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Gabapentinoids The Lyrica (Pregabalin) Mega Thread v 2.0

any dangers mixing a cap of pregs (300-400mg) in with my current 4-fa? think it might be a fun combo but am wary of any dangers.
Where is the recreational value of this thing? I use this for nerve pain and I was supposed to start with 75mg twice a day for a week, then 150mg twice a day next week and finally take 300mg twice a day.

I had heard and read that this truly a miracle for its recreational value and also that it is a great opiate potentiator.

I decided to jump straight into a 300mg twice a day and it was at 10pm when I finally had made my way to pharmacy so when I got home I decided at because I did miss the morning dose I thought that I should take that too. Called my better half and asked her to back from her to come back from her gf earlier and drug sit me. Took the 600mg of lyrica.

After 30 mins I felt a tingling sensation on the nerve ending that was the one which is under pressure from prolapsed disc. Then it gradually started going to my back leaving the path reliefed from pain which was fine.

After an hour I was unable to motorically function correctly like stumbling upon furnitures, trying to put cigarette in my cheek instead of mouth and having trouble lighting it up.

I did not have any sensational feelings or euphoria. Just the lack of coordination.

I also had the urge to ring my neighbors doorbell and invite her to a group sex session and kept asking for my better half to do a lap dance and blowjobs for me and had urge to lick my better half even that she was menstruation.

I just wonder how much I should take to feel the all nice things others report with even 150mg doses as I have built up tolerance by consuming 600mg daily for months.
It doesn't work recreationally when taken daily. Allow for at least 1-2 days in between. Best taken once a week for recreational value. And I personally need around 1000 mg to feel it.
here in the uk its approved for GAD since 2007, but im not 100% sure all doctors know about it, ive tried anti depressents and they just make me feel horrific, my gp tapered me off benzos so knows my drug history, but she is very understanding and helpful, doesnt seem to look down on me at all.

Is it worth a try to ask to try lyrica, even small doses at least, as far as docs are concerned its not recreational and has a very low abuse potential.

Ive seen private psychs/therapists none of it has helped, i just need something to make me feel normal :(
here in the uk its approved for GAD since 2007, but im not 100% sure all doctors know about it, ive tried anti depressents and they just make me feel horrific, my gp tapered me off benzos so knows my drug history, but she is very understanding and helpful, doesnt seem to look down on me at all.

Is it worth a try to ask to try lyrica, even small doses at least, as far as docs are concerned its not recreational and has a very low abuse potential.

Ive seen private psychs/therapists none of it has helped, i just need something to make me feel normal :(

^^^ yess it is worth it, the effects are similar to benzos but less sedating, and when taken daily it is a great anxiolytic...and it doesn't interfere with REM sleep
i got a lyrica script a week or two ago and i was having a slight allergic reaction. Just a terrible headache but an allergic reaction nonetheless. My doctor just gave me gabapentin. I had a 50mg dose of lyrica versus a 300mg dose of gabapentin now. I find the gabapentin the most euphoric. It feels way better than lyrica to me.

On gabapentin I feel great and I can't stop smiling and I am very content. On lyrica I feel slow and uncoordinated and a little numb but none of the positive emotional effects.

Anyone else experience anything similar?
I also had the urge to ring my neighbors doorbell and invite her to a group sex session and kept asking for my better half to do a lap dance and blowjobs for me and had urge to lick my better half even that she was menstruation.

bahahaha, fkn sensational!
^^^ yess it is worth it, the effects are similar to benzos but less sedating, and when taken daily it is a great anxiolytic...and it doesn't interfere with REM sleep

will doctors not get pissed off if i go in and ask to try something for my anxiety? Although she is a nice doctor so im hoping i can get a script, im nearly out of street bought benzos too, not looking forward to that.
You should try some reliable IOPs instead off buying off the streets. Sounds too risky for me going to grab some benzos from a drug dealer in sense of harm reduction both legally and when concerning about health issues. I bet it is even cheaper that way and sometimes might be even cheaper than getting a legit script and buying from a pharmacy if you dont have health insurance.

Depends on the Dr if you get a script by asking for a specified drug and also the way asking it.

If you are asking by saying that friend gave some and it worked really nice and gave me even a buzz you would not your script.

I am quite capable of describing how I feel to my psychiatrist and also I ask for medication by saying that as I have read from scientific studies that it might work well for that and does not interfere my other medications when I looked it up from Medscapes and also according to a how it pharmacologically works and by the way it is supposed to be less addicting and have less side effect than drug X.

But that only works if you do your background studies before going to a Dr and have a basic understanding of pharmaceutics and general medicine and dont mess up with the terms when speaking to Dr.

