussions always have me surprised on how ignorant even drug users are about drugs. For example, saying you'd never do an opiate harder than "opium/codeine" is pretty much like saying "I'd never do a psychedelic stronger than DMT/weed."

I noticed this too. Is this another "It'll fuck me up for life" thing?

Opium and codeine are just too weak to make me addicted. I imagine if I took morphine, oxy, or even *gasp* heroin, then I would be much more likely to get addicted.
Mysterious said:
Opium and codeine are just too weak to make me addicted. I imagine if I took morphine, oxy, or even *gasp* heroin, then I would be much more likely to get addicted.

Decent opium is definitely not too weak to cause you to get addicted. Where exactly are you getting your opium from? In the US?
opium takes about two weeks (if not more) of daily use to get addicted to
I've only gotten opium a few times, and it was in the US.

The most recent time was at a festival over the summer. I am normally skeptical of people selling op at festivals, but this opiate addict that was with us had some of it and was really digging it, so I figured it was better then average atleast. I bought a gram, and when I was done, I had no urge to buy anymore.

I am sure I CAN get addicted to opium, but after smoking that gram I wasn't. If I had some IV heroine one time randomly, I am sure i'd be looking to get some more in the near future.
I don't think I could ever bring myself to do meth. For one, I know I would probably really like it, and after thinking about all of the things that could possibly be in it, it's just not something I would ever want to fuck with. It is just seems too damaging overall.
phrozen said:
-whatever psychedelics i haven't tried
why would you not try mdma? why would you try certain psychedelics and not others?

I would not do:
Duster or anything similar
Benadryl (again)
Tramadol (again)

Other than those I will try basically anything.

BTW PCP is a great drug and most of the stories about it are bullshit. :p
It seems like a lot of people are buying into anti-drug propaganda :\
I did a drug report on PCP back in 9th grade for a health class and in my class report, I concluded that the pros outweighed the cons as the extreme cons are either rare or happen because idiots get a hold of the drug.

I don't really want to try anything past Weed, Ecstasy(with small bits of meth in it every once in awhile), Shrooms, and LSD as these are the drugs that I feel are for me.
ie: my currecnt addictions.
Don't really want to delve too far into the drug world.