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Opioids The Kratom Mega Thread v3

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Hmm, that seems like a good idea for not feeling like shit from taking too much, which has been happening, but it's kind of tricky doing what you suggest it seems because it takes an hour for it to take full effect for me, so a lot of the time by the time I take more one dose is already about 1/3rd of the way through it's course and as I keep dosing the doses over lap and it gets hard to get it right cause I'm never quite sure how much is really in my system at any one time.

Do you have that problem, or do you feel like it's less of a problem with your "60% rule"??

Seeing as it does seem to be the biggest issue that I'm often taking too much, at least if I do what you say I'll at worst feel not high enough, which still better than feeling like shit from too much because then I don't even have the euphoria anymore since it goes away at that point.

I think better would be to try for smaller doses than usual and just hope that they are the correct one more than the "60% rule" cause preferably I'd like to get the dose right the first time but you and others seems to be right IMO that "less is more" with Kratom.

If it took less time to kick in redosing would be more practical.

And I also only do Kratom one day a week right now so that's good about it working better that way, however, that's also why I get so frustrated when I mess up my doses cause then I always have to make myself wait another week to do it again since I don't like to use it much more than that.

I guess next time I'll either just try to get it right with a smaller dose, or maybe try for like 85% of what I think I need, as 60% seems a bit too little...but it's still a good concept that could really help so thanks.

When I would take Kratom, I would "talk" to the plant with my mind. The same way Natives talk to the plants in the Rainforest, like in the Amazon, etc (how do you think Ayahuasca and all those other plant medicines were discovered?) Pick it up and "feel" if it's the right amount for you at that time or not. Don't think. Feel.

Sometimes I would take more Kratom, sometimes I would take less, but I would always feel and connect my gut instinct with the amount on the spoon, and very rarely would I miss my mark. Weird I know, but after awhile when you get acquainted with it, it's easy to work with it and know what you need personally at any given time. OK I am 8 days clean from it and still trying to go strong and this is triggering for me so I am going to stop now :\ :| :p
I posted here a week or so ago about my personal experiment on Kratom's synergy or interaction with Buprenorphine.... Well being the good scientist that I am (ha), no results should be taken conclusively unless the experiment is repeatable....

While on steady Bupe maintenance, at a daily dosage of between 12 and 16 mg, I tried Kratom again. Last night near midnight I took a 4mg dose, then another 4mg dose around 9am this morning. None during the rest of the day because I didn't want the Bupe to potentially use up all available receptors... I dosed 5 grams of my favorite Maeng Da at 6:30pm. I did notice that the onset of action was delayed this time, and the effects weren't quite as pronounced, but never the less, after an hour and moving towards two hours, I did get some pleasant effects out of it and a small, pleasurable rush.

So given everything I know, my conclusion is that the Bupe may hinder some of the effects of Kratom but not entirely...I think they may share some receptors, but not all. I'm sure if I had taken a full dose today, or used them closer together, the effects would be less pronounced.. But those on maintenance treatment can still get effects out of Kratom, you just have to "schedule it" to get the most out of your money.
I have some 20x Kratom resin what would be a good dose for someone who has tried leaf for a couple of times do I just eat some? what would be a good amount do I make tea, smoke it. I have tried leaf twice so I am a noob when it comes to extracts some advice would be welcom guys so thanks in advance
I have some Kratom 20x resin and am a bit of a noob when it comes to Kratom. How much do I take do I eat it make tea out of it . I have tried the leaves a few times and wanted something a bit stronger but dont want to over do it any advice would be welcome so thanks in advance.
People keep recommending I get kratom to help stay off dope -- I see what kind I should get which is a start. But I just went through a nine day hell stretch from heroin withdrawal and I do not want that again-- how addictive is this stuff? I mean I'm sure it's better than heroin/ dilaudid/ opana/ febtanyl like I was doing BUT I'm in a delicate situation. Can't be withdrawaling.
...horrific and unimaginably painful.

when you say unimaginably painful form what sort of dosing is this from? surely on the more extreme/abusive end of the spectrum?

I simply want a reliable antidepressant which is generally regarded as safe that doesnt have the long term effects quesiton marks above it like ssris do, not looking for recreation but these horror stories keep scaring me off trying. tho it can be hard to ascertain if its just cos the individuals in question overdid it.
I have some Kratom 20x resin and am a bit of a noob when it comes to Kratom. How much do I take do I eat it make tea out of it . I have tried the leaves a few times and wanted something a bit stronger but dont want to over do it any advice would be welcome so thanks in advance.

still no answer t my question I wany to try the resin but safely and dont wany to over do it can anybody help me please my queation has gone unanswered so far come on people adivc:?e please thanks again
Most concentrates aren't anywhere near as potent as you'd expect, but if it's 20x resin, a reasonable starting dose is 1/20 of whatever you'd take as raw leaf.
I don't understand this stuff and I read the whole wikia page for it... People say it's like caffeine and opiate which is kind of an oxymoron to me.
It's stimulating and makes you feel content and reduces pain? Seems simple enough to me.
My understanding is also that certain alkaloids are stronger in different strains, so some produce more opiate like effects while other strains are more energetic.
still no answer t my question I wany to try the resin but safely and dont wany to over do it can anybody help me please my queation has gone unanswered so far come on people adivc:?e please thanks again
Your recent posts have been both demanding and frantic. Stop overdosing on drugs and being so compulsive.

