the lounge discussion v. september 2016

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i've seen suicidal people get egged on in the lounge.

"light hearted social discussion" my ass.

part of it sure.

but lots of it IS the mindless gibber of TTYS, Selfie Thread, Pic of your Day Thread, Admit something thread...

It is easy to point at the shit and ignore the good, funny shit.
Go hit the other social forums on the site then. Of course TL has its own culture and been a post at your own risk forum since 2003. Its like another country, you, can't move to it and expect it to bend and suit your needs and wishes. You learn how then place works and assimilate into it.
Assimilate into an cesspool of hatespeach, rampant bullying and general nastiness. No thanks. I would prefer something more positive. I think the lounge as it is now has no place on Bluelight. Change or go to Reddit.
Best response I've seen in this thread and one I - admittedly as a Lounge outsider - would suggest seems the blatantly obvious way forward. I don't agree with all of it though...

- Why should TL get special treatment when it comes to senior staff? Phrozen, for example, was on EADD's senior staff team for quite some time and was but one of several avowed Lounge Rats that we have accepted as our - mostly benevolent - overlords. "Understanding" a forum obviously helps when smodding over it but it is by no means necessary when liking it clearly isn't either. A willingness to listen to local mods and find a way to bridge their local concerns to more distant senior staff realms in a reasonably non-antagonistic way is.

- And I would also suggest that insisting members who post in TL have to tick a box somewhere saying they have read and agreed to the forum rules is also nothing more than Lounge Exceptionalism - all BL subforums have particular and unique ways and morays about them but the rest of us get by by simply nudging noobs in the right direction and this seems perfectly reasonable for TL to adopt too.

FWIW. on the more general "What is wrong with The Lounge?" topic... this thread is a fine example. Endless pages of interpersonal bitching and whining back and forth which is both impenetrable and utterly mind-numbing to outsiders. Of course all forums have similar issues but even when things are at crisis point Longefolk cannot seem to drop the bullshit and interact with the outside world even slightly. Obviously that doesn't apply to all who consider TL to be their home forum, but the minority is so vocal as to make it extremely hard to see the signal for the noise.

On a more basic level, for me the problem has never been one of "offensiveness" - this has been a massive red herring the whole time I've been on staff - so much as it has been one of outright bullying. TL has always had a small number of ringleaders who go above and beyond in terms of giving a very strong impression of being vile human beings. Below this rung there are a couple dozen witless sycophants who are even nastier only without any of the wit - admittedly vicious beyond belief wit but wit all the same in many cases - schtick that gives those ringleaders their air of authority. Beyond these you have a layer of perfectly amiable folk who walk the line between the hardcore rattus loungensis and homo sapiens and a whole shitload of wannabees, suckups and prey who go on to make up the next incarnation of the seemingly interminable Lounge hierarchy.

The structure of the place - the rigidly enforced pecking order and way of reaching the "top" - is what ultimately creates and maintains the "Lounge Problem" as far as I can tell. Imo and all that. How to change that? Not a clue. But Bomboclat's suggestions seem - for the most part - to offer a starting point.

Thank you for the well thought out and well written post, Shambles.
Before I reply, I want to bring attention to your last line:

But Bomboclat's suggestions seem - for the most part - to offer a starting point.

That is exactly right, my post was meant to be a starting point in the greater discussion of what I believe the lounge should look like moving forward. As I stated, a community based subforum should have rules that are community based. A dialectic, if you will, between community members and those who help run the forum. But I wont beat that point any further, I just wanted to bring that to the forefront of my reply.

- Why should TL get special treatment when it comes to senior staff? Phrozen, for example, was on EADD's senior staff team for quite some time and was but one of several avowed Lounge Rats that we have accepted as our - mostly benevolent - overlords. "Understanding" a forum obviously helps when smodding over it but it is by no means necessary when liking it clearly isn't either. A willingness to listen to local mods and find a way to bridge their local concerns to more distant senior staff realms in a reasonably non-antagonistic way is.

I dont think that my suggestion implied special treatment. I understand how the suggestion of having senior staff oversee the lounge be active lounge members differs from the norm of senior staff operations, but as we've discussed here in this thread the lounge is rather unique in its existence and operation. Moreover, imposing uniform structure in regard to its moderation has seemingly failed, as we see with the backlash toward current lounge senior staff. I dont think its too much to ask that those who are trying to manage law and order in the forum be active in its memberbase. This is a common trend of any successful community or business. How can one understand the inner workings and nuances if they have never actively been a part of them? You make a good point, that its important that senior staff be willing to listen to the moderators of that forum. However, I think in the case of current senior staff they have not done so.

