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The Official Drug Related Literature Thread

This is an oldy that has a perigoric addicted beatnik as the main character.

Been Down So Long, Looks Like Up To Me by Richard Farina

The author ended up dying young, falling off the back of a motorcycle.
There's an encylopedia series that I frequently read, called 'The Encyclopedia of Addictive Substances', which is very informative and for the most part unbiased.

There's two books I want to read though, The Doors of Perception, and The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test.
has anyone read either of these?
The Electric Kool-Aid Acid Test is a fantastic read. I highly suggest reading it
+ Pihkal and Tihkal both written by Alexander Shulgin
+ Junky written by Burroughs
+ A Million Little Pieces by James Frey (This is my favorite, although it has been beaten down by Oprah and her book club as being exaggerated and whatnot.)
+ My Friend Leonard by James Frey
+ Ecstasy: The MDMA Story by Bruce Eisner
Out of it a cultural history of intoxication by stuart walton

there is this huge bookstore that has a shelf only for drug related books with the content changing over the year or so i love it

p.s for fiction the last i read was Beam me Up scotty story of a recovering addict going on a killing spree

also not to forget Trainspotting great read , porno and glue are ok too(irvine welsh)
Requiem for a Dream <3
And if you're a fan of Selby Jr. Last Exit to Brooklyn dabbles in drug use
"Drug Crazy" by Mike Gray is an excellent read about how the USA got involved in the war on drugs, prohibition (and the futility of it), and other countries views on how we are handling it. There is an online copy of it, in full text, at http://www.libertary.com/books/drug-crazy
Did William S. Burroughs ever OD?

I plan on starting "Junky" pretty soon (which may have the answer) but does anyone know if the late beatnik ever went over the edge with heroin?
Not sure about Williams Burrough, I remember reading that he was a homosexual and was into young boys and whats even more crazy is that he kinda enjoyed withdrawl because he experienced "anal leakage".... fucking nasty shit
I would be amazed if he didn't but I don't recall him ever writing about it, although I am far from a Burroughs scholar.
Scar Tissue was a good read. What was the book that turned out to be completely false, the author claimed to have written about personal drug experiences, but they all turned out to be b.s?
The Basketball Diaries- Jim Carroll

Trainspotting- Irvine Welsh

Less Than Zero- Bret Easton Ellis
Scar Tissue was a good read. What was the book that turned out to be completely false, the author claimed to have written about personal drug experiences, but they all turned out to be b.s?

Scar Tissue is an amazing book. What I loved most was that I could totally picture everything as I grew up in LA.

I believe the book you're talking about is A Million Little Pieces by James Frey? Even though it ended up being false I still thought it was a good read.
i just read the Heroin Diaries by Nikki Sixxx... Pretty good little story about a year in the life of Motley Crüe.. I wanna read Scar Tissue by Anthony Kiedis (Red Hot Chili Peppers).
Just started Requiem for a Dream for the second or third time.
Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas
These are all novels/autobiographies, though. I dunno if that is what you are looking for.

PDR Physician's Desk Reference, lol

I read all those. Not too shabby. I enjoyed them, I suppose.

Someone else said 'Junk' which I was quite honestly disappointed by. I also just read Beautiful Boy, which I thought was actually quite good.

Anything by Easton Ellis I'd say is fairly drug related and quite good. On that note, check out David Foster Wallace as he incorporates a lot regarding drug culture.
one of my very favorite drug books, or at least Drug related has to be The Contortionist's Handbook by Craig Clevenger. I'm surprised it hasn't been mentioned yet. check it out...
my recommendations:
"Speed" -William S. Burroughs JR.
"Opium Culture" - Peter Lee (very VERY good book! especially if you are a opiates-culture enthusiast, like Me, lol. :) )