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The Law’s cyber drug war. Is it time to hold peace talks with internet suppliers of..

^lol keep religion outta here :|
and you cannot even compare tobacco/pharms/booze markets to RC's in terms of quality/integrity. I could go on and on about how the "new compounds" markets would be a million times safer if they were legal, but honestly you cannot tell me with a straight face that you can find cleaner/safer RC's than alcohols, nicotine and oxycodone. Alcohol/nicotine/oxycodone/caffeine/ etc can be/is made to incredibly higher standards than illicit/gray products could ever hope for(for obvious reasons).
Yeah.. i can find cleaner / safer RCs than alcohols..

But i agree.. they need to be legalised and regulated.

And my comment was an answer to "what govt pushers".. i simply gave a list of government approved drug outlets.. i wasn't commenting on what is worse.. although yeah.. cigarettes and alcohol are 2 of the most dangerous drugs and then yeah.. i can easily find dodgy cigs and alcohol.. in licensed shops..


^dodgy cigs and alcohol?
are you buying moonshine?
and of course cigs are bad but at least we for sure have an understanding of that... it says it right on the package
Yeah and the RCs being sold normally come with a "Not for human consumption" label right on the package..
you're not understanding me. Can you or can you not find higher quality nicotine/alcohol/opiates/benzo's than RC's? If you tell me that you can find more reliable, cleaner, etc RC's than, say, ethanol, you're lying or you live somewhere where booze is illegal. I trust budweiser and purdue to produce higher product integrity than a bag of spice. I'm unsure where on earth you're thinking of that offers RC's with quality control even approaching pharmaceuticals/alcohol/tobacco.
/i think the confusion is that you think i'm saying alcohol is safer than rc's. It is and it is not - it depends upon the RC, naturally. What i am saying is that, relative to a specific compound, the legal stuff's regulation gives you a much higher degree of control when choosing than the rc market is able to offer - i'm NOT speaking to the relative safety of RC's V <alc/nico/pharms>. Comprende?
Yeah i get it, and what you say is generally true..

But you can find pure RCs and you can find Dodgy pharms / alcohol.. but yeah ok enough..

Basically. Prohibition doesn't work.
It can't if ppl wanna get high, and that isn't going away any time soon. The state can try and slow/retard the progression of psychoactives' usage but that's a terrible choice for a variety of reasons. Drug policy that centers on the idea of a "drug war" and the whole 'getting high is a crime'-mentality, is weak policy. I'm for a full end to prohibition, but i don't think pure laissez faire is appropriate for psychoactive drugs either. It's a sticky one for sure, i'm not even fully sure how i'd like to see it play out. Hell i think that even crack should be legal, yet I can't say I have an issue with outright banning advertisements for cigarettes (and i'm a smoker who *just* started the patch.) But the truth is that, even if prohibition were the right way, it's a losing battle that gets lose-ier(lol) every day, we cannot practically step up enforcement much further than where it's at, and at the same time we're making huuuge strides on the production/distribution ends (silkroad/bitcoin, RC's, testosterone clinics / pain clinics, etc), and these strides will become even stronger as things progress since that's their nature (pharmacology and distribution are areas that will always outpace law enforcement in western society).

Prohibition's only a good choice if you see value in enacting punishment upon people who choose to get high (ie if the punishment is an end in itself.)
me too

^what gov-approved pushers?

DARE introduced me to drugs, and did so damn well (am not joking or anything, DARE brought me from almost full ignorance to fascination in a couple weeks. LOL.)

DARE piqued my interest as well.
I cringe when I see Kratom tied together with RC's or legal highs. And when they call it hallucinogenic - bunch of idiots...
DARE piqued my interest as well.

All i understood of drugs when DARE came to my school was pot, and that somehow needles were involved. They brought a visual aid, a ~4'X4' glass display case, with examples of a ton of drugs (not just pictures, i mean examples. I imagine they were plastic and not actual narc's, of course). It was fascinating - like a candy store for teens/adults. Had the exact opposite effect they intended lol.

I cringe when I see Kratom tied together with RC's or legal highs. And when they call it hallucinogenic - bunch of idiots...

Why? I get that it's not hallucinogenic, but it's a legal high in most any sense i could think of. And Re RC's, iirc there's all kinds of isolated mitrogyna alkaloids, and i've def seen some that sounded like analogues (although that may be ignorance on my part, cuold just have been isolated compounds). But kratom is there like salvia is/was there.
^Kratom has been around forever, it just sucks that their lumping it together with the new RC's. Kratom has so many medicinal benefits, like it saved me from depression, opiates, and probably death. Thats what sets it apart. I do agree that extracts and isolates are more powerful but kratom should be in a league of its own, and left alone.
I'm seeing a trend here. Drug Education in public schools turns people ON to drugs. me too, a google search for marijuana, looking for information for an online high school class I had to take, in "images" led to an image showing deaths by drug, listing prescriptions, aspirin, alcohol, tobacco. That's where that all started and 4 years later I was smoking it. maybe thats not how most kids get interested in trying drugs, but (inadvertently) finding out that it was actually SAFE during research for school was the first step for me. but the first time i bought drugs it WAS online. my dad handed me both (internationally addressed) packages before I could snag them from the mail, not everybody's parents are unemployed and at home 24/7 though, so for other kids it's probably EASIER to get shit in the mail.
laughed my ass off at this one too man!

yeah, when I was 15, the extent of drug use of my peers to my knowledge was pretty much kept to marijuana, prescription drugs, and alcohol. (I had never tried nor had any interest in any drug at 15 btw)

Few kids, if any, had got into tripping/rolling and I don't remember anyone at that age actually trying to learn about drugs on the internet. That's the same way most of us on here start using the internet in relation to drugs it seems.

My friend is 15 and is into NBOMes and stuff. he done LSD when he was about 14 lol. were all different i guess
^many feel that way about their particular drug of choice..

I do agree. But opiates, benzos, and MDMA are my favorites, but I know that if I use them Ill go on a binge and get all depressed for a few days, so I stay away from them. Kratom keeps me happy 24/7, gives me motivation for work, and a lot of other things you'd not expect from a simple herb. I promise you that once you've found your sweet spot kratom is very unique and worth while.
The governments just need to do with drugs what they did with abortion - a landmark court ruling that the government has no right to infringe upon a person's right to privacy under the constitution.

The right to privacy doesn't just involve abortion or homosexuality. It involves a lot of other things, amongst them is voluntary euthanasia which should be legal too.
I do agree. But opiates, benzos, and MDMA are my favorites, but I know that if I use them Ill go on a binge and get all depressed for a few days, so I stay away from them. Kratom keeps me happy 24/7, gives me motivation for work, and a lot of other things you'd not expect from a simple herb. I promise you that once you've found your sweet spot kratom is very unique and worth while.

Kratom can be physically addicting? It's also not gonna feel nice after binging on it.
i do think there should be more studies and research done on kratom .....
and i do think it is seperate from all that synthetic crap people are putting in thier bodies
yes and no.... i dont believe all synthetics are bad... there are some really great synthetic rx meds such as vyvanse and dilaudid that do thier jobs quite well without a slew of other neg side effects such as occurs with methamphetamine or bath salts
its all about research and understanding how these substances work and poss long term effects
but yes generally speaking natural stuff is prob more trustworthy right off the bat...