And can you shoot this stuff? Don't judge.
Your looking into the wrong drug bud. Believe it was said taking kratom with that kind of habit is like trying to put out a forest fire by pissing on it. This one is not for you.
I don't understand this stuff and I read the whole wikia page for it... People say it's like caffeine and opiate which is kind of an oxymoron to me.
all i know is it really helps reduce withdrawals...i was not sure of it untill i was in w/d and tried it and felt enough relief for me to stay strong and continue trying to stay clean and sober! 21 days subutex free! still in w/d tho...sooo looong ugggh
when you say unimaginably painful form what sort of dosing is this from? surely on the more extreme/abusive end of the spectrum?

I simply want a reliable antidepressant which is generally regarded as safe that doesnt have the long term effects quesiton marks above it like ssris do, not looking for recreation but these horror stories keep scaring me off trying. tho it can be hard to ascertain if its just cos the individuals in question overdid it.

I'm sure he overdid it, meaning multiple days a week in a row probably from the time he started, though I wont quote him cause I could be wrong but from reading his posts it sounds like he didn't really start off with the strict intention of moderating at all costs.

Not that that is always easy...far from it...just saying.

The problem is that you are talking about using it "as an antidepressant".

Anti depressants are usually used every day or probably at least every other day.

If you use Kratom like that sooner or later you will probably get addicted, and then unless you stay on it permanently, which some might choose to do which is fine...you will experience WDs.

I'd say if you are planning on using Kratom more than 2-3 times a week or are looking for something you can take with great frequency without getting addicted then you are looking at the wrong drug but it's just my opinion.

I'm still a noob with this stuff...but I wouldn't use it more than twice a week with a couple days of no usage in between...just for some fun, just like people who have one night a week on the weekends when they go out drinking.

Just be aware that using it regularly day after day is what gets people addicted.

But for use as an antidepressant, it would probably be effective, but like all other antidepressants or practically all drugs you would use more days than not...it will cause dependency if you don't moderate.
like all other antidepressants or practically all drugs you would use more days than not...it will cause dependency if you don't moderate.

That's not how antidepressants generally work. Antidepressants aren't recreational for the most part, and people usually just take the same dose every day no matter what. They are, however, very addictive. I agree kratom would be problematic as an antidepressant because it's both recreational and addictive, but plenty of legitimate medications are both.
That's not how antidepressants generally work. Antidepressants aren't recreational for the most part, and people usually just take the same dose every day no matter what. They are, however, very addictive. I agree kratom would be problematic as an antidepressant because it's both recreational and addictive, but plenty of legitimate medications are both.

I know, that's pretty much exactly what I said in different words.

I take anti depressants so I know, and of course I take the same dosage every day.

No, they aren't USUALLY recreational, and yes, they are addictive, depending on what you mean by that word, but at least in the sense that if taken regularly almost all will cause withdrawals.

I'm not saying that an antidepressant can't be both recreational and addictive, I kind wish I could take something like that regularly but it's problematic.

All I said in the quote you just used, was that like most drugs, if taken more days than not, it will cause withdrawals.

That's pretty much true of every drug I can think of, even weed will probably cause some insomnia if, for example, for a year you use it more days than not.
I hate this dogmatic belief that 'you have to take something every day for it to be anti depressant'. I know thats the geenral thought in 'the medical community' but i dont believe it.

When I have a hobby I wont do it every day but its that having something to look forward to and that you enjoy conssitently that makes it 'anti depressant' imo not taking it every day.

I dont like taking ANYTHING every day except vitamins and supplements. So ye I wouldnt intend to take every single day, just something for low moods or as a social booster.

but that doesnt really fit into 'recreational' in that i dont wanna 'just get fucked up'.
I hate this dogmatic belief that 'you have to take something every day for it to be anti depressant'. I know thats the geenral thought in 'the medical community' but i dont believe it.

When I have a hobby I wont do it every day but its that having something to look forward to and that you enjoy conssitently that makes it 'anti depressant' imo not taking it every day.

I dont like taking ANYTHING every day except vitamins and supplements. So ye I wouldnt intend to take every single day, just something for low moods or as a social booster.

but that doesnt really fit into 'recreational' in that i dont wanna 'just get fucked up'.

Ok man, I mean it's not a "dogmatic belief" on my part, it's just the CLINICAL definition of how an antidepressant should be used according to doctors to say it should be used everyday.

I agree with you that I am less depressed if I had a great time the day before for example, for ANY reason, one of which could be enjoying a nice pleasant high from a drug (though we all know that drug pleasure is fleeting).

We are just talking about what a DOCTOR would say about anti depressant.

I'm the same as you...I know a lot of people on this forum like being high all the time but I'd rather be sober MOST of the time in my life.

So yeah dude, if you think you could stick to using Kratom 1-3 times a Week MAX then I bet it would be nice for you.

I am figuring out my correct dosage, I'm on it right now and I feel FUCKING GREAT lol.
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