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Opioids The Kratom Mega Thread v3

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Kratom is pretty fast-acting and it seems to last around 6 hours or so at best, with the peak of effects lasting in the 4 hour range, and near 8 hrs you might have a few lingering effects... Because it kicks in so fast, 15 minutes for me but depending on the strain, sometimes up to a half hour....I'll redose fairly rapidly if the desired effects aren't achieved...like within an hour, because if you wait too long, you'll never get the desired effect because your initial dose is fading while you're working on adding to it 6 hours later....

For me, 6-8 grams tends to be about the sweet spot with Maeng Da. Dosing higher than that gives me diminishing effects, and it starts to become a downer. And since Maeng Da isn't good for pain, I find it defeats the purpose to dose higher. If I'm going for a big dose, I'll go with Bali because you wind up with a calming, pain-killing, euphoric effect. Maeng Da is more of a...work your butt off, get things done and have fun at it type of buzz.

Funny that you say Kratom kicks in in 15 mins for you because for me it takes at least 40 mins before I feel any effects at all and usually about an hour before I feel peak effects.
Usually I'm feeling good at around 10-15 minutes after parachuting it. I think it's about 35 minutes or so for the full effects to kick in which last a nice long time.

After some experimentation, I've determined I prefer Bali over Maeng da. The ride up is smoother and more euphoric.

Either way good stuff, good stuff.
Can you just mix the powder with juice/water and drink it or even throw 3-5g back of your throat and wash it down and feel the full effects?

Or does one have to make tea out of it?
Can you just mix the powder with juice/water and drink it or even throw 3-5g back of your throat and wash it down and feel the full effects?

Or does one have to make tea out of it?

Yes, you can either make a tea out of it or just "toss and wash" which is what I do, I just take some orange juice and use it to wash down a couple tea spoons.

However, if you are using powder like I do it's VERY dry and "dirt-like" in consistency so may be hard to get used to swallowing it at first.

I don't know what swallowing whole leaf would be like however.

But if you are going to mix it with anything you really need to steep the tea with it long enough for it to truly mix with the water.

Don't just put some in a glass of water and stir cause it will just sit on top of the water and make it harder to get down.

If you aren't gonna make a tea with it then just toss and wash.
I'm sure you know more about this then me, but let me say that cutting my SSRI dosage in half 10 years ago resulted in 4 months of HORRIBLE insomnia.

It's not totally true that SSRIs don't cause dependency, at least if WDs are any kind of sign of dependency which I think they are.

If that's the case, I don't know what Kratom withdrawals are like, but I hear they only last like 10 days, not 4 months.

Either way, they'd both suck.

SSRI's do cause dependancy for sure. The withdrawal can be extremely hard on the mind and body. Ive w/d from paxil with a slow taper, it was the most excruciating experience of my life. Vomiting every hour or two for 3 weeks, continuous throbbing headache, brain zaps, back pain, and overall extreme discomfort. The w/d effects started to fade around the 1 month mark, but still had residual effects at the 6 month mark, mainly a very weak stomach. Celexa w/d was similar, but due to working full-time I was unable to completely stop and had to start taking it again. Im totally chained to this stupid drug, if i miss my dose in the morning (8am) i start to feel the beginning of w/d by noon. This is proof that different drugs effect people in vastly different ways.

Personally I would rather withdrawal from kratom anyday over SSRI's, even at the dose im currently at (25-30g/day). Yes id be pretty damn uncomfortable for ~4 days: RLS, insomnia, returning back/neck pain, and experience depression for a few weeks afterwards. but to me, there's no question that ssri withdrawal is much harder on me then opiate, or kratom withdrawal.

I am extremely against SSRI treatment. Doctors are misinformed of the "discontinuation syndrome" (aka full-on withdrawal). I reccomend giving kratom a shot to anyone before being enslaved to SSRI's. Thats just what I have experienced, YMMV...
I'm feeling pretty good right now.

I'm on about 5 grams of White Vein Maeng Da and about 1/4th of a gram of Red Vein Borneo.

