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Gabapentinoids The Lyrica (Pregabalin) Mega Thread v 2.0

I take 150 mg x 2 / day of Lyrica. Been taking it for a year. I sometimes take 750 mg two or three times a week. I want to get off this shit with minimal depression/anxiety, because I'm already in a tender place. Can somebody recommend the easiest taper plan? I have access to Ativan, but have benzo abuse in my history... so don't want to repeat that.
Also if I ask my doctor to see a pain management specialist will I loose all my pain medications?
I wouldn't think so but not from Canada.(USA) Did you say if their was an event that took place that started the pain(accident) or did it gradually develop over time?

Edit: Also everything I have read on this just talks about the brain amplifying pain signals but doesn't say specifically what kinds. Can you narrow it down to muscle, nerve, joint pain, etc or just all over and everything?
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Hey Caitir I'm so very sorry if I offended you by saying you were an addict I do not know you but was just going by how you say you have been taking your medication. I feel so bad for you being in so much pain yet you can't find relief. Its also hard being in pain yet also being addicted to the drugs but many people do end up that way including myself so that's why I assumed your an addict. That and you mentioned having a addictive personality so I automatically assume you've had substance abuse issues in the past.

I have never heard of a condition like that where your body raises tolerance to all drugs way faster than the average person. I supose everyone is different in the rate their tolerance increases but something doesn't sound right with the way yours is going up so fast with all drugs you take narcotics or not. I'm sure many would say you may need to be honest with yourself and figure out if it truly is tolerance or if it is addiction but it seems fishy it happens with all drugs so you may very well have a condition I've never heard of. Im not a doctor i only hope to be one day when my schooling is done but Mabye there a problem with your liver and it processeing drugs too efficiently while your brain continuously needs more drugs to make up for this.

I wish i could help you i hate hearing of chronic pain patients like you struggling so much its one of the reasons I want to get into the medical profession. We need to better understand chronic pain so we can come up with new breakthroughs for patients like yourself.

Mabye get a second opinion with a new doctor is that possible?

You know you can get methadone prescribed from a pain specialist instead of going to a methadone clinic with all the junkies and try to find a doctor who will help you out that way. Sometimes it takes a lot of searching until you can find a doctor that will help you out better but unfortunately when your in as much pain as you that's tough to do.

So how long did it take for your tolerance to increase with opiates?
Do you dose your opiates and pregablin together? Or do you take all the opiates by themselves then use the lyrica while in withdrawal?

If you ask to see another doctor or to get referred to a pain specialist then your current doctor shouldn't cut you off no but if he is cruel then I suppose he could do so but doctors are suppose to be a bit more professional than that. Short answer is possibly I mean I've heard of doctors throwing a tantrum and telling their pain patients never to see them again for asking them for a second opinion so it all depends is your doctor professional and caring or a lunatic who hates people/likes to see them suffer.
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To beavesmx it literally feels like I've been run over by a car. It hurts all over for no apparent reason. To trainspotter I originally took everything as prescribed. The lyrica was twice a day and originally I had 2 endocet 3 times a day but when my tolerance got to high and I started to abuse it I told my doctor I needed a break for my tolerance to drop. I stopped for about 4 months and spent most of my time in bed. When I asked for my script back I asked for half my usual in hopes my tolerance would gradually increase and then go back to my normal dose until once again my tolerance would increase whereas I would take another break. When I asked for my normal dose back my doctor refused and started talking about taking me off the endocet all together so I changed the subject and stuck with what I have and ended up abusing it. Also I have had drug problems in the past however they were not opioids so I guess you were half right in calling me an addict. I see my doctor tomorrow and am thinking about asking to see a pain specialist but I worry about loosing what I have. I also suffer from anxiety among other disorders so I'm very anxious to even bring it up. Thanks for the replies.
Also I should note that this is a condition that runs in my family if that's of any help
Ever since I started this drug (well I started gabapentin but discontinued it) I have felt that something is "off". There are many days when I wake up happy but in pain, then I take my morning dose (300mg) and while the pain gets reduced significantly, I am not really sure it helps me because I can feel it sucking the life out of me. One hour after I've taken the pills, even with the reduced amount of pain, I get severely depressed. All I want to do is lay in bed because everything feels totally pointless. It's like there are no signal substances being released in response to anything. Everything seems so bland and I feel like I could kill myself and it wouldn't even matter.

