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The GHB/GBL Addiction & Withdrawal Thread

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Ah shit, look what I found :(

In the central nervous system, ACh (acetycholine) has a variety of effects as a neuromodulator, e.g., for plasticity and excitability. Other effects are arousal and reward. Damage to the cholinergic system in the brain has been suggested to play a role in the memory deficits associated with Alzheimer's Disease.

Does this mean that prolonged and extreme GBL/GHB use could destroy your memory? My memory isn't what it is and I'm only 20 :/

Since a shortage of acetylcholine in the brain has been associated with Alzheimer's disease, some drugs that inhibit acetylcholinesterase are used in the treatment of that disease.

Did someone say GHB inhibits ACh?
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I'm quietly confident that hammering GBL will not have any lasting effects on your memory. Even on long breaks, I don't feel as if my brain has been harmed at all. My memory isn't the best, but I take benzos for anxiety, and drink quite a lot. Stop worrying, and look to the future. :)
Ah ok then. It must have been the multiple daily use of synthetic cannabinoids for a year that's affected my memory then -_-
^ By twenty I'd have trouble remembering what I had for breakfast that day, Gezgin and that was without synthetic cannabinoids or GBL. Ageing sets in early for some folks is all :D
I did four days gbl and ghb 24/7, and now its been 17h from last dose, and I havent slept since last morning. I cant get sleep, I drunk three beers and got little better, but when I felt asleep for 30min I get very horrible dreams, so I cant really sleep so I wake up. Also it seems that I start to feel more and more normal and the anxiety is gone. How much still to wait till I'm compeletly normal? If I would take enough gbl to get sleep and after 4h again, so I get 8 hours sleep, but wont do that shit anymore after that, would it make the W/Ds longer? I really need to sleep, I also have 160mg codeine and cannabis, maybe smixing them helps me sleep. But I dont think that smoking some sativa would be a good idea, since I get anxious with it.
After reading the origional post I have a quick question. There is talk of GHB / GBL affecting the release of a growth hormone. Does this mean that G could cause a fake possitive for steroids or other drugs of that nature in a drug test?
^ By twenty I'd have trouble remembering what I had for breakfast that day, Gezgin and that was without synthetic cannabinoids or GBL. Ageing sets in early for some folks is all :D

I'm just pushing 22 and have already developed a rather charming habit of opening new windows in Opera and then staring at them wondering what it was I wanted to look at. Sometimes I walk downstairs and then wonder why I'm there. My memory really is quite terrible at the moment. My mind is still pretty sharp though, I caught it having a discussion about the prevalence of chequebooks the other night.
I did four days gbl and ghb 24/7, and now its been 17h from last dose, and I havent slept since last morning. I cant get sleep, I drunk three beers and got little better, but when I felt asleep for 30min I get very horrible dreams, so I cant really sleep so I wake up. Also it seems that I start to feel more and more normal and the anxiety is gone. How much still to wait till I'm compeletly normal? If I would take enough gbl to get sleep and after 4h again, so I get 8 hours sleep, but wont do that shit anymore after that, would it make the W/Ds longer? I really need to sleep, I also have 160mg codeine and cannabis, maybe smixing them helps me sleep. But I dont think that smoking some sativa would be a good idea, since I get anxious with it.
If a few beers makes you feel better, then you'll be fine in a day or two. It doesn't sound too bad. Codeine will definitely help. Weed won't.

Wahslab: I don't think it would.
Hey folks. I have developed a GBL addiction that I am now trying to get rid of and was wondering if anyone experienced with a similar usage level could give me some advice. I have read extensively about GBL withdrawal and am having a really hard time figuring out exactly what I am in for...you see, I have sort of a strange dosing routine. I'm not quite 24/7 strictly speaking but it has gotten out of control. It is something like this:

1am: 3ml puts me to sleep

5am: 3ml puts me back to sleep

12pm: 1.5ml has me feeling good during the afternoon

6pm: 1.5ml has me feeling good during the evening

So I'm going through about 9ml a day and have been at this pace for 3-4 weeks. The thing is, I absolutely cannot sleep without it! I have had issues with insomnia my whole life and have prescriptions for trazodone and lunesta, but they seem to be completely ineffective (as is diphenhydramine) now that my body has come to expect g-induced sleep. I also take wellbutrin every morning for depression (along with paxil) which seems to help reduce my cravings to use during the day somewhat. However, if I don't use any G during the day at all, by around 9:00pm at night (so 16 hours after my last dose) I start to feel very anxious and start trembling to the point where I need to take a 1.5ml dose to feel normal again. I ordered a product called relax-all that contains valerian root and phenibut to help with withdrawals and that should be here tomorrow.

So...how exactly do I do this? Do I just use the phenibut-valerian root combo for a couple of days and then I'm good to go? Should I taper down my dosage of gbl first? What can I expect in terms of getting some sleep? I feel kindof confused right now (I am trying to taper down at the moment) and would very much appreciate if someone could explain things to me step by step. Thanks much
I don't know much about it but I would say taper as much as you can before stopping completely. Do you have access to benzos? Treacle will be able to advise you on the phenibut.
Unfortunately I cannot use benzos because I'm getting drug tested. I have also read conflicting things about wellbutrin and gbl, with some people saying that wellbutrin can make gbl withdrawal significantly more severe. This worries me even more...
Thats not bad habbit, I also used to take about three weeks straight GBL, but not to get sleep. Just get some anti-psychotics (seroquel, zyprexa, etc), so you can sleep and maybe they can help with anxiety too. Also anxiety won't last long, only about day or two after quitting. I fing GBL to be very low-addicting type, as you won't get cravings (at least not me) and its shit drug after you have used it that long.
Thanks for your reply neo. Unfortunately I do not have access to anti-psychotics...but I am encouraged to hear that the anxiety should only last a day or so. I am hoping that the phenibut arrives soon and I can start using that to help with the gbl withdrawals. I know that that the physical withdrawals should not be too bad with my current habit, but its the psychological ones that I'm worried about. I really can't afford to have a nervous breakdown this weekend while trying to get off the gbl...
Thanks for your reply neo. Unfortunately I do not have access to anti-psychotics...but I am encouraged to hear that the anxiety should only last a day or so. I am hoping that the phenibut arrives soon and I can start using that to help with the gbl withdrawals. I know that that the physical withdrawals should not be too bad with my current habit, but its the psychological ones that I'm worried about. I really can't afford to have a nervous breakdown this weekend while trying to get off the gbl...

