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Gabapentinoids The Lyrica (Pregabalin) Mega Thread v 2.0

i have alot of experience with lyrica i have introduced it to lots of friends and always start them on 400mg its the sweet spot for most people i know without tolerance and not to mention you don't want to chase the lyrica high everyday. Tolerance builds an extreme amount more than amphetamines, and opiates. I try to only dose every other day or like three times a week. FYI if you are interested in stimulants lyrica is completely synergistic with stimulants while adding tons of euphoria but comfort from side effects such as anxiety and vaso constriction which makes higher dose stims so much more enjoyable and adds lyrica own stimulant effect it felt like one of my first few highs on adderall before meth or anything and that was a dream so becareful its hella addictive and is a background substance like weed and compliments almost every drug for me esp opiates, stims. By the way if you take a light to moderate dose of lyrica 200-400mg and hour or two before your stim crash you feel as if you never took stims not like a drugged up xanax or opiate feel you just feel as if you didnt take any stim which is wonderful bc it keeps me from redosing and doesnt fuck me up at that dose just makes me feel normal its a god send sorry for the wall of text+800mg 60mg dextroamphetamine
i have 675mg of this. i have taken .5mg-1mg of xanax a day for about 2.5 years so i have a GABA tolerance. I have taken 300mg with very little feeling at all. Should I just eat 675mg for a recreational dose?

EDIT: nm, i just ate em
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jasoncrest, do you mind if I ask what kind of high the Lyrica gave you? I only ask because my wife was stricken with what THEY said was Rheumatoid Arthritis and as they put her through an incredible amount of drugs of every type including one of the most expensive drugs called Lyrica. She was prescribed this for joint pain and maybe it was just her reaction but 1 of the 20mg capsules turned her into an instant jello mold in less than 10 minutes. She would remain that way for an hour or more and even though she was basically catatonic she still experienced the same amount joint pain only it made her care less about having it or to try less to rid herself of the pain . After reading your post I began wondering if maybe she had gotten a bad lot or something. Anyway. thanks for your time.. Billy
jasoncrest, do you mind if I ask what kind of high the Lyrica gave you? I only ask because my wife was stricken with what THEY said was Rheumatoid Arthritis and as they put her through an incredible amount of drugs of every type including one of the most expensive drugs called Lyrica. She was prescribed this for joint pain and maybe it was just her reaction but 1 of the 20mg capsules turned her into an instant jello mold in less than 10 minutes. She would remain that way for an hour or more and even though she was basically catatonic she still experienced the same amount joint pain only it made her care less about having it or to try less to rid herself of the pain . After reading your post I began wondering if maybe she had gotten a bad lot or something. Anyway. thanks for your time.. Billy

Are you sure it was Lyrica? I didn't know they made 20mg capsules.
Is getting high on Lyrica safer than getting drunk? I took 900mg with a tiny amount of booze on saturday night and I really got off. The problem is that it requires a bigger dosage every time to take effect so if two months ago 450mg were enough to get off now I need at least 900mg. Maybe I should give it a rest for some weeks. Also, is it safer than opioids?
Bubblegummer, you need time between each time you take it. If you are not out to get high but just getting a nice buzz then 1-2 days is all that required, but if you take a huge amount then even more days are required.

I myself take it every other day and have done so for many months and still get the desired effect
When you guys say tolerance goes up quickly, how quick do you mean? Each day or every few days??

In terms of recreational effects, using more than once a week significantly raises tolerance to the euphoric effects of pregabalin, not to the anxiolytic or neuropathic pain relief effects of it, in the first 4-6 months of usage anyways (my experience for 4-5 months at 200-300 mg/day pregabalin).

At what point would someone OD on lyrica?

I would say anything over 900mg classifies as an overdose, and any dose over 600mg can cause seizures, so take a small dose of a muscle-relaxing benzo (not xanax) just in case; make sure you get your hands on something like Valium (2.5-5mg), Klonopin (0.125-0.25mg), or temazepam (7.5mg) with it just to prevent the chance of seizures by raising the seizure threshold.

Never drink alcohol with anything more than 300mg lyrica, it's simply too messy, dangerous, sloppy, and unpredictable.
I"m new here and got LYrica today for the first time since the insurance co and pharmacies have tracked by overuse of narcotics i.e. Percocet, Lortab, tramadol.

Anyway, I took 300 mg 4 hours and another 300 mg. a few minutes ago. I feel quite mellow from the 1st 300. What do you think I should expect in the next few hours and taking the additional 300..
I"m new here and got LYrica today for the first time since the insurance co and pharmacies have tracked by overuse of narcotics i.e. Percocet, Lortab, tramadol.

Anyway, I took 300 mg 4 hours and another 300 mg. a few minutes ago. I feel quite mellow from the 1st 300. What do you think I should expect in the next few hours and taking the additional 300..

If you would normally take this as medication, I would stop that experiment, as you'll probably bring your tolerance up.
^^ yep, so much so that i often keep my gf awake at night. Wanted to see if anyone else experienced weight gain or fluid retention from being on the stuff too? I've put on about 2 stone in the last few months and I've never been above 11stone before.
Had no weight gain so far, but then again everyone in my family is more of the skinny type and I do a lot of amphetamine.
Anyway, if you take it against anxiety and it works for you your body will get into a calmer state and you'll burn less calories, so that seems logical for me.
haven't tried that yet Gonzo. lol. just took the lyrica a few hours ago. feeling quite nice... and happy :) [..at last..there is a happy pill!] haha but i will say sex & opiates, no bueno. i can go all night...but no "O" lol
when i try it on the lyrica i'll let you know. but for now...BF is outta state and i cant experiment. dammit man. :sus:
Wanted to see if anyone else experienced weight gain or fluid retention from being on the stuff too? I

Yes, this is a very common side effect.

ErgicMergic do you have more information on doses above 600mg causing seizures or lowering the seizure threshold? I would like to read more about this.
I finally found a reliable way how this stuff works best: take it with a meal! Same goes for gabapentin. It still takes some time to kick in, but i've found the effects much stronger when ingested with a meal.
I finally found a reliable way how this stuff works best: take it with a meal! Same goes for gabapentin. It still takes some time to kick in, but i've found the effects much stronger when ingested with a meal.

hmm, "much stronger"?

interesting, i've never noticed that (only a much more gradual come-up).

Absorption: Pregabalin is rapidly absorbed when administered on an empty stomach, with peak plasma concentrations occurring within one hour. Pregabalin oral bioavailability is estimated to be greater than or equal to 90% and is independent of dose. The rate of pregabalin absorption is decreased when given with food resulting in a decrease in Cmax by approximately 25 to 30% and a delay in Tmax to approximately 2.5 hours. Administration with food, however, has no clinically significant effect on the extent of absorption.
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I could swear that the gabapentin i've taken a week prior was also much more noticeable in effects when taken with a meal, or shortly before one.

I'll have a further look on this for sure.

Btw, thanks for your interest!