If that sounds too complicated you could try checking the indications that the drug is used for primarily and then do some googling what symptoms those indications have and then pick one of them and describe those symptoms to the Dr. Dont pick one that has to be tested for example by bloodworks or mri, or some invasive procedures like colonoscopy for example :)
Today I heard about a bunch of people injecting Pregabalin.

My questions are -

Is there a recreational value from Lyrica IV ?
And what are the effects like when IVed ?

Think with your own mind. Shooting of 300mg to few grams of anything solid in to your bloodstream would appear to be stupid when you really understand how your veins and metabolism works.
Think with your own mind. Shooting of 300mg to few grams of anything solid in to your bloodstream would appear to be stupid when you really understand how your veins and metabolism works.

I am fully aware of that, that is not what I asked.
The bioavailability of oral pregabalin is 90% or more depending of person. It is rapidly absorbed when taken orally. The euphoria or whatever you want to call the feeling of being intoxicated by pregabalin is mostly caused because that it promotes creation of GAD aka glutamic acid decarboxylate which is a enzyme that converts glutamate into GABA. Therefore there are no rush effects or instantenous high as it takes the same time for the enzyme being first created and then the enzyme needs to convert glutamate into GABA when insufflated, taken orally or injected to your vein or drilling a hole in your head and inserting a capsule into it.

Secondary effects of pregabalin is that it decreases the release of neurotransmitters which neither does not give any high feeling.

So there is no point in IV use except if you are addicted to injecting solid substances to your veins.
Thank you for your reply. I agree with you on everything you write. I have no plans on exploring this myself, I don't even like Pregabalin in a recreational sence.
I am only curious about it when taken intravenous since apparently some people do. But then again people inject water just because of the "needle fixation" so you never know. And people are just strange.
But nevertheless I have a big juicy neverending interest in medication/pharmaceuticals/narcotics and their effect on the body and mind and the different routes getting the stuff into your body.

Anyway if Anybody else has some experience in IV Pregabalin(Lyrica) maybe you have tried it or know someone who has - please write!
I know a person who did once IV pregabalin even though I told him not to do it as it has no sense but that person is a type who injects everything you can get from pharmacy or from a dealer as she wants to experience everything by himself before believing anything. She uses pregabalin for to potentiate oxycodone/midazolam combo she does.

The reply was that she felt less rush/high as she dosed them at same time all as she did not believe that the need for taking pregabalin an hour before taking the drug(s) you are trying to potentiate is because it does need some time after absorbed to be effective in potentiating benzos/opiates instead of that it takes an hour to absorb.

So even if there is a non intelligent reason to IV pregabalin it should be done about 45 minutes before taking the drug you are going to potentiate. The 15 minute difference in timing when compared is just because that my and my psychiatrist's hypothesis is that pregabalin absorbs within 15 minutes taken orally.
i stopped taking lyrica due to weight gain, it making me feel agitated, jumbled, and easily overwhelmed. however i was SO productive on it. the motivation was there and i would run around getting so much accomplished. i still do but its harder. this is after the first 3 months which were WONDERFUL. a cross between a benzo without the shitty side effects, adderall without the side effects, and an SSRI without the side effects. it has been several months now that i stopped and i am going to try to go back on. i just wonder if it will work again. the last times i took it all i could do was use it for recreational purposes. though i did find if i took a large dose before sleep the next day i could feel some of the desired effects i remembered from the first 3 months. what a strange and wonderful drug. its just that even after weeks of stopping it did not work like it used to. i will see if it works again.

DO NOT IV it. it has talc in it and will not provide a rush. there is debate that it is metabolized in the gut and so oral is probably best. IME IV gave a few mins of feeling a little buzzed but oral really gave hours and hours of desired effects that were STRONGER than IV.
Are UK docs now more clued up that lyrica has been approved for the treatment off General anxiety disorder yet, or will i have to bring in some medical notes printed off or something?

its my last chance at trying a med for anxiety, nothing else has worked.

Non meds havent worked either (CBT, councelling, very expensive private one on one psychs etc)
Thanks for the warning KETAMAX, you absolutely sure it wasn't bad pills ?
I mean it wouldn't be the first time MDMA pills/powder was cut with something bad.

900mg of Pregabalin is a lot (in my eyes), when i tried it for the first time I had a high heroin and benzo tolerance and
~300-600mg of Pregabalin kicked my ass.. couldn't move, just lie in my bed while my head was spinning so fast.
It was extremely dysphoric and at that time I questioned why people find this enjoyable.

I still can't understand the appeal to abuse Pregabalin when there are benzos and such,

However I have taken Lyrica while being on Amphetamine, did not like it.
But then I have never abused Lyrica recreationally anyway. (well first two times i took higher doses but I did not like the effects)