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The Old and Overgrown DOC thread (fixed)

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morninggloryseed said:
bluedolphin, did you ever get around to 2C-E yet? I'm curious if you think it rivals 2C-E as yaesutom does. That is just hard to imagine. Any other DOC-takers also taken 2C-E and wish to compare?

I am getting very excited about DOC now! Very, very excited. DOI and DOB never excited me like this, I've passed on the chance to sample both of them so far...though I would not totally rule out taking DOI one day. Only DOM excites me more than DOC. :)

I've never taken a "full" dose of 2C-E. I did a trial low dose and found it somewhat unccomfortable and I didn't really see much promise in that particular chem for me. Of course I could be, and probably would be wrong, if I'd taken 12-16mg instead of 4mg.

However, my one 2mg trial with DOC exceeded everything I've heard about 2C-E. For some reason I think I'm just about done with the 2C-series after doing lots of 2C-I, 2C-B, 2C-D, 2C-C... only one I didn't get around to really was 2C-E (forget 2C-P, sounds shite to me). Anyway, now that DOC exists, why bother ;)

Personally I'd probably never take DOM since it really does sound like a super-stimulating version of DOC. And, you should rule out taking DOI someday. Compared to DOC it belongs in the shitter with the mexican food I ate a few hours ago.
bluedolphin said:
I've never taken a "full" dose of 2C-E. I did a trial low dose and found it somewhat unccomfortable and I didn't really see much promise in that particular chem for me. Of course I could be, and probably would be wrong, if I'd taken 12-16mg instead of 4mg.


sry to be off topic, but what was the experience from your dose of 4mg 2C-E? I am asking because I always start very low on doses of new Chems, as I tend to be one of those that was made for taking these substances, meaning- I tend to be very sensitive to them (my stashes last for ever).

What was uncomfortable?
Well, i've talked to a friend, and recieved a pair of very odd reports about this drug.

Two people took 4mg their first time, and experienced absolutely no effects. I'm not really quite sure what to make of this at this time, and given the undetailed nature of these reports, i can't give many details, but it's very odd. Perhaps there's some fairly common enzyme deficency which would prevent metabolization, but this is wild speculation.
Are u sure of the source of their doses. Was it reliable, out of ur stash, a internet supplier one should now be concerned about, etc. Was the product exposed to any extreme conditions. Are u sure your friends arent lying about not gettin off as to save money.It may be an enzyme issue but that seems far less likely then other possibilitys. I just think this incident should be looked into for all our sakes to make sure its isolated. Please post more about it as I know I at least would like to here more.
No, i can assure you the source was reliable. It's from the same batch that myself and another have gotten effects from.

I'm pretty confused at this point too.
DOC (two simple questions)

If one were to dissolve 100mg into 100ml of 'X', would alcohol or water be the better liquid?

And would the resulting solution be best stored in the freezer/fridge?

(Yes, I UTFSE, and could find nothing specific.)
I recommend alcohol, since it is more "preservative". Also add some wacky purple food colouring and stick a label that says "2,5-dimethoxy-4-chloroamphetamine" so that no one drinks it up by mistake.
Perhaps there's some fairly common enzyme deficency which would prevent metabolization, but this is wild speculation.

I doubt it. DOC like other monoamine psychedelics is active as is, it doesn't need to be metabolized into anything. It could be some people have some type of MAO enzyme that breaks down DOC more rapidly in the gut, but I doubt it would be completly inactive, and we'd have probably heard this with other DOxx, so I really doubt it.

Assuming this is the same batch that a small amount got you off, it sounds more like the blotters were made very poorly, either not being dipped well or the solution not being dissolved well.
Jamshyd said:
I recommend alcohol, since it is more "preservative". Also add some wacky purple food colouring and stick a label that says "2,5-dimethoxy-4-chloroamphetamine" so that no one drinks it up by mistake.

Thank you, that's exactly what I was looking for (preservation). And the colouring is a great idea.
I will have a full report coming when I get the chance - but i'll just recommend people start off low with DOC, and don't push it your first time.