This is the first time I've ever tried a white vein though I've done both Red and Green before.

It's definitely giving me energy but I can't tell the difference between this and a Green Vein.

To be perfectly honest, I'm still not sure I can tell the difference between Green and Red veins or ANY vein of Kratom.

This is only the 6th day I've used Kratom so I am still new to it so that may change, and last week I had TONS of energy on Green Vein Borneo and I haven't yet had that much energy when on a Red Vein, but that may be partially due to the fact that I've only taken full doses of red veins at night and I drink a lot of coffee during the day so I've got more caffeine in my system when on the Green veins since I take them during the day.

I'm guessing sooner or later I'll know for real the different effects of the veins on me, and I THINK I already can feel a slight difference between Red and Green veins, but it's still pretty hard to tell it's not placebo and me knowing that certain veins are supposed to be stimulating or sedating.
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Yes, you can either make a tea out of it or just "toss and wash" which is what I do, I just take some orange juice and use it to wash down a couple tea spoons.

However, if you are using powder like I do it's VERY dry and "dirt-like" in consistency so may be hard to get used to swallowing it at first.

I don't know what swallowing whole leaf would be like however.

But if you are going to mix it with anything you really need to steep the tea with it long enough for it to truly mix with the water.

Don't just put some in a glass of water and stir cause it will just sit on top of the water and make it harder to get down.

If you aren't gonna make a tea with it then just toss and wash.

If you use just enough hot water to cover the kratom it'll stir in right away, then you can add whatever your beverage of choice is (mines OJ). ;)
I'm kind of with you on this one... The only varieties of Kratom that I can distinctly tell apart are Maeng Da and Bali...Maeng Da gives me SO much energy and a really positive attitude, while Bali calms me down and the pain relief is downright stellar...like, Oxycontin good... I laid down in bed an hour and a half after a 6 gram Bali dose and I felt like I was on something like Methadone for example...totally calm, slow and steady heartbeat and breathing, warm and fuzzy feeling....

The other 'veins', etc I cant really tell apart. I have tried Captain Kratom's new Vietnamese stuff and wasn't impressed at all. Also found their Maeng Da caps to be disappointing. Lucky Kratom and Eden's Ethnos are the best for headshop Kratom that I've found. Can't order online like I've mentioned because I can't ship it to where I'm staying.
I'm still so fucking frustrated with how temperamental a substance Kratom is.

It's EXTREMELY hard for me to get my dosage right and if I take a little too much I'll end up feeling like complete shit, either really groggy and tired or overly stimulated.

About 65% of the time I'd say I get the dosage close enough to feel good, but the rest of the time I get it wrong like right now and just feel like crap.

Sekio suggested I get a scale to be able to better predict the dosage which I did but this scale is such a piece of shit that there's no way it can be used to accurately measure a dose.

I know I complicate matters by being someone who drinks WAY too much caffeine so the combo of that plus something that can act as either a stimulant or a depressant has me up and down all day anytime I use Kratom.

Is there ANYONE else here who has experienced what I'm talking about, who often takes the wrong dosage of Kratom and then feels like shit?

I know that the fact that I take Klonopin probably also changes things because that plus the caffeine means on any day my energy levels fluctuate more than most people's, but I know I can't be the only one who has this problem and I'd like any advice on how to get the dosage right in the future.

So far just experimenting seems to be the best chance for me at getting it right and the fact that it takes so long for Kratom to kick in for me, usually about an hour, makes it even harder cause I never know how I'll feel till it kicks in.
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I've definitely taken too much, whether all at once or from multiple doses applied over a few hours... I would get dizzy and woozy and just a general feeing of having too much... plus the euphoria would actually kind of go away. Eventually after an hour or 2 I'd be good again though. I've never gotten actually sick from Kratom to the point of throwing up, but I have gotten nauseous and I know a few other people who have vomited repeatedly, very violently, from taking even a small teaspoons worth.
I've definitely taken too much, whether all at once or from multiple doses applied over a few hours... I would get dizzy and woozy and just a general feeing of having too much... plus the euphoria would actually kind of go away. Eventually after an hour or 2 I'd be good again though. I've never gotten actually sick from Kratom to the point of throwing up, but I have gotten nauseous and I know a few other people who have vomited repeatedly, very violently, from taking even a small teaspoons worth.

