  • Sports & Gaming Moderators: ghostfreak

the official 10-11 NBA thread ver. LIKE A BOSH

Heard on the radio today:

Ask LeBron for a dollar, and he'll give you 75 cents. He just doesn't have a fourth quarter.

Ya'll probably heard that already, but it was nice for my ride to work.
Shit man, I am so glad I am not a superstar athlete. Does anybody here realize that LeBron James is only 26 years old, and had a more fucked up childhood than almost everybody on here? How many of you have had you mom repeatedly fuck your friends? I get so pissed when people start making fun of shit like that, I had a nephew whose mom used to do the same thing. It's fucked up.

Although I don't really care what a bunch of fucks like me or any of you say on message boards that LeBron isn't reading. What is fucked up to me is how much the media rides this coattail and fuels the fire.

LeBron has been nothing short of incredible for the Heat, in my opinion, and even if we lose these Finals it is only because of him that we got here, and that we will probably win multiple championships in the future.

Anyways, wasn't MJ like 28 by the time he won his first 'ship? LeBron got plenty of time.
You have the two best overall players in the game 3,4. You almost sound like you're giving up. It's not over yet. Wade is the best player in the game. Can't count him out. And Lebron is big and black(joke if you couldn't tell). Don't count him out either. Game 6 is the only game I haven't been certain about. I'm confident, but doubt has crept in. It's not over until Dirk or Wade is holding that trophy as MVP.

Oh, and Lebron signed up for this. If I could trade my job for his. In a heart beat. Everything that has happened since he came to the league, from the media blowing everything out of proportion to the hundreds of millions of dollars he has made, are all his doing. He wants the lime life. He wants the money. He wants the spotlight. He has it. He doesn't complain because it's what he wants. Don't feel so bad for him.
Both teams have won their home games so I have a feeling Miami will take game 6.. plus everybody knows having a game 7 finals is revenue central.
hahaha. Serious is so spot-on with his analysis of LBJ and his piss-poor fundamental basketball styles. I am so glad I don't have to defend LeBron anymore. he should have been a man and stayed in Cleveland... he looks so bad and will be the laughing-stock of Ohio if his Heat fail in the Finals due to his 4th quarter mediocrity

seriously, the way LBJ is currently playing reminds me of the last two years, deep in the Eastern Conference Playoffs, and how he used to just give up and lose all hope and ability. it's because late in the Playoffs, all the b-ball players that are there play with the same fire as he usually does in the regular season. LBJ looses his fire, and he's damn lucky he's such a freakish athlete that he can get away with it

yeah 3, 4 - I have constantly compared myself to LBJ. he's only about a year older than me, and also from Ohio, so there are some comparisons. he definitely grew up in some ghetto-ass part of Ohio (though he went to the nice rich, private, and Catholic schools in that region). the last couple years I have learned to not compare myself to him so much, as it can get depressing (damn my band really needs to take off ;))
You have the two best overall players in the game 3,4. You almost sound like you're giving up. It's not over yet. Wade is the best player in the game. Can't count him out. And Lebron is big and black(joke if you couldn't tell). Don't count him out either. Game 6 is the only game I haven't been certain about. I'm confident, but doubt has crept in. It's not over until Dirk or Wade is holding that trophy as MVP.

Oh, and Lebron signed up for this. If I could trade my job for his. In a heart beat. Everything that has happened since he came to the league, from the media blowing everything out of proportion to the hundreds of millions of dollars he has made, are all his doing. He wants the lime life. He wants the money. He wants the spotlight. He has it. He doesn't complain because it's what he wants. Don't feel so bad for him.

I haven't given up on my Heat just yet. I'm still going to be watching games 6 & 7 (if necessary). But fuck, it has been a tough road against you Mavs. That shooting last game was ridiculous. I know you won't shoot that high a percentage again, but the Heat also shot pretty well up to the 4th quarter.

But, as I said, Bosh plays much better at home. A lot better, in fact. We really should have one that game 2 but for our own arrogance. I am confident we win game 6, but not so confident about 7. There is too much pressure on this team (and especially LeBron) for them to just phone it in. I just hope that there is a game 7, every NBA Finals needs one.

And I'm only defending LeBron based on his youth and his mom. If he is still like this when he is 30, then yeah. But I would hardly call a 26 year old mature, and when your mom keeps fucking you friends it is hard to keep focused. I really pity him for that, and after seeing how my nephew took it, I certainly wouldn't trade places with him, even for all of those millions.
I am just glad he is finally getting the recognition he deserves. For years I have always said he's a top 10 player in the game and was always laughed at. In the last 4 years, since the MVP year, I have maintained he was a top 5 player. Scoffed at regularly for those remarks. I would always say "ok. I'll give you wade Kobe and Lebron. 1,2,3 however you want then ranked. Howard? Ok maybe. So who else is better?". I would always be told Chris Paul. Deron Williams. A'Mare. Melo. Hell, most people thought Pau Gasol was better. Pau isn't even close to Dirk, so that would piss me off. I can see an argument for Melo, but still stood fast that Dirk was a top 5 for the last five years.

Now people are saying he's changed and he goes to the rim more aggressively and all that. He's been the exact same player for about four years now. If you don't have the ability to watch him every game you wouldn't know that and he gets no love from ESPN. The difference is that he now has a defensive center that completely hides his holes on that side of the ball. Defense wins, and now Dirk isn't that much of a liability on the defensive side of the ball because of Tyson Chandler. I'm just happy to see such a great player, and great all around guy, get the respect he finally deserves.
"The LeBron James headband timeline"

I like how LBJ's headband creeps up yearly, to match with his receding hairline
Psychopath, or whoever it was that said "I've refuted that he can't post up or play off the ball."
LeBron can't post-up, it's not up for debate. He just can't. He hasn't learned any techniques to play in the high or low post.
And playing off the ball doesn't have anything to do with defense, obviously you don't have the ball in defense situations, unless you steal it, but you sound like you don't know basketball fundamentals, which is fine because most people don't even think there ARE fundamentals in this day and age, and they're not far off.
Playing off the ball means setting screens, moving into position to create higher percentage shots, setting picks, creating spacing, boxing out on offense, etc. I hate it when Lebron runs up the court, stops at the top of the arc, wants to cut in but is defended, and just lobs up a brick without even seeing if any of his teammates are in position to rebound.
All these are things he would've benefitted from learning in college, which is why I hate how Kobe started the trend (not saying he was the first to do it), and LeBrick continued it, that athletes think they don't need college. It's getting old QUICK. They're the one group of people who need college more than anyone!
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It takes a team to win and a team to lose.

The Heat has not played up to their potential this series. Dallas has played up to their potential. If the Heat finds 5th gear they could steal the series. However, I think they are too late in getting it together for this series.

Dallas will probably end it tonight. If not, game 7 will be the most watched NBA playoff in history.
You seem to think that the Heat are underachieving, but they are not. They are acheiving everything they are capable of, and more, and still losing.
^ I see it that way as well but we'll see tonight. It's been 2 road games so that could be a part of it.

don't feel like adding anything intelligent

just want to be an average sports fan and say - SIT ON ONE, MIAMI!