Social The Dark Side Social Thread v. Darksiders Forever

It's funny you mention that. I saw my local grocer selling big jars of poppy seeds the other day and immediately wanted to buy some for tea.
But I can't do that any more.
Plus they were probably already washed...

Yeah man I used to be like that, CONSTANTLY running bad scenarios over and over through my head, almost as if I was practicing myself for what I would do if and when it actually occurred.
Therapy helped immensely!
Never had much luck with the seeds but in about a months time the florists all start selling giganthemum pods around here, they were always surprised when I would buy their whole stock in one go, sometimes I'd even ask for the stalks to be cut off and they'd be like wtf?
Almost fucking finally done. Just one more page to write. Should not of slept all of saturday 20 + hours. Was a fun friday night though. Can't wait to have a short break but ill most likely meditate mainly. Try my hand at learning how to make electronic music.

Though two weeks is not much i will use to refresh my soul. get back into a proper gym routine aswell that i have the time now.

Slow steady progress has paid off. I have come to appreciate the short periods of sobriety i have done with two weeks been my best so far this year. It might seem short but that was a achievement for myself where i usually spend nearly every day rocked out of my mind.
Was trying to find a place to type this, and this seemed like the spot for it just because of how I feel about it.
I got a text from my mother that my step-father will be looking at a jobsite kind of close to where I live, and she was going to ride along with him over the weekend and they are going to stop and visit with me.
I don't know how I feel about it. I guess anyone else would be happy that some of their family is coming to visit but I am not. We have grown so apart over the years, and I can count on one hand the number of times we have seen one another I'd say in the last 8 years or so.
At the very first, I was scared shitless being alone with no family. Then the years go by, we spoke less and less, to the point where I might get a phone call on Christmas morning.

If anyone had experienced addiction/alcoholism as a kid or teen then you might kind of see how it was so easy to get pushed away.

So there is some anxiety and fear forsure. Stressed, and can't seem to not think about the negative.
@D's I dunno what to say man, I haven't been in that situation. Do you know when they're coming?? I'd say to try and not think about it, as that only leads to anxiety and stress. I'm sure it will be okay <3
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And sex. Don’t forget all your posts about sex. Not that there is anything wrong with that - we have a whole forum dedicated to it after all.
Yes thank you Perforated, I forgot about that, I’m sorry I ever got mixed up in that politics bullshit I promised myself I wouldn’t , but I got caught up in it again. And the guy who said he was out of that thread keeps coming back quoting my posts trying to bait me, but I’m truly out of there, and certain mods have it out for me on there, I was the one who was attacked and called names then the mod said she deleted my posts for insulting someone and escalating the situation when it it was the other guy who started it and escalated the situation. I know that mod Cuddles has it out for me she’s given me points before, but yet others post what they want on there and nothing happens.
Yes thank you Perforated, I forgot about that, I’m sorry I ever got mixed up in that politics bullshit I promised myself I wouldn’t , but I got caught up in it again. And the guy who said he was out of that thread keeps coming back quoting my posts trying to bait me, but I’m truly out of there, and certain mods have it out for me on there, I was the one who was attacked and called names then the mod said she deleted my posts for insulting someone and escalating the situation when it it was the other guy who started it and escalated the situation. I know that mod Cuddles has it out for me she’s given me points before, but yet others post what they want on there and nothing happens.
Yeah. I was following what was going on there. CEPS is very polarising and not a healthy place for people who are emotionally invested in the topic. Most people a fixed on their opinons and don’t listen to the other side and try and learn from them.

But trust me, no moderators have it out for you specifically. They are just trying to maintain their forums as best they can. Don’t forget I’ve infracted and warned you as a mod but we are still friends. Don’t take mod actions too personally.
Yeah. I was following what was going on there. CEPS is very polarising and not a healthy place for people who are emotionally invested in the topic. Most people a fixed on their opinons and don’t listen to the other side and try and learn from them.

