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The Law’s cyber drug war. Is it time to hold peace talks with internet suppliers of..

Did anyone go to the debate at the Maudsley last night? The one this guy refers to in the article?

It was pretty weak I thought. Panel included a Baroness, a top police officer, a woman who runs an anti-legal highs campaign and two doctors. Not a single person with any real experience. Only interesting comments came from the audience, imho.
The synthetic cannabinoids are too damn crazy, are school began drug testing us, so everyone switched from budd to the synthetic versions to avoid detection,I have a friend who had to be hospitalized, I personally have only consumed the JWH-18 that shit is crazy.
What these three and many other drugs have in common is that your 15-year-old son or daughter could acquire them online with a few clicks on their iPhone. Within days a small package could be sent from China, pass through the UK Border Forces’ grasps and reach your child for their Friday night.

oh so a 15 year old gets out an iPhone and in a few days they order FROM CHINA a package og drugs. I get that kids can buy from the UK but overseras is more bulk/weighty.

I do worry for peoiple who smash Mephedrone too much what problems they may have.... Saying that I know alot of users since the Neo Dove (IIRC) pill days that have smashed it daily and todday are ok apart from some "stimulent/mdma" side effects nothing out of the ordinary but others I know have serious side effects and even after quitting still servre aniexty, etc - I will point out that they probably used other drugs and drank.

I would be very worried of children taking this drug. It's a drug!! It's zlittle sad they are caught in the middle of this mess. I doj understand responsable use in older people that's cool - your choice.

Remeber though that the QC on both RCs isnt the best but probably better than bathtub amphetamine. I know in the early days hevey metals, etc we had as impurites
The tabloids haven't jump'en on the kratom scare bandwagon is because, especially when compared to shit like MDPV, it is so benign. It's way more of a stretch to call kratom LSD as it is some bath salt that keeps some crazy up for three weeks until he loses it, skins the neighbor's cat and gets tasted 12 times before he goes down...
Doctors? Off licences? Tobacco outlets? Pubs, clubs, bars, alcoholic drink manufacturers, etc etc.. :)

The Es and trips from back in the day were waaaaaaaaaaaay better than some of these legal things! I smoked one of the herbal highs available in the UK and I swear on my life, it was worse that any experience I have had with drugs previously and I have been f***in' myself up since '96. Drugs are a good thing, more people should try them, proper drugs I mean, not this lab made, law evading yet legal group of drugs we are seeing more & more frequently. Drug laws kill. End of. Legalise every mother fu**in' thing and regulate it, tax it and remove the criminal element; sadly this would cost lives but look at how many people die in Colombia & Jamaica & Bolivia & Mexico & Brazil, the US, the UK, Turkey, Russia, Ukraine, Malaysia, Indonesia, Pakistan, Afghanistan... Wars are being fought over this every second and hundreds of lives are claimed hourly... in Mexico, Federal agents have been found decapitated in scores and dumped by the side of the road sans head, I think the 'War on Drugs' can be considered lost when that sort of shit is going down. Governments have infeior equipment to these cartels and mafias, they can kill people with chainsaws and helicopters and stinger missiles, build their own prisons, enslave MILLIONS OF PEOPLE rule the underworld. There will always be crime, it is the way of our species, I am myself an exponent of this form of living and I stand by my right to practice it. People do not die around me, well, they do but only in the same way that they die around each and every one of us that looks on as our goverment institutions lie to us and wallow in a culture of constant conflict, warfare, crimes against humanity that are only crimes if particular people say so, particular people who by many people's judgement nothing but war criminals themselves!!! So much of this horror is over pot, dope,coke and pills. For f***s sake. Wake up. The 'War' is lost. Surrender. Reform. Tax. Regulate and then eliminate the criminal element with ruthless, lethal force if necessary. Let people decide for themselves what to do with their mind and body, there are other battles to fight, ones that are legitimate. Utopian dream I know. Democracy is a farce we can not help but deny. <3
Kratom hallucinogenic? That's funny

My thoughts exactly. Where did this douche get his info? And mixing Kratom in with Spice and Mephedrone is pure idiocy. And where are these 15 year olds gettig credit cards from to order drugs online? If it's their parents then I would say someone needs to keep closer tabs on their cards and money. And maybe pay attention to what their kids are doing. And yes, I am a parent of 4, including a 17 yr old. No I don't claim to know EVERYTHING they are up to, but I would damn sure know if they had stole my cc to buy drugs. and I know too many parents who, once their kids hit the teen years, they just aren't paying attention to what their kids are doing.
ok seriously you are putting going to the bar and going to the doctor in the same category?
also.... is Jesus a "gov approved pusher" i mean he turned water into wine

As someone who lives in the Mecca of pain pill pushers, going to the doctor can be WORSE than going to the local pub. I watched first hand the hundreds of pills that 18 and 19 year old kids would leave the doctors with. Kids that had not a damn thing wrong with them. These "doctors" would be open til 9 and 10pm at night, accept cash only payments, had armed guard's at the door. And yes, these are actual licensed doctors. Go watch "oxycontin express" and tell me these doctors aren't pushers. I know people who had never done a drug in their life, went to the doctor for whatever varying reasons and came away heavily over prescribed on pain pills. Having no idea what they handed and just trusting their doctors and following the instructions. no, that is not very smart, but it happens. Especially to older people who are just used to doing what the doc says and "doctors know best". Then they end up physically addicted to a very powerful opiate. So yeah, doctors are pushers.