A couple friends of mine took 6-7mg their first time, although both of them do seem more sensitive to psychedelics in general than most, but *WHOA*!!

The girl had full blown LSD-like but more, way more profound ego loss. This stuff isn't a toy - its DEEP STUFF! Well especially at higher doses, I think the dose/response curve for DOC is way more steep compared to LSD, where if you'd consider 1.5mg's DOC to "equal" a good hit of acid, 4-5 "1.5 mg hits" of DOC might be more like 10+ hits of good acid!

She was shown more nobel truths about life, existance, everything, than anything else in her life that night. I can relate as I was on a 5mg dose of DOC talking to her that night about it all, as I feel I could write up with diagrams etc call it "Reality, this is how it all works".

During my trip, we had walked to this .. can't think of the name, a place around here where on the weekends people set up little places inside this building and sell stuff, like fruit, organic milk, or an old lady selling off cool ass incense stuff or a nice ass LCD display for $20 bucks or whatever, and you can "talk them down" over something that is wonderful as-is that is listed as $7 bucks etc.

Well walking around this place, I realised, I'VE NEVER SEEN THIS CLEAR IN MY LIFE! It was like walking around but everything was in 1/2 second "frames" in my vision, but each frame was CRYSTAL CLEAR like my brain's vision display (and sensory perception overall) was cranked up to a super high resolution photo display mode, like setting your computer's screen resolution to 10x pixel resolution but then the refresh rate goes down since resources are being devoted to BEAUTIFUL 1/2 second 600 trillion megapixel snapshots of everything you see.

The view is wonderful, but then because lack of fluidity etc, its not so good for time sensitive, normal "opearation". "I've figured it all out maan!". Where a lowish dose of DMT will simplify your vision to more simple, geometrical shapes allowing for resources of the brain to go more towards fast, time sensitive, razor sharp accurate overall functioning, DOC was acting on the receptor changing this more towards the high res mode - but i'll save the details for later!

Back to this girl, and this is some good information for all of you to know if you plan to dose high on DOC and get caught in a "time loop". I was almost there that night, she said her vision would be SO VIVID and clear, where the 1/2 second delay thing, well hard to describe but in your mind you can stare long enough and make this happen - to put it simply uh, somehow you might see a "tunnel" or as she called it "tornado" like thing, where fractal like.. things start to repeat on and on and on forever, until it "loops in on itself".

Basically these super high quality freeze frames you see can just.. STOP. Where all you see, is the last 1/2 second or so repeating over and over non stop, that same high quality "snapshot" of perception your kind of ..stuck in.

Well - she found out you can still move, and told me if this happens that there IS still a universe going on around you and if it happened to me just let her know by a hand signal etc.

So its like your able to get up, and walk around in this snapshot of perception, and as you move around, your brain will "fill in the gaps" from memory alone, she had to use the bathroom in this state, and went up the stairs and her brain would fill in the stairs like lego blocks, from memory alone, so she could see, nothing from the outside world was coming in, i think except for the music that was still playing which helped her remember who she was. Well in the bathroom, the song stopped, and she..forgot where she *came from*. Since things were SO VIVID and REAL looking, she thought well! i must..be a ghost now! I can't still be alive..

I'll go into way more detail than that but just remember if your in one of these "time loops" - well don't go running around because well your running around physically but cut off from your senses. I got a taste of this friday night, and in the right setting with nowhere to go etc, i would love to go in this journey someday, but *setting*!.

Long story short (lol), she went SO deep back back into the past, into her DNA, she was shown everything, all her ancestors etc, until waaay back she was shown this information, basically she saw the pyramids of egypt and the fact that all we are here are simply a "computer experiment" being run by aliens from a higher universe. I googled "egypt pyramids aliens" last night and wow, - well anyway she had no idea anything about egypt / pyramids etc.

