the lounge discussion v. september 2016

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you may not care, and that's okay. but the reason i started participating in this thread is because a staff member personally PM'd me and asked me to contribute to it.

i decided quite awhile ago that i was pretty much done with the lounge, since it was obvious if i kept posting there i was going to end up losing access to the rest of the site.

if things don't change, i won't be heartbroken. but it would be great if they did.

I don't mean to offend by saying I don't care. The fact of the matter is I do care, and I am certainly optimistic towards change. I just wish the drama would cease so we could get on with the new Lounge already. I mean I was pretty much in the same boat as you as far as walking on eggshells in the lounge. It just doesn't bother me anymore. I know your history with Said mod is mUch different though so no comparison there.

Wish I had more to add.
Just hoping we can find a space where everybody is happy
as long as the same people keep posting TL will not change and will get worse. you can't fix some of the pathetic excuses for human beings that frequent this place and aren't even funny about it anymore. at least they were likable assholes "back in the day". maybe getting clean or not being in my late teens anymore has made me softer and more empathetic. you can ban them again and again, they'll keep coming back I see it lurking this thread. is this 9mm's 5th alt account?

this is not an administrative issue it's an issue with the godawful prison yard mentality userbase. this is an exercise in futility just let it die
Fuck, I just got done with this god-forsaken novel of a thread.

Shambles & Red Leader said some good things, as did Bombo's suggestions. DWE nailed it with his "bad relationship" analogy. kytnism puts things into perspective. I see some posters who have no interest in the lounge's existence, and some that would prefer it gone. Some people are just digging the lounge deeper into a grave, while others still have hope that with enough polishing, a few gems will rise up from the filth. Yet, there are still those with a more pragmatic outlook that offer suggestions to real issues.

This thread gave the opportunity for the community to grow and mature when forced together to come up with solutions to problems that involve a considerable subset of posters; along the way it's uncovered some revelations about individual concerns and helped those involved in the discussion understand each other's perspectives.
I Should have tapered off tl.. never good to go ct!
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I don't know BP, I didn't read any post here suggesting that said poster wanted the lounge "gone". some just stated why they might don't care or even dislike the forum, but that's okay, no? I didn't see any "shut it down now" - posts.

My prediction is that when it's open again, everything will settle down, and most people in the Lounge are reasonable and will get used to whatever the change will be. and if droppersneck leaves to reddit for good, all the better.
I don't see how it has to be such extremes here. I think we need a change of moderators and maybe some clarification of the rules.

There is a clear rule on jackassary and this problem could have been stopped if there was action taken. I for one and not going to be scared into leaving Bluelight to go shit post on Reddit. I would much rather play nice on here and anyone who wants to leave can, you don't have to type into your browser.

I am not going to make much excuses for my past actions, I did get warnings and such and it worked and I learned from the errors of my ways, kinda slowly but I learned. I do realize that this site has been bully or bullied for quite some time. That really should change especially for bluelighters who just do not wish to engage and by the time they do their anger is quite pent up.

The main problem I see going on here is the posters that post on topic and seem to be getting along just fine are the ones getting the most shit and honestly I see the trolling of other people just as annoying as myself being trolled.

Hopefully no one will take the lounge for granted and there will be actual lounging because right now it is more like a middle school hallway in here.

I want everyone to know I read everyone's post in here.

So the same jokes over and over that aren't even funny except to maybe one or two people, just like the main problem is one or two people.

That being said a few bad apples can spoil the bunch so hopefully we can just all be adults here and I honestly think that the powers that be are waiting for everyone to calm the fuck down.

Some people regret their actions and I can't exactly say I was the best poster at times. I was a real asshole but I noticed when I stopped being one the flack was directed at me.

That being said I do owe an apology to TNW and I think I sent him one and I miss him posting in the lounge. Don't mean to single you out but I was a dick about the cancer thing, I suppose I was rather bitter about some shit I was going through and it is easier to hide behind a fake persona in the lounge but that doesn't mean I ever will again.

I really tried to never take out my problems on other people but there is quite a bit of that going on these days and it is the same few who talked shit about me for stopping IV drug use and ironically enough they talked shit to me for it too. You can't win with trolls but it doesn't help when mods give them special treatment.

I wasn't lying about my drug and sex life but it wasn't really something that people needed to know, but I suppose it was all I had in my life at the time and I really appreciated the support that I got when I strove for something more in life and now I am a bit careful about going into detail about it so I find myself asking more questions than answering them.