- And I would also suggest that insisting members who post in TL have to tick a box somewhere saying they have read and agreed to the forum rules is also nothing more than Lounge Exceptionalism - all BL subforums have particular and unique ways and morays about them but the rest of us get by by simply nudging noobs in the right direction and this seems perfectly reasonable for TL to adopt too.

Right. The suggestion was more of a means of insuring that members have actually read the rules of the forum prior to posting. This would combat the amount of threads such as "hey guys anyone from *insert local town*? Whats up?!" and the backlash that would follow from members saying "lurk moar n00b". Would it provide 100% guarantee that new members would instantly understand the operation and flow of the forum? No. Would it provide the initial nudge in the right direction, to be followed up by staff members in the case that the rules seem to not have been read? Certainly. Again, its just a jumping point here.

FWIW. on the more general "What is wrong with The Lounge?" topic... this thread is a fine example. Endless pages of interpersonal bitching and whining back and forth which is both impenetrable and utterly mind-numbing to outsiders. Of course all forums have similar issues but even when things are at crisis point Longefolk cannot seem to drop the bullshit and interact with the outside world even slightly. Obviously that doesn't apply to all who consider TL to be their home forum, but the minority is so vocal as to make it extremely hard to see the signal for the noise.

On a more basic level, for me the problem has never been one of "offensiveness" - this has been a massive red herring the whole time I've been on staff - so much as it has been one of outright bullying. TL has always had a small number of ringleaders who go above and beyond in terms of giving a very strong impression of being vile human beings. Below this rung there are a couple dozen witless sycophants who are even nastier only without any of the wit - admittedly vicious beyond belief wit but wit all the same in many cases - schtick that gives those ringleaders their air of authority. Beyond these you have a layer of perfectly amiable folk who walk the line between the hardcore rattus loungensis and homo sapiens and a whole shitload of wannabees, suckups and prey who go on to make up the next incarnation of the seemingly interminable Lounge hierarchy.

The structure of the place - the rigidly enforced pecking order and way of reaching the "top" - is what ultimately creates and maintains the "Lounge Problem" as far as I can tell. Imo and all that. How to change that? Not a clue. But Bomboclat's suggestions seem - for the most part - to offer a starting point.

I have to disagree with you in some of what you say here. I think that this thread is a great example of the lounge overall and I dont see it as necessarily being bad. You have a combination of real discussion, trollish behavior, and general back and forth banter. That is the lounge in its bare-essence, and its what makes the lounge so great. You will never have a public forum where there is 100% agreeable behavior, and to expect such a thing is rather foolish (and honestly quite boring). In every social sphere there are a variety of people, expecting a uniform personality and posting style (in the case of an online forum) does not take into consideration such natural variety.

I agree that there is a pecking order in the lounge, but there always has been. When you have a social based community there will always be in-group and out-group mentality. However, as the lounge has shown me and numerous other members, this is combatted by community engagement. I think this really brings back to both my and phro's point that overtime the signal:noise ratio has become wildly skewed and its easier for those who contribute the most noise to overtake those who provide any signal at all. Making the lounge private really only exacerbated this issue, imo.

One of the issues that I think adds to the problematic nature of the current lounge pecking order is an administrative issue that has pushed out members and allowed for problematic behavior to outweigh anything else. How do you combat this? A starting point I gave was cleaning house, but that doesn't necessarily provide a total solution. I would hope that in the revamping of the lounge a working solution is set up, but it would be just that, a working solution.
I just think it's ironic now how everyone is coming together and talking about how mean and unfair phr is. Things have always been this way and the majority seemed to have never had any problem with it up until right now.

I guess Im not part of that majority as I have had been very put off by his behaviour for ages. However staying out of it and trying to participate regardless of him and cohorts incessantly derailing threads and picking on the same people trying to do the same is not possible.

You are right though. It is not just him. I regret damage I have done biting back. Technically I should have pmed him and at least tried to have a private conversation.

Taking some personal responsibility for your own actions is the best thing to do and the first thing anyone that wants to stick around should do. This includes all loungerats, lurkers, mods, senior mods and admin. Also all our pets.

