• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

? The Hella Big HELLO! - Introduce Yourself ?

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You n your reading CH.. lol. how do you even have time to BL?
no doubt tho, reading is good for the mind.

Made it a year at Bluelight today. I'm so incredibly pleased <3
Never thought I'd make a month xxxx

Edit: yea Laika's lovely. I've chatted with him a few times n he helped me with some links, nice decent bloke.

Hey Crackvedview & welcome, don't be afraid to join us here or in other threads around BL :)

Scarnonnnn everyone?! This thread has passed the quarter mark a page ago, which is pretty cool considering the social thread before us; was like almost 3 years old before it got maxed. So yeah! But we're the cool crew so that's fine. ;) Any newcomers like Crackedview don't be afraid to chime in and make new friends in here. <3

Lol too right.

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I'm here HOOD :)

I'm always lurking in the shadows even when you think I'm not watching, I'm there ;)

How goes it buddy
I'm doing good I'm at my lawyers office right now with my sister picking up our check finally from my dads estate. His girlfriend delayed the process as much as she could but now she has to pay up. Today was the deadline and what do you know she waited till the last second to pay us the money the court awarded us. My father only died back in January :\
His girlfriend is a Dumb bitch lol pardon my French.
My dad is probably rolling over in his grave knowing a bunch of his money went to me and my sister despite taking us out of his will and that we also payed a percentage to our lawyer to contest his will:)

My dad hated paying lawyers so dad if your able to see me I'm holding up the middle finger just for you:) Hahaha its a good day for my family now I don't have to think of my dad or his girlfriend anymore!
His gf sounds a right evil b****. She sound have given that money to you n your sister straight away. I'm glad you've f inally got what's owned to you both. Was wondering about you over that xxxx

Thanks eve yea its all over but now I just gotta calm my mom down she wants this and that and a brand new car :\ I said I'll buy her a used car and she flipped her shit saying she wants a brand new car lol its never ending the stress. My trucks only 4000 dollars and it's really nice and reliable. I don't understand my mom she thinks every large sum of money is unlimited she is really really bad with money.

I want to go to school and get a job where I'm not breaking my back and miserable. I don't know anymore she makes me and my sister feel greedy for not buying her a BRAND new car. Uhh what was a happy day is now turned to shit with my mother talking suicide again.
Whatever I've got to Start thinking of myself I spend so much money on my mom I support her buy her food pay her rent what more can I do I don't know why she would call me greedy for not buying her a expensive car. Its not like I got that much I got enough to put me through school and that's it.
Your mom should want you to finish school over having a "new" car. I've got a wife and 3 kids and I am working on my psychology degree...school's no joke bro. Super stressful. I should have gone before having kids
My.Daddy - welcome to Bluelight. Great advice there that you gave TS. I totally agree.

Trainspotter - My advice is to think of yourself. No disrespect but I feel that your Mam is being out of line. Had this been lilvibe in her 20s getting a sum of money, I would not expect any of it. I'd want her to do what she wants with it to be secure n happy in life. I can't drive due to visual impairment but if I could I'd not expect her to buy me a car. The fact you are offering to purchase her a second hand one is very lovely, kind n thoughtful n she should be grateful. You clearly think of others but yes it's time, in my opinion, that you thought of YOU!

Most jobs / careers expect a degree these days so I would go for it. Maybe open up a bank account for study n put some of the money in thar. Suggesting that because most universities (well not sure about Canada) expect you to pay fees per year / semester as opposed to whole upfront at the beginning of the three years.

You'll need living expenses (if you plan on giving up woek / going PT during this time) stationary, books etc etc n so if you were to do that you 'd know where you were.

Also my advice is BE EXTREMELY CAREFUL how you handle it - especially with being an addict (I don't know what your thoughts are on always an addict, former addict n what-not so I'm speaking general) encase your addict brain tries to temp you back to H. I HAD £4,600 in savings of which is gone due to addiction n stupidly. Please don't make the same mistake.

I'd sit your Mam down n explain your feelings n how you 've always wanted to go back to studying (maybe easier said than done ) and that you don't wish to spend lots of the money n use it wisely. If this is difficult, could you write her a letter? That way she can read it in her own time , process it n then you could both discuss it.

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Hi all!! Brand spankin' new here!! Browsing the net cuz I couldn't sleep.. Found some quite humorous threads here and then some informative ones that I am hoping (cross my fingers and toes) will be able to give me some advice and insight into some questions and concerns!! I look forward to b.s. & getting to know new ppl!!!
Hey guys, another new gal.

Looooong time lurker & this sites never let me down with info.

Chronic pain patient with a luuurve of opiates.

Could any scientific ppl pls check out my "help ketamine infusion. etc" thread?

Look fwd to chatting,

Your mom should want you to finish school over having a "new" car. I've got a wife and 3 kids and I am working on my psychology degree...school's no joke bro. Super stressful. I should have gone before having kids

Hey Dr how's it going today:)

Thanks man I know eh? I mean I don't know why she's acting this way she isn't normally this greedy sounding but this is really tearing me apart I mean its my mother:\
But yea I got to think of school I have big dreams for my future I tell you and nothing is going to get in the way. I need to start thinking of myself but I do feel like a greedy prick because of the way she's acting but whatever I know I'm not I mean if I go to a fast food joint I automatically buy dinner for two(me and my mom) I got o the grocery store I think of my mom and no matter what I make sure she's taken care of. Glad to hear you guys think I should go through with education that makes me feel better but I just hope my mom gets over it she made me so down last night when I should have been happy:( wouldn't even go out to dinner with me to celebrate so i stayed home by myself and ate a TV dinner. Oh well I'll go out to a nice dinner with some friends or take this new lady friend i met out somewhere nice.

Have a great day guys and girls:)
Thanks for the support
Hey guys, another new gal.

Looooong time lurker & this sites never let me down with info.

Chronic pain patient with a luuurve of opiates.

Could any scientific ppl pls check out my "help ketamine infusion. etc" thread?

Look fwd to chatting,


Hey I'll go and see what I can do for you.

Welcome to the site:)
Introduction... kind of lol

Hello all. I'm new to BL. Well I have been reading from this website for years and it has given me some of the best advice and more drug related discussion help than any other place on the web. I thought it was about time for me to chime in. As per me being new feel free to send me a message and ask whatever question you may desire... you can ask but I may not always answer :p Also I heard a quote way back in highschool over 10 years ago... something along the line of there is no such thing as a stupid question, just a stupid answer. Anyway I'm off for the time being and I look forward to hearing from some of you. Have a great night all :)
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