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The Law’s cyber drug war. Is it time to hold peace talks with internet suppliers of..

man, i wish m1 and meph were still around. im 24 and i know whats up. but i still wanna roll that way sometimes
naughty - i figured you would go there after i posted... of course mushrooms for instance some are deadly, some are hallucinogenic, and some are a very nutritious food source

there - i will admit i have felt that way too :)
I cringe when I see Kratom tied together with RC's or legal highs. And when they call it hallucinogenic - bunch of idiots...

Agreed. Never a death reported, self regulating, long tradition of human use, and in the semi-silent underground it has helped tens of 1000's of opiate addicts off of their drugs and get some semblance of a normal life back. It is a fantastic maintenance drug, cheap, easy, ceiling effects, fills that hole the MOR raping leaves, and is a great anti depressant. Minimal respiratory depression, offset by the mild effects on NE. I know many many people who got off heroin, methadone, suboxone, etc, with kratom, and now live lives that work for them. Sure, it can cause a physical habituation, but it pales in comparison to other opioids. Most extracts, save for UEI/FST, which are semi-synthetic concoctions, are also pretty damn tame. It is a very valuable tool and by legal high vendors and the ignoramus press lumping it in with bath salts and spice it's days are numbered. Very unfortunate. Ok, enough preaching from this zealot. . . . ( kratom did nothing for me until I got off certain substances, and it has since been the biggest assistance in not returning to them. . ..nothing short of profound)

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^i question what kind of scenario you could possibly be in to say "I know many many people who got off heroin, methadone, suboxone, etc with dratom, and now live lives that work for them". You are referring to real people in real life? Or are you including internet anecdotes? If real life, plz understand how incredibly hard to believe that is unless you WORK at a kratom retailer (and, then, plz understand your claim would likely be taken with a grain of salt)

and stop trying to use whether something is natural or (semi-)synthetic as some kind of "guide" to *anything*.
no worries lol, it just helps to break that notion when possible, lest ppl get false senses of security(or worry) :)
I'm seeing a trend here. Drug Education in public schools turns people ON to drugs. me too, a google search for marijuana, looking for information for an online high school class I had to take, in "images" led to an image showing deaths by drug, listing prescriptions, aspirin, alcohol, tobacco. That's where that all started and 4 years later I was smoking it. maybe thats not how most kids get interested in trying drugs, but (inadvertently) finding out that it was actually SAFE during research for school was the first step for me. but the first time i bought drugs it WAS online. my dad handed me both (internationally addressed) packages before I could snag them from the mail, not everybody's parents are unemployed and at home 24/7 though, so for other kids it's probably EASIER to get shit in the mail.

Definitely. I remember being like 14 and having to do a presentation on a drug of my choice.

I chose LSD as it seemed the most interesting, and well you only have to read my posts to see where that ended up. With positivity.
Definitely. I remember being like 14 and having to do a presentation on a drug of my choice.

I chose LSD as it seemed the most interesting, and well you only have to read my posts to see where that ended up. With positivity.

i did a presentation on meth at one point.... at the time i had never seen or tried it
At some "back to work" bull shit i went to a few years ago, I got to do a presentation on the subject of my choice..

I chose MDMA.

I was the only one there that was not called up to do it.
^i question what kind of scenario you could possibly be in to say "I know many many people who got off heroin, methadone, suboxone, etc with dratom, and now live lives that work for them". You are referring to real people in real life? Or are you including internet anecdotes? If real life, plz understand how incredibly hard to believe that is unless you WORK at a kratom retailer (and, then, plz understand your claim would likely be taken with a grain of salt)

and stop trying to use whether something is natural or (semi-)synthetic as some kind of "guide" to *anything*.

I make no moral distinction between "natural" and "synthetic". Don't give a toss. I only mentioned UEI as being "semi synthetic", as it is, as by changing the ratios of mitragynine to 7-OH and the corresponding oxindoles the ceiling effect of plain leaf is thwarted.

My perspective is based on personal experience, the experience of "real life" friends and family, and the scores of stories on internet forums devoted to such. So, pre tell, what's the problem? Or are you just being disagreeable? Are you somehow implying I am a kratom vendor drumming up business? Laughable to those here that know me. But nice try. I will. I will freely admit however to having had correspondence over the years with the chemist who developed UEI/FST (as well as all sorts of other interesting work in the ethnobotanical arena, and is still the source for these two "extractions") but if anything my statements act as an anti- sales pitch. Pick bones sure, but find bones worth picking.
lol dude I just know that kratom usage is extremely limited, and that dopeheads getting clean tends to be far less rare than we'd like to see. So, all things considered, i questioned when you said you knew so many - it came across very atypical (and, turns out, you were thinking of online anecdotes too).
And re you being a vendor, it wasn't said in a "you're trying to boost business" manner, but in a "you must be if you personally know so many kratom success stories". i wasn't trying to be disagreeable for the sake of it, i was just trying to illustrate that your glowing praise of kratom seemed out of all proportion. (note that I'm not putting kratom down or anything- i've enjoyed it myself, although i never tried it as a w/d tool. ANY tool that proves useful for opiate dependence is valuable :) )
^ I used it to detox off a 100mg/day OC habit. I was also extremely depressed and had attempted suicide. Kratom is the reason Im still here today. Maybe this person doesnt know many people personally, but does that really matter?
look this isn't an opiate thread or even a kratom thread, and i DID NOT claim it had no uses there. I DO believe that the chemical tools for getting off dope (whether bupe, suboxone, methadone, or even kratom if chosen) are completely secondary in that situation though (but not worthless in any sense).

I detoxed off a much higher level than what you^mention, and I was on that for 2.5yrs rx'd/steady supplied (as well as methadone and benzo's- all turned off simultaneously when my dr got himself in trouble). I don't want to discourage proper taper and/or maintenance products, nor DID i attempt to dissuade people from kratom here. I know and understand its role and the role of many other compounds for cessation/tapering/maintenance.

Can we take this away from specific compounds and back on point now?
i buy phenibut and 000 capsules, l theanine and gaba plus a .0 000 scale lol... kava tabs... i take it with the benzos or when im at my max....
^ . . .and the cumulative effect of such actions is the posting of such non-sequiturs in random threads? Must be doing something!
Bible belt schools in the US who dont teach sex ed classes, leave there kids wide open to so many things if they do have sex. there daughters get pregnant and there horrified, how did this happen? education is the key. Say a lot of kids wont use drugs at all. but many will. IT doesnt hurt to teach them simple things like CPR, calling an ambulance wont get you in trouble (in australia anyway) use NEW clean needles, dont use alone, start small with new substances etc. Demonising everything leads to stupid laws and nonsense. to see how inevitable this trade is, just take a walk in one of the larger chemist chain stores. there are 1000's of vitamins, powders, drugs, amino acids etc, including many that will give you a buzz in some way or another, and plenty that are great for what there intended for, like haemmoroids, constipation. toothaches. Or weightloss, red eyes, nicotine patches. shit people want to buy discreetly and get out of there and so it should be with these substances. because we have good sites that warn us what is good and bad, and how to identify and dose etc, the majority of people use these RCs for a buzz on the weekend and get on with there lives and maybe a hangover or a comedown, thats to be expected. IVe watched these sites come and go since the 90's and there here to stay. and the scene has come a long long way since then, for the better.
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