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The GHB/GBL Addiction & Withdrawal Thread

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The best way is a slow reduction.But this is really only possible if you have the time off,eg no work or commitments.So I have never managed this taper I will describe...I instead never take for more than 7 days straight and then use codiene/benzos/alcohol in as small doses as I can to get through the first few days.
This is how I would do it for GBL,so I suppose liquid GHB would be similar.
Work out what dose you know will definetly give you 4 hours or more sleep and make that the starting point.For me that would be 3ml.Make all measurements with a .1ml oral syringe.Every 4 hours or more,but not less than,take a step down from your previous dosage eg 2.9ml,2.8ml etc.At first this will result in loads of sleep,which is why you need to have the time at home without any other possible trouble/stress likely to happen.Work out how long this reduction will take eg 3ml down to zero = 30 times 4 hours...120 hours.Nearly 5 days.
I don't ever have 5 spare days to detox in,otherwise I would take that route.If I had been dosing for a long period of time eg more than 2 weeks straight I would have to make the time for that sort of reduction.
Also if you can get benzos they will be very helpful,certainly by the time you get below 0.5ml and want to sleep.
It may still take 2 weeks to fully recover after that,but doing a reduction will prevent the severe panic/insomnia/psychosis/inability to eat etc.
I've never managed to taper GBL down. It just doesn't work for me. GHB may be different.
I found that taking a beta blocker countered the WD symptoms of GBL immensely. However the WD's from the third time I came off GBL were not reduced as effectively by a beta blocker than the first two times.

A beta blocker was effective by what I think of its ability too block the body over producing Adrenaline which the body produces in vast amounts during the withdrawal of GBL causing some of the worst side effects like paranoia and those terrible jitters.
^Agreed. However, once you have been through withdrawals a few times, beta blockers hardly help at all.
The key to recovery is sleep and nutrition.The more sleep you get in the first week and the healthier you eat,including supplements,then the better you feel.
For instance I have done 4 days 24/7 on before,stopped and not been able to eat or sleep and it taking over a week to feel anywhere near "normal" again.Other times I've done 7 days 24/7 on,stopped and found ways to eat and sleep over the first few days and then stuffed my face with healthy stuff from day 3 on and the difference mentally and physically is huge.:)
I will be asking my Dr for some propranolol now,I used to get prescribed the slow release ones and found them fuck all use for anything,but maybe the quick release ones would help with certain GBL withdrawal issues.
I have the 40mg ones. They certainly help with the heart rate issues and blood pressure spikes, along with the sweating. Only GABA agonists can truly help with the mental hell of it, though.
Oh yeah, just thought i'd throw in that in the break between the two GBL binges, i didn't ejaculate for the entire period. Has that happened to anybody else? By which i mean i'd get erections/come fine, but there would be no end product.

When I was kicking the shit out of GBL I didn't really have any sex drive, apart from when I was actually on it... 8o

It is quite strange to look back at how 'into' GBL I was. Having just made GHB I am hoping it is a little less addictive.
I agree with a previous post. The absolute best way is by tapering (that's personal opinion, but formed by doing it the hard way, the benzo assisted way and the cold turkey way)
You can get a taper down to a very short amount of time if necessary, but what you need is to keep your stress levels to a minimum. I'm sure by this point you know the feeling you get when you need more G. Well, to taper you simply push the time you give in to that feeling a little longer each time. You can even take a day where you don't change your dose rate, you just maintain, so you taper over the course of a week or so.

I've got it down to under 24 hours, but that's not much more fun than a cold turkey WD, believe me.
I find that my doses work for as many days as I'm on it, and my tolerance doesn't really go up, so I'd probably not be able to taper that way. I'd have to keep going down.

Brain: I don't think the blood pressure spikes are why you get heat rushes. That's GABA-B downregulation. Your blood pressure stays pretty high throughout withdrawal.

Also, the sex drive thing; I've found, in the past, that I've had no sex drive whatsoever when having breaks. It's like your brain gets used to G for sex, and without it, it's just not on your mind. However, having a woman around certainly helps bring it back. ;)
I don't think you quite grasped what I meant.
Increase the time between doses each time. Every other day you could stick at the time you've made it to.
Tolerance has nothing to do with it. It's a pure tapering scheme.
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^Cool. I understand now. I've still never been able to taper, even in tiny amounts. I just end up taking a big dose to stop the withdrawals.
I know that for those of us that are Psychologially addicted to GBl, the idea of a taper is hard.But it is doable.:)
Imagine you were given 1litre free!You look at it and think,I'll use it sparingly as doing the whole lot 24/7 and going cold turkey might result in death.So maybe you work out a plan to spead it out.Maybe once every other day etc......but soon enough you are into it 24/7.Then you keep trying to come off it with benzos etc but you can't deal with pouring the rest away8o..so at some point you come back to it...and on goes the cycle.
The only way off that beast is a full and proper taper.eg 3ml to zero.

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I'd take the whole litre and think about the consequences after. Seriously. If it's there, it gets taken. I'm so glad I've stopped with it.
i really dont see the appeal in 24/7 GBL use, i only ever use it every now and again in the evenings, i cant function properly on it during the day.
What is a decent daytime dose???
mugabe you seem to be on a bit of a slope here, i don't mean to be preachy or anything but why do you want to start dosing in the daytime if you can't see the appeal in it? has this thread made constant dosing seem like a good idea?

</harm reduction>
not really, i was just wondering what a daytime dose would be, because ive only ever used it in the evenings when im not going out anywhere and im sure the dose would be different. There is no way i am planning to be a 24/7 user. sounds worse than benzo wds. just wondering for wonderings sake
Do you reckon its worsened your anxiety in the same way that relying on benzos for a long time can do? Or are you any better/the same as before anxiety wise?
My anxiety has stayed the same, or got better. I'm seeing a psychologist for it. I'm taking less benzos than I was years ago, and I have been taking them about 5 years.
That's good to know, i really should get on some CBT for my anxiety. I find it more crippling than depression.
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