That's what happened to me yesterday. I've never gotten nauseated, but I got groggy and just feel bad from having taken too much and it's no longer enjoyable.

Then to top it all off it kept me up most of the night even though I last dosed about 7 hours before going to sleep.

It seems nearly impossible for me to get a good night's sleep if Kratom is still in my system and it's odd that I haven't heard other posters say this.

It basically won't allow me to fully fall asleep due to the stimulant effect which seems to last at least 8 hours or more for me.

I know the amount of coffee I drink with it complicates matters, but I guess this is just one more thing that will keep me from using Kratom with any frequency because even if I get the dosage right I pay for it by not being able to sleep well the night afterwards.
What's a good recreational dose for a kratom virgin? One that has very little opiate tolerance as well
I'm still so fucking frustrated with how temperamental a substance Kratom is.

It's EXTREMELY hard for me to get my dosage right and if I take a little too much I'll end up feeling like complete shit, either really groggy and tired or overly stimulated.

About 65% of the time I'd say I get the dosage close enough to feel good, but the rest of the time I get it wrong like right now and just feel like crap.

Sekio suggested I get a scale to be able to better predict the dosage which I did but this scale is such a piece of shit that there's no way it can be used to accurately measure a dose.

I know I complicate matters by being someone who drinks WAY too much caffeine so the combo of that plus something that can act as either a stimulant or a depressant has me up and down all day anytime I use Kratom.

Is there ANYONE else here who has experienced what I'm talking about, who often takes the wrong dosage of Kratom and then feels like shit?

I know that the fact that I take Klonopin probably also changes things because that plus the caffeine means on any day my energy levels fluctuate more than most people's, but I know I can't be the only one who has this problem and I'd like any advice on how to get the dosage right in the future.

So far just experimenting seems to be the best chance for me at getting it right and the fact that it takes so long for Kratom to kick in for me, usually about an hour, makes it even harder cause I never know how I'll feel till it kicks in.

The best thing is to get used to taking your dose in two sections. Take maybe 60 percent of what you think you need. Wait an hour and then figure out what you need from there. You'd be surprised sometimes its nothing. I take my kratom, klonopin, and even drink my first soda all at the same time every day so I don't have to worry about my body being out of routine. I really want to quit the kratom every day thing though I'm far too burned out on it. Kratom is one of those drugs that works WAY better if you only do it every now and then.
What's a good recreational dose for a kratom virgin? One that has very little opiate tolerance as well

Maybe a gram is a good start. Work up as needed.

I find the stuff is a lot more forgiving with dosing than other opiates.
I see people recommending doses in the single digits all the time but I've never gotten noticeable effects from anything less than 10 grams, and it takes 20 grams for my lady friend to feel it. I've tried different vendors but it's been pretty consistent. Is it possible to have a natural tolerance that would account for this or am I just getting weak ass kratom? I took 26 grams of Bali yesterday, felt amazing all night, and now I'm enjoying a nice afterglow. I get zero negative effects from these seemingly huge doses. I use infrequently and don't touch other opioids so my tolerance should be nonexistent.
Could be either one... I know plenty of people including myself that prefer single digit doses in terms of grams and a few people who have even gotten sick off the same. If youve tried a bunch of legit vendors tho and its the same you may just have a natural high tolerance to it
Could be either one... I know plenty of people including myself that prefer single digit doses in terms of grams and a few people who have even gotten sick off the same. If youve tried a bunch of legit vendors tho and its the same you may just have a natural high tolerance to it

Whether they're legit or not depends on your definition, I guess. I mean, the stuff is active for sure. I just wish I could get more than one satisfying dose out of an ounce. Sometimes I get a free sample with my order but it's like a third of what I'd need to feel anything.
It is a pretty big blow to the whole kratom market, it sucks so bad because this plant has done so much good in my life in the last year and a lot of legit vendors will be having a hard time paying the bills.

