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RCs The Ethylphenidate (Ethyl phenyl(piperidin-2-yl)acetate) Megathread V3

Could someone please explain why re-dosing Ethylphenidate is so horrible? I kinda need to make it 36 hours without sleep and this is the best stuff I have, other than coffee, and I have to, be alert, more than coffee can do. I have six different Benzos to cut edges but would rather not.Thanks.
Re-dosing is awful because it quickly loses the enjoyable aspects, leaving only the side effects. Yet the DA based compulsion keeps strong until it's Day 5 and the shadow people start to bore you.
It sucks big time.. Bleed

Anecdotal reports mention that after a week of binging (by nasal route), the time required for the nasal membrane to come back to its normal state is triple to quadruple.

So 1 week on ethylphenidate snorted at 20-50 milligrams per day, requires 1 month for the nose bleeding to stop completely.

1 week of abuse = 4 weeks of problems

You can imagine that longer times of continuous use of EPH will bring irreversible damage to nasal mucosa or damage repairable in amount of time stretched to infinity.
Shit... I was just thinking a, small dose of 30mg and a second if the same. Well, I did that. It blew chunks. Etizolam in a huge dose got me out of it- kinda got a tolerance issue there. Then I slept 12 hours, woke up, pissed, ate something and slept another nine hours. Seems the only time I enjoy this stuff is in very low doses ( 15 - 25 mg) orally, taken in one parachute. Then there's some effects I don't like but they're mild. Weird thing is a vendor I use for Benzos derivatives sent me two grams of the stuff with my last order., "free", oldest trick in the book, but it worked.

Not really though b/c I not that impressed, reminds me of ephedrine, too much unwanted physical stimulation. But it has its value, and some redeeming qualities, it's just I'd take meth over this any day. I don't do uppers anymore, but for this unexpected excursion. Think I'll ditch the rest and not look back.

What's the use of a stim you can't reup, can't slam, can't snort and is caustic as fuck?
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Hey guy's, I'm moving into my new house next week and plan on trying some of this(Have no tolerance to any drugs apart from Cannabis) iv done a lot of stimulants in the past so i know what to expect, the thing is I'm planning to get some [FONT=arial, sans-serif]flubromazepam for the comedown (Done Benzo'z in the past too) as i can't get hold of any Etizolam.

Iv heard the come-up for Flub is a good few hours compared to Etizolam, so i plan on taking the Flub a few hours before i finnish my last few lines, will i be able to sleep if i roughly take 8mg of Flub(No benzo tolerance either)[/FONT]
I've recently been taking this once a fortnight. I haven't found anything that comes quite as close to methadrone than this.i normally get it under the name 'amplify' from my pipe shop but they didn't have any half grams of that and the guy said 'Ching' was the exact same I checked the empty amplified pack I had and right enough they both say ethyl 2-pherryl-2-piperddin-2-ylacetate
This is the second time I've bought the 'Ching' brand and found it to feel no where near as good. I do not believe it to be a tolerance thing as it's been a fortnight. TLDR ; I'm just wondering if anyone else experienced huge differences in quality from batch to batch or brand to brand? I'm in the UK. P.s I'm injecting it. I am well aware if the risks. I've taken all possible precautions. I'm an experienced IV heroin addict so I'm not fucking about more than usual with needles. I in no way recommend this but the rush was immense from amplify but this bloody Ching brand I don't feel any 'euphoria' just the usual upper stuff.
Is bombing this stuff a lot weaker than snorting it? I like to snort my stims but this seems a big no no to snort
I haven't attempted to snort this chemical ever since my first trial run with left me with really bad drainage and stuffiness. I've been bombing a fair amount from time to time so my only concern at this point is if the caustic nature of the chemical damaging my stomach.. Could anyone with a fair amount of experience with oral dosing chime in and if so have you noticed any possible signs of damage (stomach pains, cramps) from oral use?
I haven't attempted to snort this chemical ever since my first trial run with left me with really bad drainage and stuffiness. I've been bombing a fair amount from time to time so my only concern at this point is if the caustic nature of the chemical damaging my stomach.. Could anyone with a fair amount of experience with oral dosing chime in and if so have you noticed any possible signs of damage (stomach pains, cramps) from oral use?