Anyone else experience this? I don't know what to do, I can not stop the medicine, the pain is too severe. Anyone else on pain management that needs this medicine but hates the side effects? Would taking anti depressants work against this drug induced depression?

I feel like this drug fooled me by making me feel better mentally and physically at first but after a month or two I started getting really depressed. The silly thing is I still feel good mentally if I up the lyrica dose while my normal dosage now only yields me pain relief with side effects.
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Last month I was bumped up to 450mg a day after being on 300 for a year. It has been a godsend in ways but I also wonder if I am digging myself into a hole of deeper dependence, and maybe even 450 will not work anymore at which point I will be taking it only to not be sick yet still being pain.

I find I have to take it very regularly for good effect, just a couple hours off my dose and I will feel tension and anxiety. I'm not taking it for anxiety but I feel it has created an anxiety issue that wasn't there before.

Any advice how I should proceed from here?
To beavesmx it literally feels like I've been run over by a car. It hurts all over for no apparent reason. To trainspotter I originally took everything as prescribed. The lyrica was twice a day and originally I had 2 endocet 3 times a day but when my tolerance got to high and I started to abuse it I told my doctor I needed a break for my tolerance to drop. I stopped for about 4 months and spent most of my time in bed. When I asked for my script back I asked for half my usual in hopes my tolerance would gradually increase and then go back to my normal dose until once again my tolerance would increase whereas I would take another break. When I asked for my normal dose back my doctor refused and started talking about taking me off the endocet all together so I changed the subject and stuck with what I have and ended up abusing it. Also I have had drug problems in the past however they were not opioids so I guess you were half right in calling me an addict. I see my doctor tomorrow and am thinking about asking to see a pain specialist but I worry about loosing what I have. I also suffer from anxiety among other disorders so I'm very anxious to even bring it up. Thanks for the replies.

Hey there I got your message we will talk further via PM .
Hey caitir,

for how long do you have this condition? Did it start at a similar age in your family members? I think I read in one of your posts it is diagnosed as fibromyalgia. Did your family members get the same diagnosis?
Hi thisisnotarealpers,

of you only have 150 mg capsules, ask your doctor for smaller ones (50mg or 75 mg).
Start by taking one dose less, so maybe 150 in the morning and 75 in the evening. If it makes you tired, 75 in the morning and 150 in the evening.
After some days, maybe a week, make the other dose 75 mg. Wait some more days, leave one completely.

You could also do it even slower using 50 mg capsules.
I am taking it for chronic pain- nerve damage in my legs, termed peripheral neuropathy. Lyrica phases out the pain as well as any opioid ever did which is the only other thing I found that ever helped it (well, the only prescribable drug- dissociative anesthetics also work but I cant be on them all the time). If the anxiety between doses does get any worse I will definitely let my physician know, but as of now I am fine if I stick to my dose schedule.
I am taking it for chronic pain- nerve damage in my legs, termed peripheral neuropathy. Lyrica phases out the pain as well as any opioid ever did which is the only other thing I found that ever helped it (well, the only prescribable drug- dissociative anesthetics also work but I cant be on them all the time). If the anxiety between doses does get any worse I will definitely let my physician know, but as of now I am fine if I stick to my dose schedule.

If you are suffering from anxiety between doses it means you are in withdrawal and that you are dosing it wrong. Talk to your doctor about splitting the dose, personally I need to dose every 8 hours or I get terrible side effects. It's better for pain relief too if you take it 3-4 times daily instead of 2 (which doctors will usually tell you is enough, although it ain't). You shouldn't have to suffer more than necessary.
Thanks for that reply because that is also my experience, that I had a better time with complete symptom coverage taking 100mg 4x a day compared to when I switched to 150mg 3x a day.
I could break up the powder in the pills and take 2/3 a cap 4 times a day...
I could break up the powder in the pills and take 2/3 a cap 4 times a day...

I've done this before however for me it didn't work out too well because I am extremely sensitive to alterations with this medication. My eye measurements appearently varied enough as to cause minor withdrawal, I was extra lethargic and cranky after some doses. This dissappeared when I started using a 0,001mg scale. Just watch out for it.
I just do not react to a lesser dose or even no dose, when I run out early, as a lot of you. I am also on tramadol, percocet, and morphine, and just assumed that this is the reason I don't get withdrawal symptoms if/when I run out early. Can anybody tell me if I am correct in this assumption?

Also, would the action from tramadol, since it fondles so many receptors? Again an assumption.