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The Main 5-MAPB Thread

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I was excited to try 5-MAPB so last weekend dosed around 150-200mgs over the weekend, was good but not fantastic and it lacked the magic of MDMA, not much empathy or music appreciation, in fact i ended up watching documentaries all night, I could not do that on MDMA because i always want to socialise and talk.

Fast forward to the following week and theres certainly a slump, feel pretty tired and anxious plus Im getting brain zaps. My short term memory was terrible and extremely noticible between Monday and Wednesday. Its now Thursday and my memory has improved but I still feel tired and run down.

I would recommend people take it easy with this one.
Thank you though for providing this information because I had no idea 5HT2b agonism affects the heart's valves. This is just one more reason not to abuse these chemicals.
Not counting in the uncalculable risk of malignant hyperthermia... It's relatively rare with MDMA, but who knows how high the risk will be with these chemicals.
Not counting in the uncalculable risk of malignant hyperthermia... It's relatively rare with MDMA, but who knows how high the risk will be with these chemicals.

One of the major concerns with the APB series is the huge temperature increases & fluctuations. Given that MDMA toxicity appears following use under high tmeperature ambient conditions, & that the APB's apparently mimic the effects of MDMA it might be fair to assume this series offers an even greater exposer to semi-permanent down regulation of the serotonergic system.
One of the major concerns with the APB series is the huge temperature increases & fluctuations. Given that MDMA toxicity appears following use under high tmeperature ambient conditions, & that the APB's apparently mimic the effects of MDMA it might be fair to assume this series offers an even greater exposer to semi-permanent down regulation of the serotonergic system.
It is believed that genetic susceptibility is required for this to happen.
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Doesn't feel very toxic to me, compared to cathinones.
Feel free to continue using it, if things fall apart for ya, we'll be here to help you pull yourself back together! I obviously hope t doesn't come to that...

I hate Mephedrone but that shite seems like a fucking kids party compared to 5-mapb. I vaccumed up my share of meph back then & I never suffered anything even close to the vile poisoning I exposed myself to on this shit.
so its 9 days since I tried this and I am experiencing the worst anxiety attacks Ive ever had, the Saturday just gone (2 days ago) it got that bad I went to the doctors.
Doesn't feel very toxic to me, compared to cathinones.

The toxicity of a drug isn't something you "feel" as such, until you've abused something quite a lot, and even then a lot of the damage can go seemingly unnoticed. MDMA for example doesn't feel the slightest bit toxic to me, even in large amounts or when overused, but the after-effects are severe, and the damage it can do when abused is very real.

Just worth bearing that in mind, and as with 6-APB, MDMA and the like, a month minimum between uses is definitely a good idea.
so its 9 days since I tried this and I am experiencing the worst anxiety attacks Ive ever had, the Saturday just gone (2 days ago) it got that bad I went to the doctors.

5htp definately helped me recover.
5htp definately helped me recover.

Can't help to hammer the Omega 3, 6 & 9's as well, they seem to aid general, over-all brain recovery. I've discovered these recently, after realizing the Boots ones I've been taking have too much Vit E in them. These are a much better option & they're great value at the moment -

5htp definately helped me recover.

Ordered some the day after the anxiety attacks, definitely helped along with Omega 3, vitamin C and B

Can anyone shed any light as to whether 5-MAPB is toxic, or why some of us have suffered horrendous come downs?
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I've never suffered from horrendous comedowns on 5-MAPB. I think people are just using it too frequently or overshooting the dose.
Don't wish to be judgemental or anything, but why are people taking these serotonin releasers successively all of a sudden? Do people think it's different because it's name is not MDMA or something?

And I don't mean you two in particular, it's just that I read about people doing that with the APBs maybe a million times or so.

From my experience, it's because these chemicals that people are abusing are quite a bit more reinforcing than MDMA itself; then again, IV MDMA is quite reinforcing and I've seen people (and myself) fall down the rabbit-hole with that ROA. A lot of people are snorting these drugs, also more reinforcing than oral admin.
I've never suffered from horrendous comedowns on 5-MAPB. I think people are just using it too frequently or overshooting the dose.

I think the point people like myself and others are making is that even if we did overdo it we didnt overdo it any more than we would with plenty of other chems and this one caused serious problems.

In other words we all thought we were within the boundaries of our own limitations

So the point is that you have to be REALLY EXTRA CAREFUL with this one.

We are mainly all hard core users not lightweights!
The 1 month rule also apply on this chem, if you hold this and hold your doses under 200mg then there is no comedown. This should be basic knowledge for everybody because 5-MAPB is a SRA.

Yes I sound like an arrogant jerk.
I think the point people like myself and others are making is that even if we did overdo it we didnt overdo it any more than we would with plenty of other chems and this one caused serious problems.

In other words we all thought we were within the boundaries of our own limitations

So the point is that you have to be REALLY EXTRA CAREFUL with this one.

We are mainly all hard core users not lightweights!

Nicely put!

My doses were about 50mg or 60mg each day, two days on, two days off, then two days on again. My total was 200mg. I became very ill 10 days after that regime & I personally don't think 200mg once a month is particularly safe either... I & others have suffered acute Brain Zaps & emotional crises but there could be longer term problems for people who don't suffer acute symptoms such as long term depression, anxiety, insomnia etc etc...

My problems occured in January & I still have the occassional little zap even after 6 months & I'm now wondering if I might have them for life...

You all feel free to go ahead & see if the same thing happens to you!
Feel free to continue using it, if things fall apart for ya, we'll be here to help you pull yourself back together! I obviously hope t doesn't come to that...

I hate Mephedrone but that shite seems like a fucking kids party compared to 5-mapb. I vaccumed up my share of meph back then & I never suffered anything even close to the vile poisoning I exposed myself to on this shit.
I never really had a problem with Mephedrone.Once again in moderation. Had slight hallucinations a couple times when I did a small redose too early. But I think others may have liked this. :) Never had the urge to keep redosing. Actually I still have a couple of grams :D But 5-mabp??? I'm seriously thinking of tipping the nearly 5 grams I have down the drain.
My doses were about 50mg or 60mg each day, two days on, two days off, then two days on again.

And you are telling me you weren't asking for troubles for this frequent dosing of a potent SRA?
^I thought the same thing. That is definitely not "within the boundaries".
However I still can't say how it affects me since I try to avoid other drugs than a little THC here and there.

But I agree to be careful if two people here experienced such negative episodes. I'd be interested if someone else had similar symptoms after doing too much 5/6-APB too frequently. And I wonder why this thread is relatively short compared to others.

Btw is there a 5-EAPB Thread?
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