I think it is a bad idea to dumb down the lounge to a lowest common denominator thing and that is what happened in my sincere opinion. I think the election going on in the States brings out the worst in alot of people and maybe it is not just the States but regardless politics shouldn't be discussed here because that is very serious stuff but most media dumbs it down quite a bit so a few posters have decided to try to turn this into Fox news or something.

So I think the biggest issues are the severe personal attacks that go on for long periods of time and really those are the ones mods do fuckall about. I brought up TNW because I wish I never jumped on that bandwagon. I get I started a thread calling him emo or depressed when he had little or no reason to be depressed but it had just been a long time since I had been depressed.

Life can be tough. We do have a bit of a community here and those who are more concerned about how they think it should be run and what shit should be allowed to fly are thinking in the most self serving terms. I do think personal attacks will be addressed.

There is a huge difference between two people joking back and forth and Jigga and I would be an example of people joking back and forth and when it got too far we too it to pm for a bit and it was like "ok we are friends here or were, whats up", "yeah that was dumb, we cool, sorry bruh", "likewise" to sum up the conversation we had on that.

Usually if I pm someone or get a pm from someone regarding posts it is taken seriously as in we work it out. That doesn't always work with some people and those are probably the people that shouldn't be posting here. There has to be some sort of compromise and I doubt it is a change or rules.

So basically just a few things need to happen on the user's end here:

1) We need to stop taking the site for granted

2) We need to treat each other better

3) There are certain patterns of behavior that need to be addressed and basically you shouldn't say anything on here that you wouldn't say to that person face to face. So imagine that person was someone you had to see in daily life and wasn't exactly a pushover and that they are in fact a human being.

4) I think just about everyone should realize there is a human on the end of each computer screen here. There are a few people who lose their shit and sometimes the worst types of behavior is rewarded and that needs to stop

5) There really doesn't need to be ganging up on people who really do not deserve it. I get some people take a while to get with the program, but usually the posters that we don't want here do leave. I get I am not the most popular guy at times but the irony is that all happened when I stopped being a fucking dick to people.

6) There outta be a clear difference between opinion and fact. So saying something repeatedly won't make it true and neither will trying to use a lie will either and that applies to people lying to themselves as well as people who just like to talk shit and even if you don't get a rise out a the person it seems like there is a general applause for being a real POS lately.

7) If someone is having a rough time and is a long time poster, the last thing anyone on here out to do is make their day worse by telling them it is their fault. It is even worse if they believe it just cuz it was said enough and I got fucking pissed at some of the posts I saw

8 ) Trolling just should not be happening (it made a frowny on number 8 ) hence the space)

It could be as simple as don't be a douche bag on here, really could be but having to actually type out how to be a halfway decent person shouldn't even be needed and I never thought I would be the one saying this to anyone but yeah that is exactly what I feel like this boils down to.

I don't know if you guys realize this but this is kind of what happened with tinychat and it was the same agitator. Some people are just logging on now or wondering what tinychat room people use and the reason tinychat got fucked up was Droppers and the same with the lounge.

Droppers and the people that feel pressured to play along with him outta fuck off imho and I don't care if I get a ban for saying that as long as people get to read that I said it. His actions regarding racism, classism, and such are bullshit.

He starts off pointing out lil things where he right and then as soon as he gets support he makes it all about him, does anyone go in his tinychat room? Nope, so that is what is going to happen with his Reddit room and he is scared to death.

I think the proper action is to do what should have been done a long time ago and that is to hold him to the same rules. He plays a rather insidious games of pointing out some bullshit and then completely uses it as an excuse to do and say some fucked up shit. He does not reply to pm's.

Also I hope you realize his persona is fake. He acts like Donald Trump to be honest. His whole persona is built on lies and he will fight tooth and nail to keep it that way. I could really say some nasty shit told to me by some people who actually know him but I kinda already went there and really going there isn't going to solve anything.

I just personally don't have shit to say to him but that never stops him from talking to me and really it wasn't about me the most recent bullshit he did but I think that really divided us because he had no fucking right to highjack a RIP thread.

As far as Phro I think he just buckled under the pressure a bit during a rough time in the lounge and wants to hold on to his mod position but people have been de-modded for less and honestly we do need someone new and it isn't about phro at all.

I think maybe we should start nominating mods for the lounge and if people want it that would be fine. I don't think this is the proper thread for it but I there a few people that I think could fit the bill and like one suggested could fill in for a bit As far as if that is a good idea or how to go about that, I really do not know.

I would think maybe a nomination thread of people that would be responsible enough for the task as well as some people with some experience and it would help if it was someone who was a lounge member at least from time to time that people like. That being said I think that for such an active forum the burden should be shared between more people.