Well ADD/ADHD suffer's do take it daily although its methlethylphenidate but I doubt that makes a massive difference. Raw powder prob a bit harsher on the stomach but I can see it being that much off a difference.
Well ADD/ADHD suffer's do take it daily although its methlethylphenidate but I doubt that makes a massive difference. Raw powder prob a bit harsher on the stomach but I can see it being that much off a difference.
Ethylphenidate, in pure crystal form, at half the potency and therefore twice the amount, is much more caustic than a pill containing a small amount of methylphenidate surrounded by a large amount of filler.

I've never noticed any stomach issues, but I don't use eph very much. If you're worried about it, dissolve it in water.
Ethylphenidate, in pure crystal form, at half the potency and therefore twice the amount, is much more caustic than a pill containing a small amount of methylphenidate surrounded by a large amount of filler.

I've never noticed any stomach issues, but I don't use eph very much. If you're worried about it, dissolve it in water.

Ethylphenidate, in pure crystal form, at half the potency and therefore twice the amount, is much more caustic than a pill containing a small amount of methylphenidate surrounded by a large amount of filler.

I've never noticed any stomach issues, but I don't use eph very much. If you're worried about it, dissolve it in water.

Uhhh, what?

Ethylphenidate is the same potency than methylphenidate and more selective for dopamine transporter than NET:

"EPH, or ritalinic acid ethyl ester, is the next higher ester homolog of dl-MPH, i.e., (2R:2’R,2S:2’S)-α-phenyl-2-piperidineacetatic acid ethyl ester (Fig 1). It has been chemically characterized as the racemic hydrochloride salt12,13 and as its separate enantiomers.14 As with MPH15 all reported catecholaminergic activity of racemic EPH resides in the d-2R:2’R-isomer. However, the more selective neurochemical actions of EPH14,16, and its greater resistance to metabolic hydrolysis17, distinguish EPH from MPH. These differences offer the potential for exploitation in psychotherapeutic drug discovery.

These differences offer the potential for exploitation in psychotherapeutic drug discovery.

Central nervous system activity of EPH was first reported in 1961 when it was found to be 80% as potent as MPH in antagonizing reserpine-induced sedation in mice.

Both d-MPH (23 nM) and d-EPH (27 nM) exhibited low nanomolar DAT IC50 potencies. The DAT binding affinities (Ki) differed by 43%: 161 nM for d-MPH and 230 nM for d-EPH. However, a much more distinct difference in potencies between MPH and EPH became apparent at the level of the NET, where the IC50 for d-MPH again exhibited high potency (39 nM), while d-EPH was 7 times less active (290 nM). In addition, the NET Ki values differed by 18-fold: 206 nM for d-MPH compared to 3,700 nM for d-EPH. These homologs were inactive at the serotonergic transporter.16

Comparisons of locomotor activity using the neuropharmacological reference strain C57BL/6 mouse demonstrated that both d-MPH and d-EPH were equipotent using intraperitoneal doses of 2.5 or 10 mg/kg.16 This range of doses allows comparisons with other literature studies of MPH rodent motor activity data.14,20 At the intermediate dose of 5 mg/kg, d-MPH induced approximately 25% more stimulatory activity than d-EPH;16 a difference in activity possibly reflecting the reduced influence of EPH on norepinephrine compared to dopamine. Both catecholaminergic systems appear to influence motor activity.21"

Not only does it show the same activity in rats, it has almost the exact same Ki values for dopamine transporter, and yet way way less norepinephrine transmitter potency. This is quite a good thing if you want to get high and not completely stunned by norepinephrine.

People aren't usually abusing it for some good stimulation, they're abusing it for that dopamine rush, or they'd be abusing drugs more selective for NET.

In conclusion, it is not 50 percent the strength of methylphenidate, and if you're using it like that you're doing too much.

Now that is, unless you're merely referring to focalin (pure d-methylphenidate) in which case yeah it probably is, but some people prefer racemic drugs to enantiomerically pure drugs. You should be more clear though as when I think of methylphenidate I think of ritalin which is racemic.
Most references to MPD on this board are assuming the dextro isomer, given pharmaceutical companies have the time/money/staff to provide enantiometrically pure products.
EPD, however, is mainly sold as the racemate, given it is a grey market product and thus; profit is king.
The expense and expertise required means most RC vendors don't even attempt isomer separation.
The data varies on the exact loss of potency caused by the methylation, but it is generally accepted to be approximately: 1mg MPD ~ 1.5-2mg EPD.

My own subjective approximation based on my personal experience is that 1mg MPD ~ 1.75-2mg EPD.

