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Gabapentinoids The Lyrica (Pregabalin) Mega Thread v 2.0

Oh, so it's the same thing as staggering. Got ya. It's shouldn't be needed with pregabalin as it's bioavalability is >90%.

Which I don't understand because it relies on the L amino acid transport system just like gabapentin, which gets saturated - which is why gabapentin has poor bioavailability. So why doesn't this occur with lyrica. Does anybody have any ideas?
It's subjective. It's been 18 hours and I still feel it. Taking only so much an hour streaches it out. I've taken a gram at once before and it didn't hit me hard at all. This time I took 450mg every hour or two and reached 1350mg or 1500mg. I am still feeling it. It's wearing off, but still works.
It's subjective. It's been 18 hours and I still feel it. Taking only so much an hour streaches it out. I've taken a gram at once before and it didn't hit me hard at all. This time I took 450mg every hour or two and reached 1350mg or 1500mg. I am still feeling it. It's wearing off, but still works.

That would be consistent with its activity at the l amino transporter. So why do they say its bioavailability is >90%? if it saturates it like gabapentin does?
I'm still trying to figure that out. Say you have zero tolerance. If you took 300mg - 450mg at once, or even if you were used to 75mg, twice a day, that dose could kick your ass. I read a thread on here where it was agreed that staggering the doses, helped. I took other stuff last night, but if it isn't the Lyrica, then I have a nice afterglow. Since pregabalin/Lyrica is much stronger, maybe more can be taken up by the transporter.
That may very well be true. Maybe its 6 fold potency transfers over to the transporter as well.

Interesting side note. Did you know that the l amino acid transporter is responsible for taking amino acids into neurons? It also brings gabapentin and pregablin into the central neurons. This is how they cause non-vesicular release of GABA from the presynaptic cell.

Not many people know this.
SK lol, you must be heavily zonked out on that much preg + Diaz!
Why add so little opiate? I know you have pain issues too, but do you find the above euphoric?

Pregabalin - and other gabapentinoids like baclofen, gabapentin, pehnibut - are stimulatory in high dosages, and provoke hypomanic reactions in most people.
That may very well be true. Maybe its 6 fold potency transfers over to the transporter as well.

Interesting side note. Did you know that the l amino acid transporter is responsible for taking amino acids into neurons? It also brings gabapentin and pregablin into the central neurons. This is how they cause non-vesicular release of GABA from the presynaptic cell.

Not many people know this.

Please could you clarify in dummies terms.
I am tapering off pregabalin, was on 600mg at xmas, and now on 212mg, as I am dosing five times a day due to short duration of action, and to stop interdose withdrawals.
I cut 2mg a day, I was cutting 5mg a day at first but gradually decreased cuts when my dose got lower.
I take 0.4mg off each of the five doses I take in the day spaced evenly apart.
I am finding transdermal magnesium oil to be a great help in removing the symptoms I had when I was first addicted.
It's proving to be a success, the wd symptoms graadually faded and I hopefully should be off in about 3 months.
How do you get 212mg?

These doses aren't for pregablin. Are you talking about a benzo?

Yes magnesium is great. It blocks the NMDA receptor pore, so it helps a lot.

What do you want to me to clarify? I meant that the gabapentin and pregabalin can enter the neuron and push GABA out. No other drug can enter neurons except amphetamines, and they do so via transporter proteins.
I was told by my dr (at least 3 times) that Lyrica was not the type of medicine to create a "high". I am new to it and do not want to recover from yet another addiction. However, I do feel really different right now having taken about 1.5 hours ago. Could anyone explain what's meant by "high? If that is allowed sorry but the rules are confusing to me. Thanks in advance
^welcome to the BL community!

Lyrica 'high' can be subjective depending on your bodies make up, height, weight, gender, tolerance to other GABAs etc.

It usually does kick in at the 1.5hr mark, leaving the user feeling slightly drunk, dizzy, wonky, sleepy, more talkative, less anxious, & less inhibited.

Some ppl hate these feelings while others, (like myself), enjoy it when I have a day where I don't have to drive or do anything too important.

