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The NEW "Bitch about your dealer here" thread

Sweet analogy...really. Have you ever considered applying for a job as a writer for the show?

I can be like this. I am the queen of sarcasm...but CHOOSE to be open, honest.....and vulnerable. I think being vulnerable is beaustiful. It's so rare to witness...but, when I do, it gives me the utmost respect for someone. It takes GUTS to put yourself out there, to here stuff like this....and leave yourslef wide ope n on a webite like tis.

Yeah....I too can be this way, and easily treat others like that. When they bitch about withdrawal form taking one percocet per day. And the just don't know how they survied the wicked withdrawal. I listen to without judgement, knowng we're ALL diferent. So, I'll see you guys later for now.
Why is it that ppl think putting a smile, and "lol" after what they say makes it somehow better? It's called "passive/aggressive" ..."Hey, I think you're really a dumbass for the way you handle things lol :)" There. Wasn't that better? Not.
SBfromPA, what type of advice are you looking for? We cant give you a new source or even point you in the right direction.
If you want TLC and support for mental issues (pretty sure its aspergers) then the darkside will help you.
If your looking for straight forward (sometimes blunt) advice then go to the other drugs forum.
If you want LIGHTHEARTED conversation then this forum is the one to be in.
We have to see the humour in these situations because we advise people on them everyday, as well as living through them ourselves. With that in mind, you have to give us a bit of slack if we inject a little humour...its either that or crack up.
Maybe your anger and sarcasm would be better employed in dealing with the people causing you such stress and pain, instead of berating strangers online...just a suggestion, what do you think?
SB, I'm sure the posters here all rootin for ya and wanna see you win out over this dude that's griefing you.

Chin up and make your move.
SBfromPA, what type of advice are you looking for? We cant give you a new source or even point you in the right direction.
If you want TLC and support for mental issues (pretty sure its aspergers) then the darkside will help you.
If your looking for straight forward (sometimes blunt) advice then go to the other drugs forum.
If you want LIGHTHEARTED conversation then this forum is the one to be in.
We have to see the humour in these situations because we advise people on them everyday, as well as living through them ourselves. With that in mind, you have to give us a bit of slack if we inject a little humour...its either that or crack up.
Maybe your anger and sarcasm would be better employed in dealing with the people causing you such stress and pain, instead of berating strangers online...just a suggestion, what do you think?

You know what I think, man? I think you need to calm down and back off.
Obviously, someone tried to get belligerent with her in a passive/aggressive, pussy ass kind of way.. and she retaliated.
Now, you're basically telling her to shut up and just take it, to seek help, and what not.

No, dude. You need to check yourself, brother.
God forbid somebody calls someone out on their bullshit on BlueLight.
She's in a shitty situation, stressed out.. the last thing she needs is for some asshat to start some crap.
Why is it that ppl think putting a smile, and "lol" after what they say makes it somehow better? It's called "passive/aggressive" ..."Hey, I think you're really a dumbass for the way you handle things lol :)" There. Wasn't that better? Not.

You need to chill out. Nobody is making fun of you or talking shit.. defensive much? And nobody said you had to be dope sick while you find a new connect.. just suggested, that you actively do that obviously while you're still getting what you need, so you can than switch.

Sorry if you don't wanna hear that.. but you can't make posts about your life and situation and then expect people to not offer their advice. Now that everyone knows you get so bloody hostile after a simple post and view it as everyone ganging up and making fun of you, I imagine people won't bother responding to you at all anymore.
Ive been messin around a little lately, and since ive been out of the scene for a little and lost touch with one of my really reliable phone guys who actually picked up weight and wasnt getting a few g's and playing dope man. But the kid ive been getting it from is exactly that, buys a few grams and plays dope man. The shit is of decent quality and all, but the size isnt consistant, i wanted a 40 and he gave me a 20, happened the other night...anyways i was like make this right, in the past few weeks ive put some decent money in your pockets. So the next time he was all fucked up when i called him and i think he didnt want to deal with me bc he knew he fucked me over last time. But he said yea im downtown and im on my way to see my connec ill be like an hour or so, so i basically said well i dont really feel like waiting since it could be well over an hour, im going to call my sister and see if her other guy can hook it up(he knows my sister and knows she has a diff guy) and sure enough like ten mins later the douche calls me back like yea im downtown you can come see me. And he fixed the mistake from the previous time loll. You can tell he needs the money and clients lol. Sucks dealing with a fake ass wanna be...but the d is pretty good and i dont have to go far to get it.
You know what I think, man? I think you need to calm down and back off.
Obviously, someone tried to get belligerent with her in a passive/aggressive, pussy ass kind of way.. and she retaliated.
Now, you're basically telling her to shut up and just take it, to seek help, and what not.

No, dude. You need to check yourself, brother.
God forbid somebody calls someone out on their bullshit on BlueLight.
She's in a shitty situation, stressed out.. the last thing she needs is for some asshat to start some crap.

Dude, when did I become emotional? At what point did my post suggest I needed to calm down?
I merely made some statements of fact regarding the purpose of individual forums and suggested her energies might be better employed in ways others then ranting at BLers.
Since when did you become SBs mouthpiece? Isnt she a mature adult whos capable of defending herself?.
I was attempting to explain that some of us use humour to deal with situations and I think this is done alot on bluelight, thus insinuating that she shouldnt take it personally.
The only person getting worked up here is you, is it that time of the month? If so, get on the pill in future and save me your bloody sermonising.
Just for the record and with all due respect, im not your fucking brother..'kay?
So he texted me this am and I just casually mentioned that I was thinking about quitting soon cos the dope's so shitty lately... 20 mins later he calls me back & says he can get gunpowder again. So now I haz it. It feels so good to actually be high again :)
"Yeah, I'll be there in 20 minutes man."
"OK cool." *hangs up*
Alright everyone, it's going to be about another hour before it happens. *all the buddies collectively sigh*
Subutex is scarce cause they really only give it to pregnant women or folk that are allergic to Suboxone. At least nowadays that's who gets it.
Some docs will give them to people who have insurance co-pay issues with getting the suboxone formulation - subutuex and generic subutex is much cheaper, therefore for those unable to afford brand subox.
I have off work tmrw and think i may get a quarter gram and not take my methadone takehome...hmmm.

What dose are you on? The last time I tried to use on methadone, even waiting almost 24 hours, I had to do so much dope to get past the blockade and still didn't feel the rush like I wanted to, I feel it's just pointless to do now.
Im only on 50. Even when i take it during the day if i get a 40 at night i can feel it pretty well and will nod. Now im sure if i waited two days it would almost be too much. The dope is pretty fire, not like what i used to get, but its hard rock uniform in color, makes a nice amber shot. The only thing i dont like about doing big shots is the strong pins and needles, its almost painful sometimes, but it is part of the rush.
I miss those pins and needles. Why does shooting heroin have to feel so damn good? Not picking up a rig again though.
Ialso think that since a lot of ecp gets cut with b vitamins esp thiamine and niacin the niacin could also cause that burning flushing sensation. Never shot niacin but ive def had med quality dope that had more sting than the really good dope. So im not totally sure about it..the stuff ive been getting lately isnt the kill im used to but it does the job.
^^diphenhydramine helps with pins n needles and itching. Also potentiates the rush very nicely.