• LAVA Moderator: Mysterier

Travel The MEGA Travel Thread!

thanks guys. :)<3

i always thought it would be good to have one place to find everything travel-related.

those threads i posted are from 15 active pages. theres 29 pages in the archive, so this thread will be massive once its all done. it would definitely be nice to have a dedicated forum (or subforum) like TheSpade suggested.

but for the time being, im gonna work on getting those archived posts onto this thread.
Can some of the mods / admins put in place a travel forum? Between here and EADD there are tons of travel threads so I'm sure there must be more elsewhere.
^^ It's a good idea Spade, but I suspect it might be similar to having an "Alcohol Discussion" forum, there might not be quiiite enough material to justify its presence...
I'm sure it'd grow to be much more popular than some of the other forums on BL such as Education & Careers, Legal Discussion, Film & Television etc.

It's not like there's a lack of stuff to chat about if we had such a forum.
i thought about posting a thread in support so we could discuss the pros/cons of having a travel forum, but figured it would be best to wait. of course it would be nice to have all the travel threads in one place, since they are now all over the place, (SO, EADD, etc) but that takes a lot of work that someone has to do. i think the admins would be much more willing to consider such a forum if they arent the ones having to dig up all the old threads over the various forums. Spade, would you be willing to go through EADD and find all the old travel threads if the admins would agree to put in place a travel forum? i am compiling the SO archived threads right now, and would be willing to go through NADD (or whatever it is now) and find those threads. hell, i would go through all of the forums to find the threads, but that may take awhile.

basically, i think we should make it as easy as possible for the admins/smods/mods if we want to bring up the idea; they have enough to do as it is.
Hmmm not sure I want to trawl through EADD to find the travel threads tbh. :p
i thought about posting a thread in support so we could discuss the pros/cons of having a travel forum

We had a brief discussion about it in the mod forum, I think it's a no-go.

But this thread is an excellent library of the travel threads so thank you again JV!! <3
great directory JV

^^ It's a good idea Spade, but I suspect it might be similar to having an "Alcohol Discussion" forum, there might not be quiiite enough material to justify its presence...

i disagree. i think BLers do travel around a bunch, as is evident by the content in literally every weekly photo contest thread! i think a potential travel forum could thrive on discussion of places where people have been, places where people want to go, interesting sights to see in places where people already live, and maybe, perhaps, even some couchsurfing proposals :)

i also think that this overcautious approach is what's holding bluelight back from being as big as it could be. i.e. the overanalyzing the pros and cons of every potential idea until the idea is buried then reintroduced then buried again and maybe implented perhaps, in part, a decade later. I mean, WTF? Why all the bureaucracy? It takes minutes to add a new forum, it takes minutes to add mods and demod (yes, that's a quip at the admins who seem to have forgotten about adding a new CD mod and that i have stepped down months ago) and yet none of this shit is happening because this, because that. Bollocks to because, just do something and hope for the best. This is the internet after all, not a career decision.
thujone for president! :D

Get a travel forum on the go you mother fuckers! If it doesn't work scrap it.
It's true that economic disparity in Japan is much less than many other countries, but a significant number of wealthy Japanese also attempt to hide their affluence.

And according to a guest lecturer we just had who worked in Japan as a psychiatrist, there's also a significant number of not-so-well-off Japanese who do everything they can to hide their poverty.

When in China, I toyed with the idea of getting a costume together that made me look like a disheveled person from the former Soviet bloc (or the Middle East), in order to fend off con artists and English conversation leeches. But then I realized that other than the intrinsic fun of living a double life, this would create just a many potential problems as it would solve.

Plus (and this is what's germaine to this thread), whenever you're obviously neither a local nor an illegal migrant, in a place with significant poverty, people WILL try to rip you off, no matter where you say (or they think) you're from. Being from somewhere far away takes you out of the chain of accountability in many people's minds, and so people feel less bad about ripping you off. Plus, you had to have had some kind of money to arrive from far away, so you're likely to yet have more. This is especially true in any place with a non-negligible amount of poverty that's a tourism-based economy. You just can't take it personally.
That will happen anywhere in the Mediterranean too, because the gypsy criminal class is omnipresent.

There isn't even significant poverty in Spain, Italy, France, Greece, etc. but gypsies are very attached to their culture of crime and irresponsibility.