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RCs The Ethylphenidate (Ethyl phenyl(piperidin-2-yl)acetate) Megathread V3

Sounds like you had a rougher time than me. I'm 200lbs and didn't insufflate just took it orally. It's now day 5 and I finally feel human again. I think my renal system is healing. This was not worth the short high I will never be using eph again.
This shit is garbage. I tried a couple grams. The jitters to stimulation ratio was not good. I'd rather fuck with benzedrex, hell any (recreational) stimulant really. Methylphenidate is much better IMO.
It seems like most people dislike this chem, but everyone also uses it in much higher doses than I do. I don't enjoy stims much at all but did enjoy methylphenidate, so decided to try this stuff out. It's enjoyable for me but I insufflate in the range of about 5-10(max)mg at a time every hour or so, and only maybe 3 doses through a nights experience. I get a pleasant euphoria that I don't get w other stims. Amphetamine does absolutely nothing for me, coke is okay. This gives me about the same amount of pleasure as coke w less compulsion, though methyl for me feels the best of all three. Granted I'm sure I've never had the greatest quality coke. Anyone else use doses as light as I do? Also with beers it is very nice as I know has been well documented.
guys whats the good solvent to put it in a nasal spray? Does water cause degradation?
It dissolves well in water you should be fine with that :)

Best stim on RC market.
IV injection starts out great but, after upping the does I feel it has done some damage beneuth the vein, I used my biggest vein and had slight shaky hands but man it must literally burn through living cells.

Ths shot was all in there althoguh i had shaky hands while pushing through.
i still feel like, a bruise type pain under the vein and I'm worried I've lost my favourite spot haha.

unless its a low dose this shits gonna fuck your arms up man. i was eyeballing hmm maybe 100-150mg per 0.9ml shot.

Anyway, Its sad but I may have lost a couple good veins from this crap so if any one considered this. try a 2ml barrel, with a 50mg/ml solution maybe, and the water can just make it less damaging.

I'm not gonna lie the rush was incredible, longer lasting than cocaine and less of a comedown than speed. if it wasnt corrosive this would be the ONE hhaa

Take it easy.
Take it easy.

This advice applies to you man. You're eyeballing a super high dosages and then slamming it. You're going to have a heart attack or stroke or something. That shit is crazzzyyyyy. 1 gram when I did this shit lasted me more than 7 days.
Yeah you're right man, fuck doing that shit again hahha, probably best in tiny dosages, but over doing it has not been fun :/
Yeah you're right man, fuck doing that shit again hahha, probably best in tiny dosages, but over doing it has not been fun :/

Overdoing it and IVing it. I bought some for a friend, and took like 60mg out of it.

I was doing 4-6mg doses at a time vaped. Eyeballing 100-150mg and then shooting it is just kinda outrageous. You shouldn't be IVing RCs (or really anything but pharmecutical vials meant for IV/IM use), and then if you ignore that you should at the very least be using 1 micron wheel filters which I bet you guys are skipping. There are NO reason to skip that step. You're already doing something dangerous, minimize it by buying syringe/wheel filters. One more time, there is NO reason to skip this step. If you can buy your RCs online, you can easily head over to amazon or ebay and pick up a 5 pack of .2um filters for 10 bucks or cheaper (I don't think this counts as sourcing since it is pure harm reduction, sorry if I'm wrong).

If you don't want to filter every time you can buy sterile syringes with huge (non IV use) needles and sterile vials + bacteriostatic water and make up high concentration sterile solutions by dissolving a bunch in a set amount of water and filtering it with the wheel filters all at once (using sterile syringes/filters/vials and bacteriostatic water) and then suck it up and dilute it with more bacteriostatic water before injection.

Honestly, I reccommend you not do it at all, but if you're going to be shooting the stuff, this is the way it MUST be done. You're likely to fuck your veins up anyway because it's so caustic, but this way you'll be as safe as you can get while shooting caustic chemicals. You should really be shooting this stuff into your rectum with an oral syringe. You still get the rush and you're not injecting this shit into your vein or fucking your nasal membrane up.
After taking a few lard bombs of this iv had blood in my stool (After both sessions) be safe :)
How long after a single oral dose (ex 30mg) can one get some sleep? Haven't tried yet and want to plan accordingly...
Guys after two of my sessions of using this orally iv had blood in my stool, please be safe
If what you saw was red it's more likely to be a sore ring piece than internal bleeding.
Yeah G, apart from dosage, everything was done safely, filtered and brand new fixed needle used.

I used my biggest vein and it left me with a pain for a few days there, but I think its all good now, im gonna stick to good ones like coke and speed.

They don't ruin your veins after a few doses but man shits expensive hahaha

Thanks for the advice tho bro
little bumps go along way, you cant chase the rush with this, eventually it fucks off leaving you feeling shitty, benzos help the shittyness but your gonna be awake for a while.

small bumps every few hours and its all good, as good as that first fat line is, you will never get back to that or even worth the pain getting there.

ive been a long time user, used to binge for days on this every weekend chasing the high, but it took me a while but i understand this drug now, just take it easy and make sure your gonna be kept busy doing something you like, otherwise the dysphoria sets in
Anyone else notice theirs change color? I got some for a friend and when he showed me it a week later instead of semi-clear crystals it was more opaque. Tastes a little different too:

Well if you're unsure send it to me ill tell you how it is haha.

Could be a different chemst thinking he is heisenberg. x