Thing is, she's right, I tripped hard enough that night to see that our little universe here is just another "hub" in the giant forever infinite network of life. I am a "hub" with infinitely smaller hubs within me, infinite universes smaller and smaller which have reached a state of "singularity" (google 'the singularity) status - meaning "active" - developed fully to be active. Humanity as a whole all of us "hubs" in here are still developing, until we reach a singularity point and suprass human intelligence, which then we all become one being (but die at the same time) , like a new born super human in some new bigger 'hub' of some higher universe with other.. hubs, and it just goes in for infiinty forever. All the 'hubs' of life, well our thoughts alone create complete universes, the mind creates its own hubs, i've been shown this before even talking to this girl (although I wasn't shown the whole vivid alien scenes/that deep!) earlier that night alone.

Yeah um, .. WHAT? what was i talking about? i'm god what? hehe - i'll save this for a long detailed report or i'll just go on and on..

But be careful with this stuff folks.. higher doses of DOC I really do think make LSD look like candy, if you plan to dose real high on DOC plan to be in a *SAFE* enviornment with a sober trip sitter present as I can see people getting so high and caught in time loops etc, and end up walking around and being caught and thrown in a hospital for acting "insane".

I'm going to maybe post a separate trip report for just their experience if i can get enough details from them both - I don't think they will sit down and write their own report, but i'll do it - it was PROFOUND, and well.. um.. true :)

Be careful people! If you take a high dose of this stuff be fully prepared to be in a setting where as if you had just eaten 50 good hits of acid..

So just remember, if caught in a freeze frame high resolution image/time loop, you can still move! I got a glimpse of this possibility of being sucked into this "tornado" and where i was I couldnt go into it.. and glad I didnt where I was ;)
gloggawogga said:
It could be some people have some type of MAO enzyme that breaks down DOC more rapidly in the gut, but I doubt it would be completly inactive, and we'd have probably heard this with other DOxx, so I really doubt it.

One would conjecture that a comparison of the same batch of DOC, measured and taken sublingually; contrasted against a measured dose swallowed might resolve the issue with some fair degree of surety.


No, because if the blotters are poorly made and inconsistent, which is most likely what is happening, you don't know if you just put a stronger one under your tounge.
Sorry meant actually measured DOC, in either powder or liquid form. If there were a difference in effects between sublingual and swallowed, it would suggest possible MAO &/or other such activity plays a role. If there is no difference… than any such activity would likely be minimal/non-existent.

yaesutom said:
I'VE NEVER SEEN THIS CLEAR IN MY LIFE! It was like walking around but everything was in 1/2 second "frames" in my vision, but each frame was CRYSTAL CLEAR like my brain's vision display (and sensory perception overall) was cranked up to a super high resolution photo display mode, like setting your computer's screen resolution to 10x pixel resolution but then the refresh rate goes down since resources are being devoted to BEAUTIFUL 1/2 second 600 trillion megapixel snapshots of everything you see.

that's exactly what i got from a 10mg trip about an hour and a half after the climax. Complete mental and visual clarity..even though some psychedelia was still going on. I prefer it to LSD, cause there was no confusion...and SHIT was the climax intense! Completely lost in visuals..so deep and intricate i will never even try to explain.
has anyone mixed DOC with MDxx? i'm thinking about trying out this combo but i want a little more info first. any experiences or input would be a big help. TIA

I haven't tried it, but that combination seemed very appealing while i was on DOC and would love to hear your report if/when you try it.
GreenBarts said:
has anyone snorted DOC yet? i have, it hits you fast but i dont have a scale that can wiegh mg so i eyed it up, but dam i tripped my face off.

I'm sorry, but that's just fucking moronic..

Have you dipped your tonque in a pile of DOC yet? Seems like a great idea! 8)

Ghettotastic_bong, can you with certainty say you've got DOC? I mean.. It's on blotters.. How can you know without having anything tested?
Hi there, I'm new here.

I am going to be recieveing 25mg of DOC. I do not have a milligram scale :\

I am thinking of dissolving the entire amount into X liquid, where X = Your best suggestion (water? distilled water? everclear? vodka?)

I can measure volume very accurately but I just don't have $350 lying around to get a milligram scale.

Do you think this is a bad idea if I take a very low dose initially? How long do you think the DOC will remain potent in solution? Thanks for reading and I will be posting a trip report here if I decide to give it a go.
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