EDIT: This potency reduction as one lengthens the carbon chain holds true for the isopropyl homologue, though limited data exists, anecdotally: 1mg MPD ~ 1.75mg EPD ~ 2.5-3mg IPD.
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Uhhh, what?

Ethylphenidate is the same potency than methylphenidate and more selective for dopamine transporter than NET:


Not only does it show the same activity in rats, it has almost the exact same Ki values for dopamine transporter, and yet way way less norepinephrine transmitter potency. This is quite a good thing if you want to get high and not completely stunned by norepinephrine.

People aren't usually abusing it for some good stimulation, they're abusing it for that dopamine rush, or they'd be abusing drugs more selective for NET.

In conclusion, it is not 50 percent the strength of methylphenidate, and if you're using it like that you're doing too much.

Now that is, unless you're merely referring to focalin (pure d-methylphenidate) in which case yeah it probably is, but some people prefer racemic drugs to enantiomerically pure drugs. You should be more clear though as when I think of methylphenidate I think of ritalin which is racemic.

Not referring to Focalin (D-Threo-Methylphenidate). I'm referring to standard pharmaceutical MPH preparations, which contain racemic D/L-Threo-Methylphenidate, but do not include the other optical isomers of the drug. On the other hand, I would suspect that most RC vendors will be selling a dirty mix of D/L-Threo-EPH and D/L-Erythro-EPH, unless they specifically claim otherwise.

That being said, I've had EPH marketed as the d-threo before, and while it's better than some of the other stuff I've gotten, it's still weaker than MPH. I'm going to go ahead and assume that you've never had MPH before (I'm currently prescribed Ritalin and Vyvanse, and used to be prescribed Focalin) so take my word on it. Here's a table comparing binding between the drugs:

People often make the assumption that dopamine=good and norepinephrine=bad, but that's not necessarily true. MPH obviously has a much higher affinity for NET, which might have something to do with it's subjectively more potent effects.
I don't assume norepinephrine is bad, but that it causes more residual stimulation than the rush generally sought after by people abusing it. Now as a functional psychostimulant, for focus or as an anorectic, I'm sure it's very much preferred.

So the far left is racemic D/L-Threo-Methylphenidate?

And as for methylphenidate, I've had it, but never in a quantity to have any idea from a subjective perspective as to it's strength. And even if I did I would then have no assurance that the ethylphenidate I had was pure enough to even compare the two.
I was under the impression that the "rush" was a combination of a few factors: one being the mix of affinity to DA/NET (5HT playing a minor role). Without any NET in there there will be no "tweaky" rush. But please correct me if I'm wrong I don't wanna spread misinformation. The second being how fast/easily it crosses the BBB and acts in the brain.

If you've ever smoked tobacco out of a bong, with ZERO nicotine/tobacco tolerance it's basically a bellringer, which is a trip.
I have a possible diagnosis of ADHD coming, every other stims worked just fine, will this effect the EPH and just make me monged out if i do have ADHD?
I ordered it, but got scammed. Don't get this if you live in the states. I might get oxolinic acid. I need a DRI to stack with the NDRI prolintane (which releases more norepinephrine than dopamine).
I ordered it, but got scammed. Don't get this if you live in the states. I might get oxolinic acid. I need a DRI to stack with the NDRI prolintane (which releases more norepinephrine than dopamine).
I've gotten good eph from a few different vendors while living in te states. You're just looking in the wrong places.

well if its and consolation it was mixed with weed, we didn't bong rip pure tobacco. But seriously... bellringer.

MGLA said:
I have a possible diagnosis of ADHD coming, every other stims worked just fine, will this effect the EPH and just make me monged out if i do have ADHD?

Not exactly sure what you are asking because of the choice of words at the end, however if you have an ADHD diagnosis coming, I would recommend using the meds they give you, and discontinuing the EPH use.

Skybluemolly said:
I ordered it, but got scammed. Don't get this if you live in the states. I might get oxolinic acid. I need a DRI to stack with the NDRI prolintane (which releases more norepinephrine than dopamine).

I thought EPH was an uptake inhinitor, but a releasing agent. Either way, sounds like you don't have the best internet browsing practices or discretion. And while I pray it never comes to this (so far so decent) buying RCs isnt like going to Macy's. And sometimes you get scammed, that's life it happens. Just don't use that source again.

There's a mod on another sub-form who would know all about that.