As a member theres not much else I can do ir say except apologise to you guys for being part of the problem .
phr, when you post pictures of other users, the rule is "say something and i'll take it down."
That was always the way the rule was enforced. If someone posted a photo of yours without permission, the person in the photo can report it and it would be taken down. All I simply did was repeat the rule.

gloeek didn't even know about me posting that for a month or two after. she didn't have to say anything, it was an instaban for me.

you definitely do hold yourself to a different set of rules than you hold everyone else to. and if people say enough about it, you change the rules to suit yourself.
How the hell can you still defend revenge porn?! Seriously, that's what it was. You posted a naked photo of a member, which was hosted on a revenge porn site. It was posted and hosted on that site without her permission. You then posted it on BL. There is absolutely no defense for that. When she found out about it she flipped and started a thread cursing you out. I had to PM her to assure her it's taken down from the site and that you were disciplined for it. She thanked me numerous times... But yeah, that's me making up rules and targeting you. JFC.

Any rule change is discussed with TL staff and senior staff. What rule did I change to suit myself? What rule did I ever change or make without input from my colleagues at all levels?

Just stop, dude.
Dew baby, you the man! Don't let anyone take you down. I for one am super proud of how far you have come. Your father is lucky to have a positive upbeat person like yourself as a son. You're a survivor, for sure. All the negative jokes which I likely started are all jokes on my end, but you likely knew that coming from me ;)
Assimilate into an cesspool of hatespeach, rampant bullying and general nastiness. No thanks. I would prefer something more positive. I think the lounge as it is now has no place on Bluelight. Change or go to Reddit.
Exactly consumer!

Phro getting the bashing here isn't right, though I can see tnws Gripes. CG is right in that everyone is complicit in this. At the end of the day there are bigger bad actors, like myself and waao, etc but everyone was involved. Sure I'll even admit the lounge got stale but that was bc of many factors. Whatever the new version of the lounge will be could be a new generation for new posters and maybe even a few of the more tame original posters will stick around.

FYI kytimsm that assleblaze handle that said that terrible comment isn't actually axle. Not sure who it is but I know it wasn't him.
Mike is a example of a great lounger through the thick and thin...I'd commend him if we could.

Maybe the commend system would work here..

Aww You're gonna make me start to tear up. I agree with you that things have gotten repetitive and have sort of been for awhile. Everyone calling waao old man jokes, sound system grandpa thing, and you being a junkie and so on. Everyone that knows me knows I'd rather make jokes at my own expense and don't ever really offend anyone. So any changes probably won't affect me.

At the same time though I feel that if someone wants to post offensive stuff then they should be allowed. Posters like arci and waao are just trying to be funny and shouldn't be taken so seriously. You either love those two or you hate them.

Skl said lately things have gotten out of hand but ime the lounge has been the tamest it's been since I started posting.
what is going to happen? it's been about 2 days now - going to be three very soon.

we haven't really heard anything from senior staff in regards to the changes that will be made other than

The Lounge has been taken off-line for a day or two while we make some changes which include, but may not be limited to:

- making The Lounge visible to all users (registered and unregistered) and available for posting to all registered users (Bluelighters and Greenlighters).
- rewriting The Lounge guidelines to clearly lay out expectations.
- review the forum moderator team and make changes if/as necessary.

the first point - fine it's pretty clear.
second point - pretty vague and hasn't been expanded on or explained in any shape.
third point - okay, so you're planning on removing someone or cleaning house.

i think we all understand that this may be just a show to have TL's users feel that they're being included in the conversation that will ultimately dictate its future. however, i feel that this whole thread has proven to be a pretty disingenuous charade.

can any senior staffer/alasdair tell us what is going on or what the plan is?
thanks for the misquote, tude. if anybody would like to read what i actually wrote it's in post #410.

your disdain for me and other senior staff is no secret - damned if i do and damned if i don't.


I wasn't twisting what you said. I paraphrased what you said. I made a suggestion and you vetoed it. Instead of looking for the post, I saved myself some time and did that lazy quote. I was busy earlier. My bad.
That was always the way the rule was enforced. If someone posted a photo of yours without permission, the person in the photo can report it and it would be taken down. All I simply did was repeat the rule.

How the hell can you still defend revenge porn?! Seriously, that's what it was. You posted a naked photo of a member, which was hosted on a revenge porn site. It was posted and hosted on that site without her permission. You then posted it on BL. There is absolutely no defense for that. When she found out about it she flipped and started a thread cursing you out. I had to PM her to assure her it's taken down from the site and that you were disciplined for it. She thanked me numerous times... But yeah, that's me making up rules and targeting you. JFC.

the first time the link was posted (by someone else) gloeek saw it and lol'd. that's why i didn't think posting it was a big deal, and that alone should change things.

but it doesn't. so the difference between me posting links to someone else's pictures, and you actually posting someone else's pictures, is where it was hosted? if all the pictures of me you've reposted were on a revenge porn site it would be wrong, but they're not so you can do it freely? they were, as far as i could tell, all pictures she had freely posted of herself in the lounge previously. what if i had uploaded them to tinypic and posted them, then would that be okay?