Also I think the rules should be more across the board and sometimes they are way to unforgiving and we can't seem to be mature enough to vote here because it turns into a popularity contest. I personally have seen people change when they mod a stressful forum such as TL and then seem much better when they stop and usually they say something along the lines of good riddance.

Ok so I think that most people have learned their lesson, I do. I think some people will never change. I think that dropping a ban after a day is not cool and yeah I get it is act staff discretion but I never asked for my ban to be lifted and mine was two months, after those two months I think I got maybe one and yeah I kinda deserved it but seeing how I had behave myself it was short.

Honestly I felt like a dick because the mod actually took some time to write to me and I just felt like a complete asshole, I think I deserved that last ban but the reason given for the ban was bullshit but honestly I am surprised it actually comes down to technicalities so I really do not see why the "jackassery rule" was not use there or really ever.

If we just enforced the jackassary rule we would not be in the state we are.

So yeah, after everyone calms down a bit I think most everyone will be aware that the lounge or this site is not their God given right. I also think it is really sad that people take it for granted, want to email mods about technicalities.

Let's not forget a ways back that Dropper's wrote a huge thing on how he likes to troll and how he is the best at it. He said he does it over a long period of time and repetition is the key and so is making people think they are not being trolled so I really think if the people who mod the lounge were to I dunno, ban him, we could put the lounge back up, and I think 99% of posters would move on.

That being said we probably need moderators to cover the entire demographic here. I rarely here any minority groups complain about being singled out and being overly PC is kinda just as racist or whatever-ist that applies. Droppers is the one saying things are too pc but he is also the only one being given a free pass and so yeah he gets banned for a day or two, its not working?

We are all drug users here for the most part so it is not like most people on here do not know what it is like to be treated poorly for something we can't really help having the desire or need to use drugs at times.

I never really asked for drug problems and this site has helped me tremendously and the positive outweighs the bad. That being said Kytn is right that most this stuff is rather recent.

There has been a shitload of bad things to happen to drug users in general especially with the increasing amount of overdoses due to carafentynal or whatever fentynal analogue is being put into heroin and/or passed off as it. So that type of thing really hit home.

The last thing we need on here is for someone to be really upset and to come on here and get a load of shit just for going into the social discussion room. I have been pissed about his actions and I know I am not alone. I think on one the reasons some people left the lounge a ways back is because and I am just going to quote one them "I am sick of seeing the same people post the same stupid shit and get banned only to have it dropped a day or two later and now it is just geetting worse and that last shit, well I wish I could ban him for something" and that was a moderator and I am not going to say who but it is someone everyone on here likes.

So I am not sorry for singling out Droppers on this. He really has pulled some scumbag moves and if I get a ban for it that just shows how he gets a free pass for shit way worse than what I said because I am calling out his behavior that has been a problem for quite some time and it seemed to take everyone including myself until maybe the last year to realize it.

But if the people here can't see that it is mainly the actions of a few people, then I don't know what to say.

Not fixing the lounge soon will drive people to
Reddit which is not really that good and I for one won't be going anywhere. Dividing the lounge is stupid idea and stalling for an indefinite period of time won't help. I am not speaking for myself as I am fine being patient on the matter but it seems like most people feel like the battle is already lost.

So I think that maybe it would be for the best that if we could have a forum for some temporary mods who have proven their worth in the past and are willing to take on the task to open up the lounge, but with the expectation that people will behave themselves so maybe like a probationary period to see if people are willing to act civil while this matter is sorted out.

I am only suggesting this because I know some people post here just about daily and never take breaks from the site or even the internet and even though I do and could wait a month or two on this, I doubt most people here want to wait through the weekend, so maybe giving at least a vague time span would be another option.

All that being said I really want everyone to be patient. This is definitely my last TLDR post on this subject. I guess I do feel bad that this has been a community a long time before me and would hope it would stay going.

Bluelight helped me get through some rough times. Who would have thought I would get off the needle or morphine and such. I feel like I have gotten to a better place in my life and this site played a large part in that. I don't know how things would have turned out for me if I hadn't had the support of people on here through some difficult stuff and I know I am not the only one who feels that way but I am publically saying it.

I also
thing that there are times when people should be forgiven, but it really can't happen until their attitude changes and honestly I think the special treatment some members get encourages the behaviors the rules are meant to discourage. I really do not see how the rules on here are even that tough to begin with and usually if someone gets a ban they deserve it.
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as only a lurker rather than active contributor - my thoughts are this was the place i would come to see full retard - and thats the worst kinds of nasty. But its what I expected so never really surprised. When I want softcoch I go elsewhere - like mainly SLR hahahahaha
I don't know BP, I didn't read any post here suggesting that said poster wanted the lounge "gone". some just stated why they might don't care or even dislike the forum, but that's okay, no? I didn't see any "shut it down now" - posts.

