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The Drug's in the Mail - The Silk Road and our very own Tronica!

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RE: Article. Fuark, no wonder this country is flooded with everything lol
That was a very good read, it does sound extremely inadequate (From their perspective ;) ). I hope they focus more on illegal weapons rather then drugs but it sounds like an incredibly difficult task they have. This was very interesting
Only 100,000 of the 2.5 million shipping containers - one in 25 - are subject to X-ray inspection, while barely 1.5 million - one in nine - of the 13.9 million air cargo assignments are X-rayed. Of the 54 million air freight parcels received through the postal system, only 21 million are X-rayed.

I thought it would be much higher for shipping containers and air cargo. But as they say later in the article they are now working to try and pick which things get scanned, I wonder what methods they have of determining the risk factor or different Cargo.

Great read, thanks for posting
Yes thanks again for mentioning this and prompting me to search for it (lol, UTFSE I know I know).

While it's not an easy task for customs and the post, they are working on better methods. While there is still a fair chance that parcels will get in - nothing is foolproof.

BTW in regards to whether I should be publicising Silk Road, to my surprise I just had Silk Road friend me on Facebook and found they have a Facebook page. Not the actions of a group in hiding...
Yes thanks again for mentioning this and prompting me to search for it (lol, UTFSE I know I know).

While it's not an easy task for customs and the post, they are working on better methods. While there is still a fair chance that parcels will get in - nothing is foolproof.

BTW in regards to whether I should be publicising Silk Road, to my surprise I just had Silk Road friend me on Facebook and found they have a Facebook page. Not the actions of a group in hiding...

I think you did a great job on TV the other night Tronica :).

The chances of packages getting in safely are dropping considerably due in most part to the publicity surrounding such sites as TFM and SR, you should take a look at SR now as it seems like its faltering because accusations of vendors scamming buyers and even admin stealing bitcoins, the "clientele" has certainly increased in a bad way by attracting not so attractive people.

SR wants as many people buying and selling as it can possibly get because the owner/s make money from every purchase, and I think Dead Pirate Roberts knows him/herself that SR wont last forever so pocket as much money as you can before the bottom falls out, which it inevitably will.

Not all publicity is good publicity......unless of course your fortunate to own a site like SR
Thanks mister. You're right - it could be a very limited time that SR is around. Maybe DPR isn't so concerned about longevity as long as he/she can make a quick buck now? This is how a lot of other similar ventures have ended. I think a lot of people hope SR will be different, but I can understand the skepticism is well founded.

I'm hoping to interview DPR about these issues. We'll see if he/she is interested!
Thanks mister. You're right - it could be a very limited time that SR is around. Maybe DPR isn't so concerned about longevity as long as he/she can make a quick buck now? This is how a lot of other similar ventures have ended. I think a lot of people hope SR will be different, but I can understand the skepticism is well founded.

I'm hoping to interview DPR about these issues. We'll see if he/she is interested!

DPR seems to be very hard to track down as far as his/her location is concerned so If the site was compromised Im sure DPR would have an escape plan and would sail off in to the sunset like a.......well like a Pirate.

Id say DPR has made a hell of a lot more money through SR than the owners of TFM ever did so will ride or sail this out till the end.

I really hope you pull off an interview with DPR, Tronica, as Im sure it would be a great read! If anyone could get an interview, my money is on you
Not all publicity is good publicity......unless of course your fortunate to own a site like SR

There's not much that isn't good, in most circumstances. Of course, there are many exceptions... But generally speaking, the opposite is true.
just heard on JJJ that 120kgs of drugs have been confiscated that were sent through the post and 22 search warrants were acted upon and arrests made......hate to say it but I told you so.

I fucking hate SilkRoad, quicker it gets shut down the better.

Edit: looks like this was posted in the drug busts thread but heres the link to the news story..http://www.abc.net.au/news/2012-05-18/afp-seize-drugs-imported-by-mail/4018732
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just heard on JJJ that 120kgs of drugs have been confiscated that were sent through the post and 22 search warrants were acted upon and arrests made

That article is in the drug busts thread.

The smallest seizure was a half a gram of MDMA in a mail envelope.
That article is in the drug busts thread.

The smallest seizure was a half a gram of MDMA in a mail envelope.

yeah saw that so edited my post. Anyone contemplating ordering stuff from the interwebz be careful!
120kg and 25 people arrested?

I wonder why no one in South Australia was done? Are we still to come?
Why anyone would risk importing a drug from overseas (get done for importation), hand over money to a complete stranger (might have your money stolen) , pay before receiving the goods, not knowing the appx puirty (atleast when you know the dealer they can give you a rough indication to purity if they are in the know how) and not being able to get a refund or exchange (a good dealer will always exchange or refund money) is beyond me. You'd need to be pretty desperate to resort to that.
^ I guess you're like me and haven't used SR, but by the sounds of it you have an unlimited supply of dealers offering cheap and pure MDMA. I think that's the allure to a lot of people in Australia, many can't get quality ecstasy, whereas overseas it's not so difficult. That was a niche I believe SR was providing, I never ordered from them of course, but I did look at it and read the forums a long time ago. There were many people in Australia who wanted decent MDMA.
I think I've seen on you on the forums opi8.
SR is interesting, and I believe it greatly recudes health risk, but increases criminal sentance risk.
120kg and 25 people arrested?

I wonder why no one in South Australia was done? Are we still to come?

Are we still to come?

dont jinx the whole lot of us South AUssie Bl'ers yo.

Are you still to come? maybe.

i hope not anyways.

*knocks on all the wood he can find in the whole streeeet!*

Yeah I reckon 25ppl, must be all 25 pretty ignorant/naive/stupid? 25 drug users that think, hmm hey we can order drugs off this site, it seems relatively safe, LETS ORDER KILOS AND KILOS. and thats how the cookie crumbled!
That's scary, that you can possibly ascertain my identity by my posts. But still, I will say this. My nickname did not contain any common Australian phrase. Nor did I want opiates in Australia. eek.
It's well known that South Australians are far smarter than people from interstate..
SR is the most stupid site I have ever come across. Its like watching monkey's through the bars in the zoo, everything on show for everyone to see......and most importantly, for LE to learn.

The admin of SR earns money for every sale so they LOVE all the publicity as it brings customers, and with customers it brings money, and with the extra publicity it brings attention from the law which inevitably ends with people getting arrested.
Those forums replicate GTA forums 1:1, filled with tonnes of ignorant and absoutely stupid negligent people.. fucking aggravates me just thinking about it.

However, there are a couple of posters with signifant and logical information. Generally the website is being watched by (probably) every active country's LE.

Though, it is handy for people who are disabled and still want their drugs.
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