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Gabapentinoids The Lyrica (Pregabalin) Mega Thread v 2.0

Lyrica was a weird med for me. I don't know if it causes depression so much as it makes depression worse. When I went off, (I was only taking 150mg) the WDs I experienced were kind of like the unwanted side effects (lethargy, emotional flatnesses) were amplified plus anxiety. Tapering at that dose was pretty useless for me. I just stopped one day by taking 1mg klonopin instead and was through the worst of it without a problem.
glad you werent bitten too hard
why are you guys taking so much? 3x25mg does it for me, no addiction, no sides

helps anxiety (well it's no benzo but better than the alternatives) and my back never hurts any more

tolerance, its the worst drug for tolerance, at 600mg, I said, right, that's it, and started tapering, and here I am now at 268mg
I think it is causing daytime anxiety, cos i am addicted to benzos as well, but while they work if I ake them on a night, they dont work during thte day.
I took 900mg of lyrica last week. I started twitching and having compulsions(?), or some sort of seizure(?) then I stopped breathing and blacked out and my face went purple and my friend checked my pulse and I didn't have one for a while. I was out for a few minutes he said, until I came around. Then I went to hopsital and got my bloods checked and stuff. They haven't got back to me yet. There have been 6 deaths because of lyrica in my city; Belfast... recently. I was nearly one of them. I would like to say, it was my prescribed medicine and not something I got of the streets.

Maybe some the capsules are being dosed wrong?
600mg per day is the recommended max dosage although people routinely take over that. I've heard of some people having a seizure at doses above 1000mg although I don't think it's common. I've had the twitching before at 400mg+ even with a daily tolerance. Do you take any other meds?
I think it would help a lot. Im pretty sure any withdrawal from Lyrica would be GABAergic and since phenibut is a gaba-mimetic it should at least greatly reduce the withdrawal. Be careful with the phenibut though. that stuff has a nasty withdrawal itself.
I think it would help a lot. Im pretty sure any withdrawal from Lyrica would be GABAergic and since phenibut is a gaba-mimetic it should at least greatly reduce the withdrawal. Be careful with the phenibut though. that stuff has a nasty withdrawal itself.

I'm taking 150 to 300 per day of lyrica. I feel addicted to it already after 5 months. The shit is like adderall when it comes to doing computer work though....not as good analgesia as opiates but better for working
I'm taking 150 to 300 per day of lyrica. I feel addicted to it already after 5 months. The shit is like adderall when it comes to doing computer work though....not as good analgesia as opiates but better for working
Lucky you I never felt any stimulation from it, it basically felt like a benzo for me but without the "I don't give a shit about anything" but with most of the side effects.
Lucky you I never felt any stimulation from it, it basically felt like a benzo for me but without the "I don't give a shit about anything" but with most of the side effects.

theres a sweet spot....if i overshoot dosage I feel heavily benzoed, but more euphoric. Also I didn't get a stimulant effect until I became dependent on it.
theres a sweet spot....if i overshoot dosage I feel heavily benzoed, but more euphoric. Also I didn't get a stimulant effect until I became dependent on it.
I took it daily for almost 3 years including 4 month taper.

My doses were 150mg the first year and 200-300mg there after.
I took it daily for almost 3 years including 4 month taper.

My doses were 150mg the first year and 200-300mg there after.

how was your taper, and did you suffer any symptoms after getting off completely.
If you did suffer symptoms after getting off completely, how long did they last and what were they?
It would help me as i am doing a taper
What would you say is a safe frequency of dosage, around the 350mg mark, in order to avoid dependency? i.e. how many times can you take a 350mg dose a week to avoid long-term addiction...2x, 1x, less than 1x a week?

Thank you, much appreciated.
^ Imho few times a month max until it loses effects and twice in a week to not develop physical dependency. Psychological varies more.
I find it loses it's effect in a couple of days. The first day you take it you feel fucked but that soon wears off after 2 or 3 days.

how was your taper, and did you suffer any symptoms after getting off completely.
If you did suffer symptoms after getting off completely, how long did they last and what were they?
It would help me as i am doing a taper

At first I tried to come off too quickly which caused a lot of physical pain in my arms, legs and back, once I started making smaller cuts it wasn't as bad but still there. I tapered all the way down to 12.5mg before jumping off and by then most (if not all) of the physical pain was gone. I can't really comment on any mental problems that it caused (if any) because I was/am a daily poly drug user and I also came off daily benzos a year prior, so my mental heath is probably not the most stable anyway.

