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Gabapentinoids The Lyrica (Pregabalin) Mega Thread v 2.0

isnt it great how long pregabalin lasts. it gets you wasted all day long. music sounds great too and i get really creative with my guitar playing.
Yeah, I compose music on it, play guitar on it, everything. Of course, I'm prescribed the shit and never feel anything from it, but it still does everything it's supposed to do, and probably more.
so i did 1.5 grams of pregabalin over 2 days this weekend and now im feeling a kind of withdrawal. much more anxious that usual and tired. hope it doesnt last. next time ill just do it 1 day and have a lower dosage.
Im prescribed 600mg of gabapentin 3x a day, for undiagnosed back pain. I did get a high from it. Makes me pass out tho so i only take it when im in pain. It worked so he gave me samples of lyrica, at first everything was fine but after awhile I did get the "suicidal thoughts" (they talk about as a side effect). Im back on the Gab, but it doesnt seem to help anymore. Could I have built up a tolerance even tho I only take it once in a while?
I can't figure this out, any help would be appreciated.

I take 8mg Suboxone film twice a day, and one 2mg Xanax stick along with 200mg of Lyrica twice a day.

Now when i take my Suboxone i usually take it after my Lyrica, and about 45 mins to an hour later i take the 2mg Xanax.

After that about 30 min's i start getting really fucked up, like i took 250mg's of Oxycodone with 4mg's of Xanax and a few beers "type of fucked up"

Most of the time i smoke some really dank weed and that seems to enhance it quite a bit, but i'm trying to figure out what drug i take that's making me this messed up (falling all over the place, nodding out, just plain wasted) cause it's really starting to worry me (my friend told me that about 45mins after we smoked 2 bowls that i was nodded out and he couldn't wake me, so i ended up passed out in my car in his driveway til 5am, he took my keys just in case i woke up and tried to drive home thankfully) cause i'm prescribed all these meds besides the weed of course.

Here's what i take daily

One 8mg Suboxone film every 12 hours.

200mg's Lyrica two times a day.

One 2mg Xanax once a day.

Any info would help alot, thanks in advance.
ok, had another try of this. I got the 150mg caps.
after 150mg I feel already a lot, slightly like being drunk and somehow it really reminds me of gbl, my speech and walking is quite affected.

when I take another 150mg the effects get much stronger and it literally puts me to sleep. I sleep very long after this and waking up is very difficult. am awake now for an hour and feel very smashed...

I like it as a recreational thing... still got a full pack of 64x150mg caps and that will last me for a long time...

What else we're you given besides lyrica?
How long before I should take lyrice when combining with oxycodone?
anyone ever combine good quality cocaine with lyrica? I have a bunch of 50mg tabs and I can't drink alcohol due to having lyme disease and subsequently, tons of allergies. I don't wanna take too much lyrica and have that dull headed feeling.

any recommendations on dosages? I've been trying to stay away from phenibut and benzos the last couple of weeks and lyrica seems like a good substitute.
Yes, coke is good on Lyrica; however, it doesn't really alleviate the suicidal comedown. Better get some Xanax and OxyContin.
its been almost a month, and i've had awesome results! great anxiolytic properties
it is an an excellent anxiolytic but also really addictive. practicing self control and keeping use down to about once a week when needed is the way to do it ive found.
No doubt I am dependent on it. But the pros far outweigh the cons with this drug if you have the combo of migraines, fibromyalgia, and severe anxiety.
"No doubt I am dependent on it. But the pros far outweigh the cons with this drug if you have the combo of migraines, fibromyalgia, and severe anxiety."

i got a lyrica scrip for my chronic pain back in dec 2009

I used it for about a year 4x150 mg a day the first 3 months, to eventually 50 mg a day in the last month.

I also found the wonders that this drug gave me.
next to helping with my pain it gave me a nice buzz , motivation and help me with my sleep.
Life never seemed better.

this changed.
I had to aks my docotor to quit eventually because this shit fucked my brains up baaaaaad.

in the last months of using i couldn't remember things i yust done a few seconds ago, , getting weird thoughts , mistaking people for others , forgetting names , mayor confusion in general.

2 months after quitting my memory is still recovering.

Be warned even though this drug seems like the wonderpill it has some destructive plans for your brain in the long run.

Dont become a every day user if you dont have to.
This drug will make you dumb in a bad way.
Unfortunately, I'm all too aware of those effects. I've been on it since '08, with a couple little breaks in between then and now. The whole not remembering things I just did, names, people, etc. is just not that big of a deal to me. I'm used to it. I'm an 8-year Xanax/Klonopin addict, with 4 months clean from that shit now. So I'm used to my memory being a complete and total trainwreck. The effect that Lyrica has on my memory isn't as bad as being barred-out, it's just 'different'. Still not good. But the therapeutic benefits of the stuff outweigh the memory issues. It doesn't make me dumb...I would say that "spacey" is more the right term.
it is an an excellent anxiolytic but also really addictive. practicing self control and keeping use down to about once a week when needed is the way to do it ive found.

exactly^^ except that i find once a week to be useless, and that its anxiolytic properties occur after sustained use...but i dont abuse my lyrica like other drugs, i take as prescribed for the best therapeutic results
I currently have zero tolerance to Lyrica. How much Lyrica would be recommended to take in order to potentiate and or act in synergy with morphine or oxycodone?
^ Any amount, really. But to feel the pregabalin with it, I would take 300mg. Be careful, it will potentiate the opiate/opioid strongly.
I don't use lyrica recreationally, I use it for nerve pain. But fuck will they give me anything else for it, had tramadol which didn't do shit. Fucks sake

Popped 800mg at the time of posting. Feeling quite good.
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