I am curious to see how this effects the headshop/brand name kratom companies like captain kratom and whatever. They might raise their prices even more or hopefully it puts them out of business.
i know that its said not to purchase kratom from headshops but it has been the easiest way for me to obtain it! they have the herbal salvation maeng da and i jumped from 2mg of subutex and had been on that almost 9 months thinking it would save me from my adiction..well these long drawn out w/ds suck and this herbal salvation brand of maeng da has done the trick to help me get through work.and am only taking 2g per dose sometime only 1.2g per dose(dosing twice mabey 3 times a day depending on how im feeling) and at these low doses it has helped me continue on my journey to sobriety...and be able to work and not act like a complete pshcyo(spell check)lol i belive the dose and effects do work diff on diff people but for me these low doses of kratom that i got from a headshop has been a life saver! all im sayin! also i want to add that i do not plan to continue to use kratom unless mabey here and there after my w/d symptoms are gone and im on day 16 and things are lighting up and getting better and im taking less kratom everyday and am very determined! what im getting at is 2mg of subutex may sound low but the shit is strong and if these low doses have worked to help ease this process for me, i know that they can help someone else out there too! even if purchased at a headshop! :) God bless!
The best thing is to get used to taking your dose in two sections. Take maybe 60 percent of what you think you need. Wait an hour and then figure out what you need from there. You'd be surprised sometimes its nothing. I take my kratom, klonopin, and even drink my first soda all at the same time every day so I don't have to worry about my body being out of routine. I really want to quit the kratom every day thing though I'm far too burned out on it. Kratom is one of those drugs that works WAY better if you only do it every now and then.

Hmm, that seems like a good idea for not feeling like shit from taking too much, which has been happening, but it's kind of tricky doing what you suggest it seems because it takes an hour for it to take full effect for me, so a lot of the time by the time I take more one dose is already about 1/3rd of the way through it's course and as I keep dosing the doses over lap and it gets hard to get it right cause I'm never quite sure how much is really in my system at any one time.

Do you have that problem, or do you feel like it's less of a problem with your "60% rule"??

Seeing as it does seem to be the biggest issue that I'm often taking too much, at least if I do what you say I'll at worst feel not high enough, which still better than feeling like shit from too much because then I don't even have the euphoria anymore since it goes away at that point.

I think better would be to try for smaller doses than usual and just hope that they are the correct one more than the "60% rule" cause preferably I'd like to get the dose right the first time but you and others seems to be right IMO that "less is more" with Kratom.

If it took less time to kick in redosing would be more practical.

And I also only do Kratom one day a week right now so that's good about it working better that way, however, that's also why I get so frustrated when I mess up my doses cause then I always have to make myself wait another week to do it again since I don't like to use it much more than that.

I guess next time I'll either just try to get it right with a smaller dose, or maybe try for like 85% of what I think I need, as 60% seems a bit too little...but it's still a good concept that could really help so thanks.
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Hmm, that seems like a good idea for not feeling like shit from taking too much, which has been happening, but it's kind of tricky doing what you suggest it seems because it takes an hour for it to take full effect for me, so a lot of the time by the time I take more one dose is already about 1/3rd of the way through it's course and as I keep dosing the doses over lap and it gets hard to get it right cause I'm never quite sure how much is really in my system at any one time.

Do you have that problem, or do you feel like it's less of a problem with your "60% rule"??

No its much easier. I said 60 but that's just a general idea. The idea is to go way on the low side so when you redose its a substantial redose. You won't get the buzz as quickly because basically your not even taking enough to get high for the first hour but it will last longer because your dosing this way of course. You can still take too much but its not as easy. Its like if you were drinking booze. Its easier to guess the right amount if you were to drink your drinks in two seperate rounds versus chugging the amount you think you need in one gulp.
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