My prediction is that when it's open again, everything will settle down, and most people in the Lounge are reasonable and will get used to whatever the change will be. and if droppersneck leaves to reddit for good, all the better.
I wanted to get through the posts in this thread tonight, so I might have skimmed through a few posts quicker than others. Those were just my impressions. And if it were up to me, i'd force droppersneck to wear a classic supervillain outfit, and be the arch-nemesis of renewed lounge.
I really think he should be banned. I keep hearing that was he was banned and a day later he is back on.

I don't see why the rules have not applied to him.

I really don't see why he is even allowed to post is this thread as it is mainly his bullshit that we are here now. Most people correct their behavior when called out. Sometimes it takes a few times but he has never had to go thru his ban so he walks right back in with the same shit he was cast out for.

I haven't been exactly perfect in the past and that was when talking online was relatively new to me but if no one ever had called me out, I would probably still treat people online like shit.

Anyways, I just spend a good half that last post explaining why he should have been banned and not been able to squirm his way out of bans. That is like grounding a child and then the other parent ungrounding them five minutes later and wondering why the kid is lighting fires and showing people his ass.

Basically he never learnt his lesson and now he has been giving free reign to shit post and the whole lounge gets shut down after said chaos is let to ensue.

So the gist is if you give people special privileges here you should expect them to feel quite entitled to do as they please.

As for the community suffering as a whole (I am fine, but I know this is really ruining some people's day), some people will sheep on over to Reddit. Thinning the herd might not be that bad of an idea but we also are going to lose some good people.

Quite a few people already stopped posting a few years back cuz of shit like this.
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as long as the same people keep posting TL will not change and will get worse. you can't fix some of the pathetic excuses for human beings that frequent this place and aren't even funny about it anymore. at least they were likable assholes "back in the day". maybe getting clean or not being in my late teens anymore has made me softer and more empathetic. you can ban them again and again, they'll keep coming back I see it lurking this thread. is this 9mm's 5th alt account?

this is not an administrative issue it's an issue with the godawful prison yard mentality userbase. this is an exercise in futility just let it die

It is really the shitty attitudes and lack of empathy and just downright kicking people while they are down.

People like Dropper's look for someone to go after and it is like prison because if it is someone who sticks up for common decency towards fellow human beings they want to shut them down and honestly I think in Dropper's eyes he is winning if anyone posts on his Reddit page.

You are right about these types just coming back.

We HAVE a rule against such behavior and it says "no jackassery" but I dunno, I suppose there is the hope people will change. I remember Droppers telling me about how he just nags mods saying he learned his lesson.

It still boggles my mind how people seem to need social media now that it exists.

Don't get me wrong, this place is great, but I think some people do not get that some people are just not good people and will never be. People really should check their drama at the door and not bring drama to the site.
I don't see how it has to be such extremes here. ]

I think you have summed up a lot of the problems and perceived problems both for outsiders and insiders alike - quality post and much respect for understanding how damaging constant and abusive trolling can be to some people that are going through shit IRL.
the first time the link was posted (by someone else) gloeek saw it and lol'd. that's why i didn't think posting it was a big deal, and that alone should change things.
But when she saw you doing it she flipped out and sent me a PM thanking me of taking care of it and issuing an infraction. While she may not have cared about whoever else posted her revengeporn pics, she certainly cared about you doing it.
but it doesn't. so the difference between me posting links to someone else's pictures, and you actually posting someone else's pictures, is where it was hosted? if all the pictures of me you've reposted were on a revenge porn site it would be wrong, but they're not so you can do it freely? they were, as far as i could tell, all pictures she had freely posted of herself in the lounge previously. what if i had uploaded them to tinypic and posted them, then would that be okay?

whether you realize it or not, this was you twisting the rules to your own agenda. period.
No, the difference between those pics and pics I post, or ANYBODY else posts, is that your photos were revengeporn photos. PERIOD.
They're naked photos of people gathered and hosted without their permission on a site who's sole existence is to do that.
If anyone does that, they're getting infracted right off the bat. You should have seen how disgusted staff were with you doing that and how disgusted gloeek was.

I'm not debating what revenge porn is with you. I made the right call to ban you based on input from gloeek, and multiple staff members. I waited before I pressed that button. It wasn't, oh look, TNW posted revengeporn, it's an autoban. I reported it and I got multiple replies from staff at varying levels and they had over a day to provide that input.
You also discussed it with senior staff including Admin level and they did not reverse it!!!!

