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The NEW "Bitch about your dealer here" thread

The dope I get here in Florida sucks. I shoot a half gram a rip. No pins and needles. Only flush face and warmness down extremities.I guess thats bitching about my dealer. Pick up better shit. Pills are too expensive
I call this dude all the time cause he is the most consistent with good shit an he never answers, but always texts me to hit him up an that he just reuped. I don't understand.
my weed dealer always does the same.
now he's on this super sketched to text about anything but will talk about the stupidest shit on the phone like how he just drove out of state to get and got a pound and what not. Stupid ass I doubt it matters either way its all being recorded lol
What dose are you on? The last time I tried to use on methadone, even waiting almost 24 hours, I had to do so much dope to get past the blockade and still didn't feel the rush like I wanted to, I feel it's just pointless to do now.

Damn how many mg you on man?
^ im only on 59, been on it for a year now almost. Still keeps me decent but i may up soon. Just afraid of getting up too high and having a wicked wd whenever i want off.

As long as you detox correctly and taper slow, then come off at a low dose, the withdrawals will be fine. Obviously jumping off a dose of 80mg's is going to be brutal, but I mean, so would 59, and why would anyone come off at either one of those doses?

If the dose you're on now is enough to take away your cravings and withdrawals, then that's great and there's no need to go up. But, some people stay on a lower dose like that so they can still use on top of it, which is obviously not good and in that case, upping your dose to where it will block a good amount, actually helps a lot in staying sober.
Its a really common practice with users I know to be on small amounts of methadone so that that they can still feel dope, despite my protests at how dangerous it is to mix any depressant with methadone (especially strong opiates).
The usual reason I hear for it is that by taking both, they can get high and not withdraw if they cant score (thus removing an addict only real fear..withdrawal).
Ive tried to explain that their only cheating themselves out of a chance of getting clean...but as they say 'you can lead a horse to water, but you cant make it drink'.

Yeah. There's always going to be people on methadone for reasons like that. You have to want to get clean, really want it deep down. Nobody can make you want it.
Too true....
That doesnt stop us trying to help though.
I reckon 80% of posts on bluelight (especially in OD BDD and TDS) are attempts to save people from themselves.

Me: can you do something?
Him: yeah gotta wait 45 mins for powder tho
Me: that's fine, txt me when you're ready

45 mins go by

Him: come by

I get there. Hand him the money he hands me the stuff

Me: ....this is powder?
Him: no that's the other stuff. I couldn't get the powder
Me: ....you said 45 mins for powder
Him: yeah I know I didn't know it was going to be this stuff til a few mins ago cos my other dude *blah blah blah blah*

Were I not possibly going out of town for three days I would've handed it back to him and said I don't want it and went and took my chances at open air. The non powder stuff he has usually sucks.

Dealers, man. It's enough to make you want to get clean.
Damn, BS. That blows.
You had no idea he didn't have powder up until the point that you got to the spot?
I would've been pissed. Like, dude.. you made me come all this way saying you had it.. and when I get here, you all of a sudden don't have it anymore?
Fuck that.. I'd of just went open air. Teach that fucker a lesson. If you fuck around with me, then you're fuckin' with your own't money.
^ Yeah you gotta let them know you'll always go somewhere else.

Never let ANYBODY feel indespensable in da drug game.
Damn, BS. That blows.
You had no idea he didn't have powder up until the point that you got to the spot?
I would've been pissed. Like, dude.. you made me come all this way saying you had it.. and when I get here, you all of a sudden don't have it anymore?
Fuck that.. I'd of just went open air. Teach that fucker a lesson. If you fuck around with me, then you're fuckin' with your own't money.

Amen. You can't let those fuckers think they can pull whatever shit they want and you'll keep coming back like a little puppy dog.

Next time say, "Fuck you, I don't appreciate being lied to and having a fucking switch pulled on me. This shit is bunk, you know it, and I'm not buying it. If you waste my time coming down here again, I'm going to take a few of your teeth home with me as a souvenir."

... But that's just me.. :\
My dude looks like he's falling off. I had to meet him in the "hood" hood and not just the regular hood. And he's fucked up on something, can't seem to keep his numbers straight. Brought his dope fiend peeps with him too this time. He's starting to look more like a custo than a dealer.

Abandon ship!

Hah. For real. When they start doing their own product... they go down hill fast. Smart move ditching that guy.
Yeah man. He went from having this huge ass bag of benzos not too long ago to us waiting in the projects for some dude to drop off just 4. Mean while dude's doped up friends kept coming up to the car to hollar at him.

I hopefully got something else worked out or I'm be sober for a long time.
Damn, BS. That blows.
You had no idea he didn't have powder up until the point that you got to the spot?
I would've been pissed. Like, dude.. you made me come all this way saying you had it.. and when I get here, you all of a sudden don't have it anymore?
Fuck that.. I'd of just went open air. Teach that fucker a lesson. If you fuck around with me, then you're fuckin' with your own't money.

Nope, no idea til I handed him the money and he handed me the dope :/

^ Yeah you gotta let them know you'll always go somewhere else.

Never let ANYBODY feel indespensable in da drug game.

Amen. You can't let those fuckers think they can pull whatever shit they want and you'll keep coming back like a little puppy dog.

Next time say, "Fuck you, I don't appreciate being lied to and having a fucking switch pulled on me. This shit is bunk, you know it, and I'm not buying it. If you waste my time coming down here again, I'm going to take a few of your teeth home with me as a souvenir."

... But that's just me..

I told him it was messed up, and I told him I wouldn't be buying that stuff from him again, and if he handed it to me I was just going to hand it back... but it's a moot point now, because with a little legwork on my part I managed to get intro'd to HIS connect today :) Got some decent stuff tonight and hopefully will have gunpowder tomorrow, and I'll never have to deal with the other guy again.
Supposedly my dealer got robbed today while taking 2.5 hours to get to my house which is 10 minutes from where he started off his day. Doesn't matter too much to me though. He's still a cool dude who manages to get some great product.
Not my dealer, but a friends..
We had to travel to a town I'm not familiar with to get some raw..
My friends borrows my phone to call the dealer and the dealer tells him to go to a street he never been to before..
So, we end up getting lost (we went down 1 street too soon) and my friend calls the dealer back up..
Dealer just starts bitching at my friend about getting lost because mr. dealer always wants to meet at new spots all the time.
It's like.. Shut the fuck up, dude. Don't have us driving all over the place trying to find you all the time. Pick one damn spot and stick with it.