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Gabapentinoids The Lyrica (Pregabalin) Mega Thread v 2.0

i just caved yet again, for the 600th time and dropped 600mg's of lyrica with some hydroxyzine. starting to hit me like a train.
A strong buzz that lasted two minutes? What the fuck? Everyone is different but one thing generally noted about Lyrica is the lasting duration.

I know! I had read that Lyrica makes the buzz last longer and all, but that was it for me. I was really surprised it didn't do anything else. Though I am a quite heavy codeine user. I've been taking it 4-5 times a week recently, but I'm trying to get it to 1-2 times a week. Otherwise it's just no fun.

I have a really, really high natural tolerance to drugs. No prescribed meds I've tried for insomnia (and I've tried tons, not all of them, but tons anyway) knocks me out. It's just stupid and I wish I wouldn't have.

Okay so to update, yesterday I took 1500mg of Lyrica. Nothing really special. Blanace off, liked to be under the blanket and watch movies. No warmth or euphoria. Felt maybe like I'd taken two beers. So pretty nah. I liked the moment and it was nice to be laying down and keeping myself warm and cozy, but that's pretty much it. Oh yeah, I did sleep very well, over 12h. Need to try it a couple more times to actually determine if I like pregabalin or not. I won't go over 1.5g, I think it won't do any difference.

Is there anything that would make pregabaling's effects stornger? I've heard it's acutally pretty much the other way around.

Do you guys have really red eyes when you take over 500mg of Lyrica? Mine go red as hell, wouldn't really go outside looking like that, it looks like I'm high as fuck.
Has anyone noticed how pregabalin obliterates any male aggressiveness? I've become this bumbling, stumbling, agreeable fool..and I kinda like it.
found it to be ineffective for the treatment of chronic nerve pain due to CRPS
also found it to be of less recreational value than gabapentin.

It's so god damn expensive too like what
Hi Im new, i had to share my experience from Lyrica (Pregablin). I am prescribed it for anxiety 150mg a day in two doses, I have however recreationally taken it in the past. My first experience I took 600mg and it was a unique and surprising buzz, very sociable on Facebook and loved watching music videos on YouTube, wow the uplifted mood i got from listening to certain tracks was really euphoric almost like taking Ecstasy but not as intense just similar. Really loved the sociable and talkative element it gave. I was wobbly however but that didn't stop me putting my music on my phone and blaring it loud and dancing in the dark to it, oh my WHAT a workout!!!!! I sated up all night till 5AM I DIDNT SLEEP!After it left me feeling very wobbly and weird but not in a bad way similar to and alcohol hangover.
Second time I was my partner and did over 1g so I remember and had a similar experience as above WHICH was a very different experince, i did stay up all night with double vision and couldnt walk in a staright line. But TOLERANCE builds very quickly and I dont do it that often. If I had any recommendation it would be 600mg thats a buzz for me and not too heavy maybe for some but if you havent done it before then maybe a lower dose 200-300mg would be a safer option. I just had to say I LOVE lyrica its a unique buzz in my opinion elemts of alcohol, cannabis and MDMA ecstasy. Done 1050mg 1 /12 hour ago starting to feel the buzz come on, Its a very slow onset not a sudden rush it dawns on you slowly but surely so dont get caught in thinking its not working it is just that it isnt a snapshot high, be patient I say!
no, you're not: pregabalin has a very high therapeutic index. However, you probably don't need more tonight if you're so severely affected to have such worries. ;)
no it certainly doesn't feel like hydroxyzine alone. they mix nicely together.

I'm not seeing any direct interactions, but pregabalin and gabapentin are not particularly well-understood.