Little bit alcohol will help with psychological and physical withdrawals. But only little and only if needed.
For mimi inc

Ive kicked a 8 month GBL habit, and i just stopped taking and went cold turkey, you will like shitty, tingling fingers, restlessness, de-personalization, find it hard to sleep. I tried to taper, and it just doesnt work, i would be good all day then at night i would treat my self to a huge amount in the evenings then. Which sucks. I would reccomend just flushing it, expect that for at least a week you will feel like absolute dogshit, there is no way around that. A little booze will hand your shaking, try to find a sleep aid also, but only use for the first 3 days , so you don't get addicted to them to.

My experience was a very shitty withdrawal, and i slipped into the habit of full tilt drinking(a litre of hard liquor every day) . So keep away from just drinking, because it will make you an alcoholic. It wasn't until i got addicted to G, that i thought i had self control on any drug, because i had been taking drugs for about 4 years and never had a problem, i even took 1000's mgs of valium every week, for months on end, but i never got any withdrawals, it was only with GBL that i experienced true drug addiction.

Just keep your head down eat alot of good foods and drink water, i promise after a week you will most likely have finished the withdrawal and you will be feeling Great. Hope this post helps. Good luck.
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I ordered a product called relax-all that contains valerian root and phenibut to help with withdrawals and that should be here tomorrow.
I've had it. It's complete shite. It contains traces of phenibut, at best. You are best off buying some actual phenibut powder, if it's that bad. Have you tried using benzos?
I just wanted to share something, since this thread helped me a fair bit. I'm from Australia, but the G scene here is very different.

I am in the process of kicking a 1,4-b problem. I spent a few months having it every weekend, about 10ml over a weekend. Nothing too much.

This turned into 4 or 5 times a week. About 20ml on the weekend, and about 20ml through the week,

This rapidly turned into every night, at least 10ml a night.

Then over the past 6 weeks, it has been 24/7. About 20ml a day. Minimum.

I decided last week to try and stop for a while, since uni is back, and I was knocking back 3ml every hour to get high and 2.5ml every 2 hours to sleep. Sleep never came in under an hour, and never lasted more than an hour. Fucking wrong.

I tried tapering this week, but I blew out. I drank a heap of alcohol on Wednesday night, trying to have a G free night. But at 3am, I was still awake, so I thought, fuck it, if I am still awake at daylight, I'm having G to sleep. I had about 10-12ml over the 6am-12am period, since it was not working (stupid, even though I felt hungover, I still had booze in my system).

Then at 3pm, I lost my shit, spewed everywhere, and passed out. I wish my friends hadn't seen it to be honest. But I had not slept in 2 days, and all the G from that morning seemed to hit me at once.

I tried cold turkey a few weeks ago, and lasted about 6 hours. But stepping it back slowly seems to have worked better. Just really shouldn't have had it yesterday morning after booze. Definitely a wake up call though.

Last night I had 2ml at 11pm, and that has been it. I managed about 5 hours sleep last night, and today started shit, but not drinking G has made me feel better. Lots better. Its been about 24 hours, and the *worst* of the symptons seem to be over. I have stopped shaking, and craving it. I have diphenhydramine to put me to sleep, a couple of drinks, and no caffeine.

I don't intend on never using it again, as I love the stuff. I just want to knock it on the head for a while, so I can get the fun back, and stop craving it. I made sure all my supplies are gone, and any new ones will be kept away from me for the foreseeable future.

Obviously this is all regarding 1,4-butanediol, not GHB or GBL. But all the same....
Best for sleep is promethezine as its a dopamine antagonist.I find diphenhydramine just makes it all worse and my heart feels like its going to explode all night.
If you have been on it for 6 weeks you are not going to be over it after 24 hours.I would say at least 2 weeks.

Finally i did some research a little too late. I've been taking ghb for a while just at parties at weekends then last year i started doing a little during the day which turned into a few times a day. I then started taking gbl instead, maybe a 0.5-1ml at its worst every 1 1/2-2 hours, and a couple of doses during the night. This has been going on for about 9 months. I decided it had to stop and when the bottle ran out i threw it. It was a fri and i drank over the weekend, i'd already been to the doctors about not being able to sleep and other strange spymtoms he gave me sleeping tabs which didn't work. On the monday i went to work as usual and within an hour collapsed, my boss drove me home i had a massive panic attack and took myself to the hospital, not mentioning the gbl use. they sent me home after 24 hours with some paracetemol for the raised temp causing the sweating? and told me to go to the gp if it persists. I can't sleep, i sweat 6 hours a night and the get out of bed and have a panic attack. Can't work and i have a 5 yr old. I need out of this. I heard phenibut could help. Any other suggestions?
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