But trust me, no moderators have it out for you specifically. They are just trying to maintain their forums as best they can. Don’t forget I’ve infracted and warned you as a mod but we are still friends. Don’t take mod actions too personally.
I won’t Perforated, that guy continuously kept baiting even after I told him I was done, this morning he started again, but I haven’t responded, I’m not posting on there anyomore, he’s trying to paint me as racist, when I said that Ashley Babbit got shot and killed she broke the law and paid for it with her life and she’s white, but it didn’t incite riots across the nation like Floyd’s did, the guy kept twisting my words and said yeah because when you have five guns pointed at you you’re not going to move or something like that, I meant after the fact, like in days or weeks later people weren’t rioting or lootingin Ashley babbit’s name. That guy is a trouble maker, yeah I made a mistake in saying that there were no cops attacked, there were, the guy just kept attacking so I was posting without thinking.
I won’t Perforated, that guy continuously kept baiting even after I told him I was done, this morning he started again, but I haven’t responded, I’m not posting on there anyomore, he’s trying to paint me as racist, when I said that Ashley Babbit got shot and killed she broke the law and paid for it with her life and she’s white, but it didn’t incite riots across the nation like Floyd’s did, the guy kept twisting my words and said yeah because when you have five guns pointed at you you’re not going to move or something like that, I meant after the fact, like in days or weeks later people weren’t rioting or lootingin Ashley babbit’s name. That guy is a trouble maker, yeah I made a mistake in saying that there were no cops attacked, there were, the guy just kept attacking so I was posting without thinking.
Yeah, that Chauvin thread is best kept at a distance. It is too racially charged. Not good for our mental health to engage in CEPS too often, that's for sure.

I wanted it to be more about the Courts, the Law, and the other 3 co-defendents and most want it to be about " black vs white ". They want to argue race. I want to discuss legal stuff. Best we all stay out and let them run amok.

I don't think Snafu was baiting you into an argument. He spends a lot of his time in the lounge ( so do I ) and we tend to write in the same mannerisms on ALL the threads. Sometimes we all say the wrong thing for the forum that we are currently reading. He seems like a very nice and respectful guy...most of the time. :geek:
Yeah, that Chauvin thread is best kept at a distance. It is too racially charged. Not good for our mental health to engage in CEPS too often, that's for sure.

I wanted it to be more about the Courts, the Law, and the other 3 co-defendents and most want it to be about " black vs white ". They want to argue race. I want to discuss legal stuff. Best we all stay out and let them run amok.

I don't think Snafu was baiting you into an argument. He spends a lot of his time in the lounge ( so do I ) and we tend to write in the same mannerisms on ALL the threads. Sometimes we all say the wrong thing for the forum that we are currently reading. He seems like a very nice and respectful guy...most of the time. :geek:
Yeah I’m not racist, when Ashely Babbit got killed during the Capitol Riots, I said she broke the law and paid for it with her life and she was White same as Floyd broke the law and paid for it with his life, except he was a career criminal Ashley served our country, and there were no demonstrations or rioting or looting for he getting killed days after she was killed. Where Floyd was killed they made him a hero and erected statutes in cities he’s not even from like Newark New Jersey, why didn’t they erect statues of the African American people who lost there lives during the ’67 riots Newark NJ, natives not some drug addict career criminal who resisted arrest and lost his life for it no sweat off my back he died I could care a less he was lowlife scumbag that tore up the nation, if he were White I’d feel the same way. Good riddance to him.

I don’t like Snafu, he’s on my shit list fuck him.
Yeah, that Chauvin thread is best kept at a distance. It is too racially charged. Not good for our mental health to engage in CEPS too often, that's for sure.

I wanted it to be more about the Courts, the Law, and the other 3 co-defendents and most want it to be about " black vs white ". They want to argue race. I want to discuss legal stuff. Best we all stay out and let them run amok.
Agreed, your a good guy Pumpkin21<3