And don't even get me started on the suboxone doctors cropping up. they found a "legit" way to get people hooked on another substance ,which they heavily over prescribe, and then lie and tell you how you will NEED to be on this drug for the rest of your life. Because an opiate addict is horribly incurable and can never get fully clean and life a productive life without suboxone keeping them "clean". I was prescribed 16mgs/day of subs. When I went to this doc, I had weaned myself down to 15-30mgs/day of oxy. I did not need 16mgs of subs. Luckily I did my research and didn't take the full amount. I only needed about a quarter of that to keep wd's at bay. And only for about 2 weeks of continually tapering doses. sorry for the rant but I have seen doctors doing some down right dirty things and it always floors me when I meet people who still have no idea about what is going on and becoming increasingly worse.
^yeah except that's not really how it works bro. if you think that you're being naive or just unwilling to admit the truth. If you've actually seen these things and not just read them, there's no way you were "pushed" into the shit by your dr.
While it's an unspoken thing that you're uninjured and have friends in your car- as does *everyone* else there- everyone involved from the receptionist to the janitor know damn well that it's all "wink wink" to allow open-air sales despite the DEA having said no.

Nobody is innocently getting hooked at pill mills, thinking that it's normal to get 240mg/day of oxy for a sprained wrist.
/although i have seen/heard far too many who flip and act like that once they're addicted. But they all knew damn well what was going on.
<snip> Shit, I remember when I was 15, I didn't even have access to the internet. </snip>

I surprised myself with a burst of laughter reading that sentence. I'm not laughing at you. I'm laughing at how much change has gone on since I myself was 15. I didn't have access to the internet either. There was no internet. I didn't have access to a mobile phone because the only phones were attached to a wall, or perched on a desk, and they had cords so you had to stay where the phone was to talk to anybody. We didn't have voice mail yet, so if we weren't home, the phone just rang and rang. We didn't have caller ID so we didn't know we had missed a call.

There was ONE tv in the house. In fact, we thought we had the most advanced technology EVER when we got a COLOR tv! If I didn't like what my parents were watching (which was always) I hung out in my room and listened to my records, made out of black vinyl. A needle rode around in the grooves of the record and that's how the music was picked up and put to the speakers. (The needle would gather dust from the record and I would have to clean the needle off every so often.)

I'm sorry if you know all that stuff already. I don't want to insult your intelligence. I just love that you didn't have internet at 15. Everything has changed so much... I didn't have a damn thing when I was 15. FM radio was the coolest thing I can thnk of that we enjoyed at that time.

OK, sorry for the detour.

To have a better look at "The law's cyber drug war" I suggest you subscribe to the DEA newsletter. At least read their web site every week. I cannot BELIEVE how much they have changed their site over the last few years. The website is more colorful, nicer, and full of information that anyone who reads these boards (especially in the U.S. but not only in the U.S.) should know. They have an article "The Truth about Marijuana" that's entertaining currently, but there is ALWAYS drug news from a law perspective, which is really important to understand, I think.

Keep your friends close, but keep your enemies closer....
I get a weekly email from them.

Scratch newsletter then. Regular email updates?
Yes parents, your kids are busting out their fucking visa & master cards and buying drugs over the Internet!
Yes, we can certainly see how much good it has done to outlaw certain drugs. God knows that heroin, the #1 outlawed drug is no longer available after being illegal for almost 100 years. Oh wait, that must be on some other planet because it isn't this one...
Also, Dr. Hurlow, learn some pharmacology. None of the so called synthetic cannabinoids are in any way related to cannabinoids. They are precussors in the manufacture od MDMA and amphetamines. Some assholes determined to make some money who also knew that people smoked methamphetamine and that these precussor gave users a buzz decided to call it "synthetic cannabinoids"....that is the ONLY connection. When marijuane is made legal all the crap drugs go waay!
errr except that a huge % of the cannabinoid RC's are sourced from failed pharmaceutical ventures. and making it legal won't kill other markets but it'll make them sooooo much smaller they'll be non-issues compared to right now.
i tried some of these god awful "herbal incense" products..and it was TERRIBLE. the experience was awful. my girl threw up and pissed her pants. and i like shooting speedballs for christ's sake!
my brother and sister in law, once die hard pot heads, are now insanely addicted to the legal shit. they dont want to smoke grass anymore. and as some of you mentioned above, we dont know ANYTHING about this shit yet. but i did read of a case in which a girl was left in a semi-vegetative state...permanently...from smoking something she bought at a head shop...and no, it wasnt some crazy ass rumor...it was from a reputable news organization. this stuff TERRIFIES me.
Ive never tried any of these legal highs. Are any of them worth taking, do they give you a buzz at all?
This wave of synthetic drugs including bath salts and mephedrone are very scary! What ever napped to good old illicit drugs? Stay away from this stuff like your life depends on it because it DOES!

Wow, deep! Please... another post, perhaps! Your in-depth knowledge is facinating & I beg a further pearl of wisdom from you!

Seriously, there are deadly drugs that have been around forever! There are completely harmless drugs that have just been synthed! There are also deadly new drugs & harmless old ones. Even harmless drugs new & old can be misused & thus also dangerous. If a half tonne of marijuana fell off a truck & onto your car in Morroco, that'd probably be quite dangerous & mariuana isn't even a Research Chemical!