whether you realize it or not, this was you twisting the rules to your own agenda. period.
Who cares anymore anyways. Let it go. Stop living in the past so we can start moving forward. I want our Lounge back.
and besides, the bigger point is that you play favorites. anyone else had posted that link, and you would have edited it out for them and PM'd them a warning. you were chomping at the bit for a reason to ban me, AND YOU SAID AS MUCH IMMEDIATELY AFTER YOU GOT YOUR MOD STICK.

funny how you keep dodging that point -- that you, after you got your modstick, posted telling me that you were making it your mission to drive me out of the lounge. and within a week or two of you getting your modstick, i got my first ban that wasn't from COTB and Busty being trolls. in 8 years of being a bluelighter.
It's been said a thousand times over though. The powers that be refuse to do anything about it and prefer to turn a blind eye. It's coming to an end now hopefully, so Just let it die.
Who cares anymore anyways. Let it go. Stop living in the past so we can start moving forward. I want our Lounge back.

It's been said a thousand times over though. The powers that be refuse to do anything about it and prefer to turn a blind eye. It's coming to an end now hopefully, so Just let it die.

you may not care, and that's okay. but the reason i started participating in this thread is because a staff member personally PM'd me and asked me to contribute to it.

i decided quite awhile ago that i was pretty much done with the lounge, since it was obvious if i kept posting there i was going to end up losing access to the rest of the site.

if things don't change, i won't be heartbroken. but it would be great if they did.
^They are doing something about it.

Change is going to happen and not everyone is going to be happy about it but not everyone is happy about things as they stand now.

Its better to have a well thought out and considered plan than a knee jerk reaction so if this takes a little while longer then so be it.

Patience is a virtue.
i think we all understand that this may be just a show to have TL's users feel that they're being included in the conversation that will ultimately dictate its future. however, i feel that this whole thread has proven to be a pretty disingenuous charade.
i'm sorry you feel this way. you're certainly entitled to your opinion.

can any senior staffer/alasdair tell us what is going on or what the plan is?
the plan is essentially the three bullet points you quoted. we'll re-open the lounge (or at least a social forum) tomorrow and the draft of the guidelines will be published.

we will be making some changes to the staff and i'll confirm those once i know all the current lounge staff have read and responded to a pm i just sent.

^They are doing something about it.

Change is going to happen and not everyone is going to be happy about it but not everyone is happy about things as they stand now.

Its better to have a well thought out and considered plan than a knee jerk reaction so if this takes a little while longer then so be it.

Patience is a virtue.

while i'm certain that there was have been discussions or at least an attempt at discussions for change in TL, i would say that shutting TL down while senior staff implements "changes" is a knee jerk reaction. or at least reactionary to

The Bluelight ownership, administrator and senior moderators have, for some time, been discussing The Lounge. In short, we're concerned about the current state of the forum and feel that some changes need to be made to address the issues:

The Lounge was always intended to be the social, off-topic forum for all of Bluelight. It has, however, evolved into a place where a small number of users who, for the most part, do not participate anywhere else on the site post an increasingly large amount of content.
much of content posted in The Lounge today is mean-spirited and offers nothing beyond having a 'joke' at the expense of others. It's deliberately and aggressively non-inclusive. This issue recently came to a head and was brought into sharp relief when the deaths of a couple of members were used as fodder for 'comedy'.
there remains a persistent undercurrent of racism and homophobia which manifests in use of racist and homophobic terms as pejoratives. Generally speaking there is a fundamental disconnect between The Lounge staff's position on the enforcement of site-wide rules and that of the ownership and administration. This tension compounds the problem of discouraging problematic behavior among lounge regulars and, indeed at times, often simply encourages it.

a well thought out and considered plan can be achieved without shutting down TL.
but that's not what happened.
i'm sorry you feel this way. you're certainly entitled to your opinion.

i certainly am. i am glad you understand.

the plan is essentially the three bullet points you quoted. we'll re-open the lounge (or at least a social forum) tomorrow and the draft of the guidelines will be published.

we will be making some changes to the staff and i'll confirm those once i know all the current lounge staff have read and responded to a pm i just sent.


that's something. thank you.
Shutting it down a little while did make the lounge regulars and everybody else who tried to log in pay attention at pretty much the same time and get the message that shits going down and take stock of what is going to happen.

There can be no excuse that no one knew, no whispering, no second hand information.

There was a big possibility of the lounge getting worse from those that are pissed off and luckily that predictable backlash went off the board instead of smearing bl up more.

Thats my take on it anyway.
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