But no, that's me persecuting you, right?

Get bent, dude. You're not a victim anymore than droppersneck is Ali's victim.
After reading alasdairm's post, it looks like they're waiting to sort out staff and to officially announce who they're not bringing along to TNL.

So, I'll speed this up a bit, since I already got the PM. I'm not going to be on staff anymore. It's clear to me and the people above that there's a fundamental difference in opinion about how TL should be run and we're on opposite spectrums. They want TL to fall inline with every other forum on this site and for it to follow the BLUA. I don't agree with that. (I'll give staff an example and inside joke... I can't fucking stand "BLUA #4" reported posts. Sup max powers). So, I've been told there's no way for that to work. And I agree with it. I mentioned earlier in here, or perhaps the TPH thread, that I have no interest in volunteering for a forum like that.

When it comes down to it, they're 100% right about it having to fall in line with the BLUA and it's their job here to enforce that. I think they should change that, but they don't.

So, I'll see you guys in EADD Lite any day now. But for now, I have a SF to drop!
I think you have summed up a lot of the problems and perceived problems both for outsiders and insiders alike - quality post and much respect for understanding how damaging constant and abusive trolling can be to some people that are going through shit IRL.
Im pretty sure that is the first time someone has read, and responded positively to such longwinded drivel.

After reading alasdairm's post, it looks like they're waiting to sort out staff and to officially announce who they're not bringing along to TNL.

So, I'll speed this up a bit, since I already got the PM. I'm not going to be on staff anymore. It's clear to me and the people above that there's a fundamental difference in opinion about how TL should be run and we're on opposite spectrums. They want TL to fall inline with every other forum on this site and for it to follow the BLUA. I don't agree with that. (I'll give staff an example and inside joke... I can't fucking stand "BLUA #4" reported posts. Sup max powers). So, I've been told there's no way for that to work. And I agree with it. I mentioned earlier in here, or perhaps the TPH thread, that I have no interest in volunteering for a forum like that.

When it comes down to it, they're 100% right about it having to fall in line with the BLUA and it's their job here to enforce that. I think they should change that, but they don't.

So, I'll see you guys in EADD Lite any day now. But for now, I have a SF to drop!

Lol, your like Ellen Pao!

I am going to start reporting anyone that mentions my sexuality in your honour :)

Thanks for confirming that it is the PC police that are ruining everyones fun.

Its their right to run the site however they think is best. Anyone that disagrees, myself included, can go elsewhere.
Its their right to run the site however they think is best.
Who is they? What exactly do they think is best? Are they infallible?

Time for they to show up and speak up, rather than filtering through the details through layers of staff and mods.

dont be a fucking pussy and speak up.
back in the day there were more loungers, sure. all learning 4chan and trying to become guido's squire while doing drugs alone. it was a shit show and gave the lounge some standards.

the lounge has always been rude and very cliquey ....... even when i first came aboard some of my content was shot down even though i was tried and tested on the red alert 2 boards before when people knew pears merely as being part of a healthy food group.

ufc 205 super fights
you can check my post history, ive said stephen thompson is gonna be the champion for awhile now.

alvarez was probably the biggest upset of the year beating dos anjos and i feel confident dos anjos would beat him in a rematch. this is seriously the perfect chance for mcgregor to get the belt because mcgregor would have no shot against even khabib.

McGreggor has got this boys. I say this in full confidence.

Check out my man giving props to Vontaze Burfict #55 who dey nation

TOTALLY AGREE my two , respectable friends. this card is stacked as it had to be for new york. If conor wins this 155 belt no one will ever be able to shut him up. he'll be 10X as bad as Ali. did you guys see the press conference ?
Its their right to run the site however they think is best. Anyone that disagrees, myself included, can go elsewhere.
Yes. You can fuck off. You bully people as a mod, upset people who's loved ones have just died for the fun of it. Its people like YOU that stop others post in the lounge. Please fuck off to reddjt and stay there. You must be one sad miserable and jealous fucked up human being. So many fingers of lounge regulars point at you but you dont acknowledge their points you just go on with crap. Bluelight is better off without you. In Aussie terms you are what we call a fuckwit. Go find a rock and stay under it.

The lounge should be for everyone. To talk shit, make jokes whatever. Not bully or harrass people for the fun of it. The entire site and its users should feel welcome there, not just a few people with serious issues who get their kicks taking shit out on others. Phro you are by no means the only one but being a mod makes your behaviour worse.

Good riddance.Fuck off and when you get there fuck off even further. Enjoy reddit.

Bring on the new lounge.
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