• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

? The Hella Big HELLO! - Introduce Yourself ?

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Faxed acid bro homagawd the cartridges full get ya fucked with the visuals homagawd I swear cuz I heard it off my mate's brother's karate instructor's former gardener's landlady's daughter who full checked me out that one time and screamed out the window how she wanted me so bad
Recovering from that party lol.

Nah in all seriousness, bracing for a storm today.
Usually dont get storms like this around this time of year but its been warmer than usual.
Lots of wind already, so if i aint on today....-NO POWER-

In case that happens, everyone have a good one.


My friend I made you a loincloth to cover your privates when clothes are a rarity in the imminent nuclear wasteland you're about to inhabit

May have No power eh hood? Dam that sucks its pretty calm so far here in BC today just cold. Do you get many storms up where you live?
I never ended up losing power but the cable, phone and internet went out a few times for "routine maintenance"..
Decided to take a day off from BL.

I'll be back later tonight most likely.

I never ended up losing power but the cable, phone and internet went out a few times for "routine maintenance"..
Decided to take a day off from BL.

I'll be back later tonight most likely.


Did u have a storm????

a little one for like a half an hour lol.. last time i listen to my mom about the weather.
Even though the weather channel agreed but it just happened to miss my area despite a few showers.

How's it hanging gang?

I've been having the most amazing past five days :D

I'm about to have a blast in a few more days %)

much <3 to you alls
Low and to the left %) Friday arvo here got the place to myself tomorrow night gonna kick back have a couple mates around and catch up with our old mate Jack Daniels :D

Tell us Captain what have you been up to?
I'm doing excellent. I'm in love <3 (oooh, I'm a believer...)

and I'm about to be reunited again in a few days

so in the mean time I'm book binging. It's quite enthralling really.
Stephen King would be proud of Captain's reading benders

But that sounds good mang

So keen for tomorrow ahhhhh shityeah gonna be a mint saturday fellas I'm telling youse I'm keen as a bean =D
Hey hey hey..

I know I have posted somewhere in this thread before.. But back.. Well.. I got a quest and just cuz ;)

Just to clarify, this thread is to get to know ppl, introduce and in a way b.s? Or do u have to go back to a question concerning medicinal purposes?

I'm bored and just wanna chat.. Joke.. Whatever!! Insomnia has not been nice tonight... And since everyone I know is lame and sleeping :p .. U all get stuck with me ;) ;) ;)
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