I would suggest treat it similar to coming off benzos and take it slow. I didn't have a preset cut schedule that I followed I just went by how I felt, sometimes I would hold at a dose for a week, other times I would hold for a month. Just listen to your body and make your cuts to keep you as comfortable as possible. Goodluck.
^ Imho few times a month max until it loses effects and twice in a week to not develop physical dependency. Psychological varies more.

Thanks. I have been taking it between 100-350mg a day for the last two months. Mostly just 100mg a day, the larger doses have only been on days I've been working, which is only two or three days a week. Lately I've been feeling really shitty on the days I'm only taking 100mg. Really achy all over, and tired, and anxious. I can only conclude this is rebound anxiety, i.e. mild WD.

I think I'm going to come off it. I take it for anxiety but if I was to take say 350mg every day, I think it would give me complete sexual dysfunction and loss of libido, as I've felt those effects somewhat even with my current regimen. Going to try and taper off, and find an alternate solution for my anxiety. In the meantime I'll use diazepam but need to be careful not to get fucking dependent on that as well.
How much stronger is lyrica than pregabalin - could you reach the same effect from high dose pregabalin, or is lyrica's make-up different so that it is more recreational?
I take alot of lyrica and nerontin it's a very happy feeling like you're just indifferent to things that normally would give you anxiety or bother you. You do have coordination problems alot like being tipsy on alcohol. For me the effects kick in in about an hour or hour and a half and can last almost 24 hrs. I have a high tolerance so I take more every couple hours. I've taken 9600 mgs and was totally fine but if you haven't taken them before I'd start out at 1000. This of course is just my opinion. You build a tolerance real quick so you have to at least double your dose and maybe even a little more to keep getting the same high. I quit after day three and try to wait at least a week before taking more. As with any drug the longer you wait before taking any the better the high next time. I was originally prescribed these to get off benzos. Obviously it worked and it doesn't show up on any panel drug test. I've also heard it works good for helping take the edge of when your done sick. The only side effect I get is my hands and feet swell up. It's worse on lyricas than with nerontin. Some people say lyrica is just a strong nerontin but that's false. They do have very similar compounds but nerontin has more of a hallucination effect. I've never heard of any one having withdrawals from either drug..i take alot and I don't but would like to hear if anyone has. I definitely recommend trying this especially if your on probation and are feeling squirmy from not being able to smoke weed ect...
I take alot of lyrica and nerontin it's a very happy feeling like you're just indifferent to things that normally would give you anxiety or bother you. You do have coordination problems alot like being tipsy on alcohol. For me the effects kick in in about an hour or hour and a half and can last almost 24 hrs. I have a high tolerance so I take more every couple hours. I've taken 9600 mgs and was totally fine but if you haven't taken them before I'd start out at 1000. This of course is just my opinion. You build a tolerance real quick so you have to at least double your dose and maybe even a little more to keep getting the same high. I quit after day three and try to wait at least a week before taking more. As with any drug the longer you wait before taking any the better the high next time. I was originally prescribed these to get off benzos. Obviously it worked and it doesn't show up on any panel drug test. I've also heard it works good for helping take the edge of when your done sick. The only side effect I get is my hands and feet swell up. It's worse on lyricas than with nerontin. Some people say lyrica is just a strong nerontin but that's false. They do have very similar compounds but nerontin has more of a hallucination effect. I've never heard of any one having withdrawals from either drug..i take alot and I don't but would like to hear if anyone has. I definitely recommend trying this especially if your on probation and are feeling squirmy from not being able to smoke weed ect...

That's how I got addicted. The gaps got narrower, cos I couldnt stand the day being pissed off/upset, etc, as I have BPD and its so painful to live with, every emotion is magnified adn it feels unbearable, and you get anxious too, well, I do.