Many use a method called stacking. As in, you initially dose, then at regular periods dose again & again. Wouldn't recommend that until you're used to the effects. Also, it is addictive to some & there's many stories of horrid wds from lyrica. Myself, I've never suffered them.

Are you scripted it for pain or social anxiety? It's beginning to take over as a safer alternative to benzos where I live. Soon the medical community will figure out how good this medicine is also for opiate wds.

Be careful I guess I should warn you, especially as it seems you've had a prior addiction.

*most ppl go on to live a normal life when prescribed & sticking to that daily dose to help with neuropathic pain. It just becomes part of their routine & they quickly adjust to any 'side effects'

I've been taking Lyrica for close to two years now at 300mg twice a day for neuralgia caused by degeneration of the cervical region of the spine. In the beginning it took away the pain and as a bonus alleviated all anxiety. I am prescribed the maximum amount and quickly developed a tolerance. It now does nothing but rids of three nasty withdrawal of missing a dose. I tried taking a massive amount as an experiment which still did nothing. I guess I am damned to taking this for life unless someone can offer help on how to get this medicine to regain it's effectiveness.
I tried taking lyrica after spending a couple months off of it. My tolerance was exactly as it was before
So I took about 1200mgs of Lyrica on a Friday and then 270mgs of Methadone on the next Saturday and needless to say this was a horrible idea. Sometime on Saturday night I woke up in the hospital because they were giving me a shot of Narcan. Worst feeling ever!! It's the exact opposite of feeling good on drugs. Was in the hospital for a fucking week. Really sucked.
I need to get off this shit...it cause sexual problems and weight gain from crazy appetite.... At 300mg/day atm
I need to get off this shit...it cause sexual problems and weight gain from crazy appetite.... At 300mg/day atm

I tapered from 600mg to 170mg, using water and a syringe, taking out a small cut each day.
I started on 5mg cuts, but when my signature withdrawl warning symptom comes, headaches, I reduce my cut.
I was told by my dr (at least 3 times) that Lyrica was not the type of medicine to create a "high". I am new to it and do not want to recover from yet another addiction. However, I do feel really different right now having taken about 1.5 hours ago. Could anyone explain what's meant by "high? If that is allowed sorry but the rules are confusing to me. Thanks in advance
high=feel 'good' off drugs, but careful with pregab, Im on a taper, was on 600mg now on 170mg, but could only do this painlessley by cutting daily and dosing 5 times a day, taking a cut out of each dose, started with 5mg daily cuts, as I hadnt been on 600 that long, and when iI got my signature withdrawal headache from the back of the head with pregab, I knew to reduce the cut. I now use 2mg cuts each day and the taper is going really smoothly. 170mg doesnt get me high, it just stops withdrawals and allows me to comme offf smoothly. I did have wds to start with but the tapering tapered them away.
Do you notice any stomach discomfort during withdrawals?
Not so far, as I've been dosing 5 x a day, and splitting the cut between each dose.
Just been reducing cut as I get signature headache, but I reduced it again, today, in the absence of the headache, as I keep getting the runs.
I've been messing with the benzo beast and am on a huge dose yet the runs are still here, so i thought a cut in my daily pregab reduction may be in order.
Dose regularly, dissolve in water, cut daily, and cut at each dose, (splitting cut between dose), reduce cut when synmptpoms appear, updosing slightly to a dose you felt better at if necessary, thats how I got from 600mg to 168.75mg
Not so far, as I've been dosing 5 x a day, and splitting the cut between each dose.
Just been reducing cut as I get signature headache, but I reduced it again, today, in the absence of the headache, as I keep getting the runs.
I've been messing with the benzo beast and am on a huge dose yet the runs are still here, so i thought a cut in my daily pregab reduction may be in order.
Dose regularly, dissolve in water, cut daily, and cut at each dose, (splitting cut between dose), reduce cut when synmptpoms appear, updosing slightly to a dose you felt better at if necessary, thats how I got from 600mg to 168.75mg
Day 2 Cold Turkey off Lyrica here. I wake up with horrendous hang over type headache / feeling in my head ever since I stopped it. Every single morning, its so bad that I can't get out of bed unless I drink a shit load of coffee...Is this normal?