• NMI Moderators: Snafu in the Void

? The Hella Big HELLO! - Introduce Yourself ?

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That's the best way to think. I won't say "ace" lol

That's what I do, anyway. I've never been Ambassador but I welcome people because I love to help people n I love BL. I stopped for awhile as I was struggling with suboxone n personal stuff. But I've started again now.

It's lovely that you're still going to do it, as I think you've a way with people n are fun - which will attract people to Bluelight n to want to stay here.

U all seem really cool. I hope I get to know all of you someday the way you know each other. Plus the wealth of information on here is awe inspiring. Congratulations to all of you who have contributed. This is a special place on the vast chaotic mess known to all simply as the internet.
U all seem really cool. I hope I get to know all of you someday the way you know each other. Plus the wealth of information on here is awe inspiring. Congratulations to all of you who have contributed. This is a special place on the vast chaotic mess known to all simply as the internet.

Thanks! We are all really cool. ;)
And u seem to be the coolest ch. Your obviously an incredibly wise man. I always enjoy reading your posts
Thanks! :) <3

I'm having a great day myself, just been reading and relaxing. I'll probably get up to some writing later tonight if I can get the right flow going. %)

A few days ago I wrote over 12,000 words in 2 hours
Holy shit. The creativity was flowing strong in you. What style of writing is your favorite both for reading and authoring
Morning peeps.

Hope all is good in your HOOD <3


My first post:

Hello everyone I am Crackedview.
I don't remember when I joined, but judging from my username it was sometime in spring or so. I have been learning a lot of useful information from these forms. So thank you to everyone. I will probably start posting more often now.
Hey Crackvedview & welcome, don't be afraid to join us here or in other threads around BL :)

Scarnonnnn everyone?! This thread has passed the quarter mark a page ago, which is pretty cool considering the social thread before us; was like almost 3 years old before it got maxed. So yeah! But we're the cool crew so that's fine. ;) Any newcomers like Crackedview don't be afraid to chime in and make new friends in here. <3
whats that mean?

nevermind: urbandictionary'd it.. you just trying to get me going.


Fuck it, whats up people?


EDIT: And Laika i have no prob with you, so i wont let you get to me.. as far as im concerned, we're cool.
unless you wanna let me know otherwise ;)
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My first post:

Hello everyone I am Crackedview.
I don't remember when I joined, but judging from my username it was sometime in spring or so. I have been learning a lot of useful information from these forms. So thank you to everyone. I will probably start posting more often now.

hey crackedview! I hope you enjoy the site :)

Very cool man. U ever read the stand?

The Stand? I'm not sure I've heard of it.
It's a Stephen King novel one of his old better pieces. You would like it I'm sure.
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