Hey i want to share some of the experiences i made with pregabalin. i get it prescribed for something more then a year for neuropathic pain due to nerve damage from an overdose of opiates in my left leg. It helps better then almost all other medications i tried for this condition except strong opiates. i really could not differentiate placebo from gabapentin, but lyrica is both psychoactive and helps with my pain i feel. For me doses 200mg+ i can feel, right now sweet spot is 300-600mg in one dose to get "high", and i take 200-300mg of it per day for pain. Its kinda like an imediate releae phenibut. Its subliminal uplifting, gives energy and makes one more sociable and talkative. Best compareble to low dose benzos. Its what i like about most gaba amalouges, its there low abuse potential and general low side effects. I have yet to try baclofene, i will really buy it soon, cause its very cheap. My country is know for the highest medication prices worldwide and Lyrica 300mg x 100 cost a nice 260€ without insurence ( which 99% of the population have), now that the patent has expired its still at a hefty 160€ for such a simple molecule.
Where lycrica also shines is at its help in withdrawal from opiates, it really eases the depresive side of the withdrawal process more so then with the physical pain, where clonidine and loperamide are the better helpers.
I've been taking pregabalin (600mg per day) and a multi vitamin tablet at the same time for the past two days and....totally unexpected high! I've been off my head. Very confident, very focussed, a unique experience. Similar to Phenibut but much more pronounced. No idea what interaction has taken place. It's been a 'limitless' moment indeed. I'm aware that it's going to be brief - these type of highs always are, but just putting it out there. It's not the normal pregabalin, clumsy but sociable kinda feeling I've been used to during the past couple of months. Haha, maybe I've been malnourished and just needed some extra vit D. :D
I'm not seeing any direct interactions, but pregabalin and gabapentin are not particularly well-understood.

This. Though personally I'd see the two tangoing rather nicely, me personally if be lead to believe if it was really anything to write home about!

Yessss! Luck is finally on my side and my case manager said she'll defintely get me a better primary ASAP, and work on actual pain management again! She said she work on getting me a psych for my aniexty/insomnia. Fuck maybe there is something to this shit they call life ehh....;)

Edit: Ah to be to able to move free from constant agony how I long for you. I just want to walk right. Walk away from the meomries of what I've done and the mistakes I've made.:( Ah what it would be like to run freely in the wind without some sort of sedatives. Even my meormy fails me and this is where it scares me.:(
Just a note about withdraws from lyrica it seems to effect everyone different i was taking between 1000-3000 mg a week to get high for about two months when my supply ran out . I found the withdraws to be minimal more like I just miss it nothing miserable nothing physical just bummed that I ran out
Did anyone had panick attacks from quitting lyrica? I get this tight feeling and heavy pounding of my heart lately, and i can only attribute it to me quitting Lyrica. I get very agitated and afraid of very trivial things. I often get fears of dying, one day it was so bad i drove with a taxi to the hospital and they made an EKG which came out completly fine. Only after this i realized, this might have been a panick attack, due to the lack of pregabalin. But it only comes in waves and other times of the day i feel completly fine. I also take buprenorphine for the same time i quit lyrica, the buprenorphine feels very weired and unnatural to other opiates, but it gets rid of the withdrawls good and i have the least side effects of all opiates i ever took, no constipation and all. For your information i jumped off 150 mg lyrica but most of the time i took more 200-300mg. Buprenorphine i take between 1-2 mg.
Trip, did you stop taking them cold turkey then? If so, yeah I bet you're right about getting panic attacks after coming off of them after a long period. It won't last forever, and It's a good sign that you feel content at time, an are aware of the anxiety/ panic attacks. They are horrible, but there are ways- other than drugs- to control it and make the anxiety bearable.


I've personally had some weird times on pregabalin.. I'm prescribed it for anxiety, addictions, etc., supposed to take 150mgs a day. It just makes me feel extremely wavy and I hate the lack of coordination.. I feel stupid, bad vison, jeable, blargh. I a, just avoiding it from now and taking just my benzos and duluxetine..

Anyway.. Once upon a time I was a depressed and sucidal mess, and took about 50++? of pregabs... Stupid I know.. It was hell, and as one of the after affects I got Bell's palsy . Has anyone else got that or anything similar from pregabs?
Lyrica for me is not a strong medication. If functions as an anti inflammatory and it ceases certain pains muscle only. I would normally have to include an opiate to get the desired medical goals.
I don't think you will get much more out of it. Music enhancement, mild social lubricant and a mellow drunk feeling, that's lyrica to me at least. It's not a strong drug in terms of recreational effects. Go mix it with ketamine if you want to have fun :)

Also recreational doses will ruin the pain relief relatively fast and then you are fucked because the tolerance never goes down.

I find that tolerance does go down if you leave a gap of at least 48hrs.
I don't take it for long periods of time, though, so I cannot comment on cases where it is taken daily for a long time.

EDIT. Actually, on reflection, I think a much bigger gap is needed, since writing the above, I find that lyrica quickly loses it's effects.
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